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Ugly (DayZ)

Character roll-back after new patch?

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I don't know about you guys, but I would trade my items for an update any day. If someone told you last night that the game would update tomorrow if you are willing to give your items up, you would do it. I don't see why such a big deal was made about this, especially when players are already getting wiped all the time. We have more content to mess around with. Be happy. It's probably going to happen again with updates to come so it would be wise to get accustomed to it now. I'm surprised people weren't expecting this. I don't mean to justify character wipes, they should be stopped however possible, but it's an unfortunate part of the game that players have already been experiencing for a while now, not something that suddenly sprung up with this update. 

I wouldn't have traded my items for a fail update. Nothing good. Saline bags no longer heal fully, but I guess if that was the only one negative, that would be fine. I'm not going to go through the whole list, but the negatives like having our bodies wiped in 10 minutes of time after we die? Bull. fucking. shit. They need to realize that we're dying, 80% of the time, by bugs. They haven't fixed that yet. Why are they already hasting into lowering body wipes time? I mean, fine. Lets say I'm going to even deal with the whole patch update and play the game as it goes, then now, we get rolled back?!? What the fuck, bro? I'm trading my entire pristine character for this god damn patch of... what? Couple new paint sprays, a shotgun, and yo little new island you put up the coast? Hell naw, dog. Personally, I enjoy looting, but what the fuck is the fun of looting when you're going to lose it all? Sorry, but I'm truly upset with this patch. Don't spit out your "Guys, it's in Alpha stage" shit to me. I ain't taking that lame excuse.

Edited by Blackredorangefire

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I posted about losing some gear not because it's a big deal but because it's an issue that should be adressed by the time the game is out of alpha/beta. Maybe it's not a bug but it was the easiest thing to do with this update, anyway if nobody would post about it we'd be lousy testers. 

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I will repeat what I said in the other thread...


I spawned on a character with a 357. instead of a Mosin Nagant, a smaller backpack and no can opener. Instead of coming here to bitch about it I just shrugged my shoulders, assumed that it was beta-related and moved on with my night. You lot with your M4s and military gear that you ransacked airfields for are far too attached to your guns and supplies, considering one screw up or even one bullet could take all that away from you I would consider it actually better if it was development related. It means that they're working on the game and not just taking the piss.

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Then its bad practice for a company to state in a update on the forums that your character would not be affected because its on another database, not to mention how on earth can you reset a Database thats not being affected to the update.


Yes fair enough its in alpha but dont tell people you have two seperate databases when you clearly dont.



Stop whining idiot, they have 2 separate databases for experimental and stable branch is what he meant. This patch is for everything, i logged in this morning and found spraypaint, oh yea and how about reading a little.


"This build is has very big back-end changes, which means that it may take some time for game servers to come up. Please keep an eye on the DayZ twitter for updates. Many of the changes not listed here are significant database cluster changes associated with our datacenter, and involve configuration changes to DayZ servers themselves. We have tried to minimize potential problems, but delays and outages are possible now more than ever. We will be working as fast as we can to get everything back online"


Massive backend changes, obviously a database wipe will occur.Please stop whining and think a little bit.

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And they dont need to do that, there is such things as running regular backups which can easily be built :), on certain intervals im beginning to realise that it seems like no one here knows how a database works clearly.\

hahaha, yea backing up a database then adding new fields and metadata required for the patch.Obviously you can't just restore the previous database because the new update requires the new fields they have added, so then you want them to write scripts for massive clustered servers to import this data into the new structure they have modified, all this effort from an Indie developer in Alpha stage?


The fact that people have last weeks characters means they have already done the backup and imported it already, but they used the point from a week ago to do that, and made the changes do that database as it probably takes time to make the changes.


all of this is not even considering the implications of changes to the relational database structure ,so yes it is possible to write scripts to modify the latest database, but if the core structure has changed like a new primary key for, lets say the table that controls items this means that previous data is worthless without massive scripting or importing, all of which is not a priority since, yep you guessed it.ALPHA!


You keep saying people don't understand databases's ,but it seems you don't either.

Edited by JoyEnergiser
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I understand both sides here.. yes its alpha, and yes there are gonna be problems.  but this is a major issue that should be addressed before anything else.. when you have something as big as erasing the game it should be a #1 priority fix.

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Didnt they say you can change the name in game now? i havent looked yet but you should be able to change it.

yes you can,lower right hand corner of the main menu below your character. as far as the two seperate databases go,there was the stable(live) and the experimental(test),now the experimental is live and what was in the previous version was wiped or rolled back. deal with it,as it's been said countless times,it's alpha...expect wipes,rollbacks and unplayability. regaining the gear is easy. I can go from fresh spawn to full milspec in about 2-3 hours,but i played the mod so I know exactly where to go.


side note,I got rolled back to my character from last week,no big deal,was fully geared minus the handguard I like :P

Edited by AdrtySanchez

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Yeah, yeah... fuck this shit. Whole pristine M4 with maxed out attachments that are all pristine, gone. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, and fuck! This patch isn't worth shit.


