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Nights simply too dark. Like walking on the dark side of the moon.

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I living in countryside :)


sometime I need to go to friends house or meet girlfriend at bus stop in night time


I need fucking torch for this because is no streetlight here :o


is pitch black I see nothing even after eyes make adjust


when is clear night and moon is full I see something but is rare I see everything


I don't know why guys insist to find something to make their butt hurting :D


I play night time a lot, maybe 75% and I put gamma DOWN!!! for extra effect B)


I love more difficult play :thumbsup:  ;)


I love when zed is coming but I don't know nothing where is without headtorch


any guy who playing night and doing gamma exploit is pussy bitch > :(


they missing point and is make no sense play on night if you try to make everything like daytimes


I sometime feel ashame about some member of this community


there is too many with mouse size testicle and really you bringing down great game with your fears :|


and with no street light and just a touch... you can shit you self when a badger runs out in front of you :P (in RL)

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Well last year....in England....Summer was on a Tuesday.....I think I saw a star that night :)

aaaw its not that bad :P

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If flashlights were a bit better I think it would be ok. The cone is awful when you go in doors. I've been using the lantern and it's brilliant. If the flash lights had a similar (though not as strong) area effect as the lantern as well as the cone it would be great. I know it's not realistic outdoors but indoors you should definitely get indirect lighting from a flash light.

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Dunno what black hole some people live in, but even when the moon is somewhat cloud covered it's not that dark....



may layers of cloud, and many types (7-8 i think)

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If flashlights were a bit better I think it would be ok. The cone is awful when you go in doors. I've been using the lantern and it's brilliant. If the flash lights had a similar (though not as strong) area effect as the lantern as well as the cone it would be great. I know it's not realistic outdoors but indoors you should definitely get indirect lighting from a flash light.


The flashlight, all depends on the type.. it power and focus. The ones I have in RL are not as bright and not as penetrating as the ones in dayz (Excluding walls), but light up the immediate area better, as the have wider field of projection, so would be better in buildings. Most household torches are like that, as they are for in doors. that's what we need in Dayz

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Great comparison op.

Do you know why the dark side of the moon is just as dark as the dark side of earth?

Because the sun is on the other side.

In order to see anything you need a light source. At night you either need artificial light or sun light reflected off the surface of the moon. The moon however isn't a static object on the sky, it rises and sets, just like the sun and depending on the calendar, earth also casts it's shadow on the moon, limiting the surface to reflect sun light back on the dark side of earth.

Since the workers at the powerplant are busy being dead or busy eating brains, there are no artificial lights at night and you'll have to rely on the moon's good grace and as you know, the moon operates on it's own clock.

Without the moon and without electricity, the only light a night is star light and star light ain't shit. The closest star is obviously the sun. It takes the sun's light some eight minutes to travel to earth, but nights are usually defined by the lack of sun light, as the sun is on the opposite side of earth. The next closest star, it's light takes more than four years to travel to earth and it's so distant and weak, you can't use star light to distinguish objects and shapes on the dark side on earth.

Well... that's not entirely true, you can use star light, if you happen to have a night vision devise, modern day night vision devices usually enhances star light by 15,000-30,000 times.

Flash lights aren't the end all be all either, while their light do help a lot, it also messes with your natural night vision and the contrast between what's inside the light cone and outside it, limits your vision to what's inside the cone.

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It also depends on somebody's ability to see in the dark. Whenever there's a moon, it's pretty easy to see. I don't really see that being reflected ingame. It's dark enough for interior areas, but outside it's generally too dark, unless the moon/stars are completely covered up.

Edited by Ghostflux

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The current moonlight is not realistic.




Go outside, in a field, at midnight.  Watch how much you can see.



Now compare it to DayZ (which is equal to having a sack over your head).



The currently moonlighting is NOT realistic.  That's my point.  If it were, people wouldn't need to gamma cheat.


shame not all players can go into a field to test it, then we could work on a good average.

but not all hope lots, I heard of a magic tractor;

It when down the road and turned into a field

(literal joke, not all will get it)



I think the light setting are an average, not based on open spaces but forests and buildings, cus the lighting engine is not that complex (yet).


walking though the woods even with moon light is very dark (try it if you have the balls), and I don't mean a few trees on a path way, get really stuck in :P

Edited by Sooden

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The fact people seem to be missing here is light pollution, by that I mean BOTH sides of light pollution.


See, if you live in an area with decent pollution, in winter with with a clear sky at the darkest time of the year, it will be DARK. This is because the nearby cities are polluting the atmosphere above you. The light disperses through it and creates enough counter-light to block most of the starry sky. This in fact makes an area outside a city even darker than normal. As you do not get the full benefit of the night sky.


In a place far north with no pollution, or a general area in a late summer season or autumn like Chernarus seems to be in currently, the only sources of pollution would be the sun itself. The season does not seem to imply winter, so if the map is far on the northern hemisphere the nights would be very bright, due to the sun being just by the horizon.