Lol dude, you can get that sh*t back in pretty quickly, so why are you so mad?

Don't you realise that Alfa is not ment to be played normally but rather tested?


So it means we all will experience character wipes and all sorts of nastiness, before we get to atleast beta phase.


Oh boy, some of you dudes really have no clue....

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I played on a hardcore server, I had lost all my stuff (i.e. character reset) and was at the beach and now am fully geared up again. However, I just joined another server and I ended with all my old gear at the previous location I was at before the patch. Anyone know what is going on? Something seems to have gone wrong with separating the hives.

Edited by weedmasta

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Lol dude, you can get that sh*t back in pretty quickly, so why are you so mad?

Don't you realise that Alfa is not ment to be played normally but rather tested?


So it means we all will experience character wipes and all sorts of nastiness, before we get to atleast beta phase.


Oh boy, some of you dudes really have no clue....


Heh, now we can explore the game, see what's new, without him KoSing us with his pristine M4.

Edited by DontGoToBalotaAlone

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Yes i have the same issue, looks like when they told us:

  • Does my saved character get affected in experimental branch?

No. It runs on a different database, so any changes will not affect your character on stable branch.

It was clearly a lie.

Lets hope they were smart enough to do a backup of the database!!! and restore our characters!

They also said that they can't assure that the character isn't going to be wiped.

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So since the new patch came out, my character was about 2 hours of gameplay behind from where I left off. (I am currently south of Zelenagorsk when I was originally at military base SE of Pavlovo)


Anyone else experience this issue?


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Ok. All of you clearly didnt read the BIG BOX that has an I Understand button at the bottom of it..


You clearly didn't read all the posts. I am actually asking a legitimate question.

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I understand both sides here.. yes its alpha, and yes there are gonna be problems.  but this is a major issue that should be addressed before anything else.. when you have something as big as erasing the game it should be a #1 priority fix.

No actually it shouldn't. Whats the big deal with everyone losing their shit? I don't get it. It's the biggest part of the game. You die all the time and lose everything anyway, so what's the problem. Besides character wipes are pretty common in other games during an alpha or beta test. 

So get over it, you lost your gear, it'll happen again. Jesus....

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phoboss ur r8, loosing stuff and char isnt the thing here. til beta starts well loose our doll about 40times again and til final round maybe about 100times...  :)


we played yesterday in a group with four friends, we all got new dolls and geared up in the new town northeast (swetlovarsk?) at guba. pretty designed but framerates are decreasing hard at some spots of it. after finding the airfield looted, we logged to server hop to another. we arent cloggers, we dont kos but we do it just for gear up. rejoin another server we were the char with lil gear in berezino from few days ago, before i changed my steamname. tryin some other servers, i was just freshspawn or the guy in berezino. regular or hardcore no difference. the char that logged at airfield never came back. its bugged imo, but not a problem at all.


other issue is, the naming is signlimited now, so i cant get back to my name with stalker tag in front. wd be fine if they think about the letterlimit.


hf all

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Same issue, I suddenly have the gear I had last week and all the new stuff is lost. I'm also getting messages my stomach is really full which didn't happen before. 


Yeah they lowered the stomach capacity..



  • Balanced stomach capacity,
  • Added stuffed notifier (instead of sickness when full up)

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First time poster long time reader.

Let me share some thoughts around this with something my dad once told me. He is very wise men of 65 years.

When I was 17 I found out I was adopted from China and not just a rare baby between my two Caucasian parents. When I asked my dad why. He looked me long and hard and said "Sh1t happens"

I believe this can be coined here when playing in Alpha. Is life. Is sad, so laugh to not be sad.

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First time poster long time reader.

Let me share some thoughts around this with something my dad once told me. He is very wise men of 65 years.

When I was 17 I found out I was adopted from China and not just a rare baby between my two Caucasian parents. When I asked my dad why. He looked me long and hard and said "Sh1t happens"

I believe this can be coined here when playing in Alpha. Is life. Is sad, so laugh to not be sad.

Wahahahaha, nice ;)

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I was fully equiped and somewhere in the far west an then i started with nothing on the beach.

so I think have kind of the same problem but i got a complet reset. I didn't played on my own computer with the new character so is there a chance to get my old one back?


And since the update i have a lots of more bugs. Anyone else with the same problem?

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Blackredorangefire, on 22 Jan 2014 - 10:54 PM, said:snapback.png

Yeah, yeah... fuck this shit. Whole pristine M4 with maxed out attachments that are all pristine, gone. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, and fuck! This patch isn't worth shit.



Awesome Response. You sire made my day...Your tears taste so good.

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Yeah, yeah... fuck this shit. Whole pristine M4 with maxed out attachments that are all pristine, gone. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, and fuck! This patch isn't worth shit.


Same here... -.-

I really hate this patch so far

Edited by Terminatus732

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