The only way I would justify the current nights without extensive research on the relative location. I would guess early autumn on a longitude similar to northern germany. This would allow for a dark night, counting near-zero pollution for the amount of time the game seems to present.


Even then, zero pollution allows the stars to have their full effect, making the milky way light your path. Walking into a forest where the tree's block it would be pitch black in the thickest locations. On a field you would see the dark silhouette of someone/thing walking cast against the grass highlighted by the starlight. Or you would easily be able to tell the dirt road from the road-side. (With adapted eyes. Shine a flashlight in your face and you are effectively blind for 10 minutes.)

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C'mon people! nighttime is supposed to be dark


Have you been in the middle of the wilderness or a city with no power in the middle of the night?

It is pitch black other than moonlight, which is only out on certain nights.

The nights in Dayz do have moonlight.


All you have to do if it's to dark for you is turn up your brightness to about 80 to 90% but leave the gamma where it's supposed to be.

I leave my gamma at about 25% and my brightness at 40% during the day and about 80% at night depending on the moon.

If there is a bright full moon in the sky than it usually has some moonlight, but if it's not enough than I turn the brightness up slowly until it looks good.


Obviously nights need some tweaking but IMO the only thing that needs serious changing is the lack of color at night.

But I feel its more than playable when you do some tweaking with the brightness....not the gamma!


So until we get this: (was edited in PS by someone here:http://imgur.com/gallery/zFxih)



We should just enjoy what we have, which IMO is almost perfect! other than the lack of color...but to honest there is not much visible color at night IRL.

Granted it is more color than the almost all B&W nights in DayZ.

DayZ is all about being authentic. Even if it pisses people off.

Edited by TEST_SUBJECT_83

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C'mon people! nighttime is supposed to be dark


Have you been in the middle of the wilderness or a city with no power in the middle of the night?

It is pitch black other than moonlight, which is only out on certain nights.

The nights in Dayz do have moonlight.


All you have to do if it's to dark for you is turn up your brightness to about 80 to 90% but leave the gamma where it's supposed to be.

I leave my gamma at about 25% and my brightness at 40% during the day and about 80% at night depending on the moon.

If there is a bright full moon in the sky than it usually has some moonlight, but if it's not enough than I turn the brightness up slowly until it looks good.


Obviously nights need some tweaking but IMO the only thing that needs serious changing is the lack of color at night.

But I feel its more than playable when you do some tweaking with the brightness....not the gamma!


So until we get this: (was edited in PS by someone here:http://imgur.com/gallery/zFxih)



We should just enjoy what we have, which IMO is almost perfect! other than the lack of color...but to honest there is not much visible color at night IRL.

Granted it is more color than the almost all B&W nights in DayZ.

DayZ is all about being authentic. Even if it pisses people off.

Just keep in mind, what color is in the first place. Color is the reflection of the light not absorbed by an object, therefore with little to no light such as that in DayZ, there is no light in which to be reflected showing the color of an object. I'll let people research their own details on the matter, but I'm just saying that the lack of color isn't just expected, its right on the money and nothing should be done to adjust it. Yes, it would make for an interesting/beautiful landscape at night, but showing off graphics capabilities is for other games.

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i can´t play at night all the buildings starts to flash and my game crashes... 

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When changing brightness and gamma settings is needed to actually play at night. Then night is broken. I love the idea of night but at the moment its dark to the point where i get frustrated cus i cant see that tree in front of me. 


I know that its more authentic than night in games such as cod. But i think somewhere in between would be an acceptable level. 


I also think its time a smaller cycle was put in place. Having night follow a 24 hour cycle to the second is a bit much. As it stands at the moment, night is not making people play. Its pushing them away.


I believe night should be a huge part of DayZ. So reduce the cycles to 4 - 6 hour cycles. 4- 6 hours day, 4 - 6 hours night. And also make it so all servers are locked to this time. No more daylight 24/7 servers. This means that people will have to play in the dark but not everytime they get home from work which is bloody stupid. Allot of people have jobs and are back late. Why should they be stopped from playing this great game cus a game mechanic stops them? 

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Few times in my life have I ever experienced a night as dark as the darkness in Dayz. Sure in the middle of the Amazon, it gets damn dark, also at the bottom of the sea. But rarely this dark, and hardly every night.

Rarely will you be in a night so dark you can't even see your own hand.

Love the nights, but its like playing in a jar full of tar.

You do realize in a post apocalyptic russia with supposedly no electricty and light pollution, with clouds and the sun not being there, because yknow its night, yeah dude, its pretty freaking dark. This is not CoD night time. This is real night time, where the sun goes down in chernaurus and its lights out. XD Edited by DeatHTaX

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Just keep in mind, what color is in the first place. Color is the reflection of the light not absorbed by an object, therefore with little to no light such as that in DayZ, there is no light in which to be reflected showing the color of an object. I'll let people research their own details on the matter, but I'm just saying that the lack of color isn't just expected, its right on the money and nothing should be done to adjust it. Yes, it would make for an interesting/beautiful landscape at night, but showing off graphics capabilities is for other games.



You could still see, just not in color, and not as dark as this.

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