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About Munchermanjz

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Munchermanjz

    Belts and other worn items.

    Carry capacity would be cool if there were more things like belts and pouches with the backpacks having alightly reduced spaces.
  2. Munchermanjz


    These packs are a nice way to diversify the current ones, the varied ways to change 'em up are good too. The only issue I have is that these larger packs, including the mountain one should be rarer. I also feel that to add more challenge, all packs should have slightly lower capacities. Some of them like tha taloon feel a bit large. I guess though it'd get better later when we have better uses of things like cookpots and stoves.
  3. Munchermanjz

    suicide option

    Nah, this would prevent things like breaking legs from being as bad an issue as they are. If they do add these things, it should be painful. It should take time to bleed out from them. Shooting yourself would be quick, but everything else would still take a bit.
  4. Munchermanjz


    Foods do seem to give a bit too much cal/hydration levels. I feel most should be nerfed a bit. That or the stomach should hold a bit less so that you have a harder time eating 7 cans of bens in a row...
  5. Munchermanjz

    Why can opener?

    No... use mine
  6. Munchermanjz

    why good samiritans irritate me

    I agree with your thoughts here, but as with the OP, I also prefer starting anew and tend to decline offers of help. I agree that it isn't 'forced' upon me to take it, but I understand his reasons for not wanting to accept it.
  7. Munchermanjz

    why good samiritans irritate me

    Eh, I wholeheartedly agree with OP... What should the acts of a good samaritan look like? This is how I have gone about it... People need to keep in mind as well that they overglorify the "hero" playstyle. I tend to want to play that way but this is a perfect example of what three people playing hero can look like: I am the sniper, the guy with a mosin in a bush 200M away, practiced enough to drop someone reliably from that distance, My two buddies each have M4s, one with the ACOG and bipod and the other more prepped for even closer engagements. We spot a player we decide might need help. I post up with my scope trained on him, the LR M4 buddy, doing the same at a closer rnage, different angle. The last one moves in behind a wall and calls to the guy to put away his weapon, press F2 etc... upon doing so, our 'victim is bound and blinded with a burlap sack. We then went through his stuff to see what he had and what he lkely needed, filled his pack with things we thought would aid him, then left him there to sort himself out as we took off. He probably though he was just robbed. We were just being cautious. What we gave him may save him, may not. But in the end, it couldn't have hurt his odds. This is what being a hero in this game should look like. Or at least similar. Those of you who run up to people and just say 'Howdy' are asking to die. And you don't just have to help them, maybe you give them a canteen and a bag of rice but take their can opener because you need one. With control of the situation, helping someone really can just be a forced trade
  8. Munchermanjz

    Why can opener?

    Because some things like this add either difficulty, or balance to the game and will allow it to increase playability. How fun do you think it would be to just open all cans without an opening tool? It takes survival out of the game and makes it lean more to a deathmatch PVP genre
  9. Munchermanjz

    Char not saving?

    Heres a place you might find its meaning again http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/170959-people-tell-you-your-post-is-bad-because-its-an-alpha-read-plz/ ignore everything but the OP cuz it spiraled to BS but the OP sums up what it means to play an alpha. But in all honesty, yes go play other games and come back to this one when it has matured enough to be called a "game" which will probably be a good 9 months to a year from now.
  10. Munchermanjz

    can some one tell?

    I play on a laptop with 4GB RAM a lesser AMD CPU and a lesser graphics card. Though everything is turned to minimum with shadows and clouds off, I play it regularly and enjoy it thouroughly. Though lately the new steam update has broken my ability to play anything...
  11. Munchermanjz

    i just got reset

    Don't let it bother you, if it does then... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/170959-people-tell-you-your-post-is-bad-because-its-an-alpha-read-plz/ Keep in mind, when you click "play" on steam, you aren't launching a "game" so much as a 3D bluebrint. The SA has not matured enough to be called a "game" yet so if you expect to play it and have fun like any other game out there you will only suffer disappointment. The disclaimer at the beginning makes sure you understand that these things WILL happen and that you need to accept that you can at any point lose everything you've collected at ANY point. This is because, again, you are not playing a "game"
  12. Munchermanjz


    The exact message I try to spread to people in half my posts, This DayZ SA hasn't reached nor is anywhere close to being a "game" its an "alpha" which is in no way the same thing. This post has become a lot of BS but the OP on it says it all. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/170959-people-tell-you-your-post-is-bad-because-its-an-alpha-read-plz/
  13. Munchermanjz

    Character Died from 5ft drop (estimate)

    The problem here is you call this a game... its an alpha. There is a difference. OP, just saying, the engine this game was based off of has been around since the original xbox, the game operation flashpoint. Now I understand it has evolved since, and that many changes have been made, but some things still remain. One of which is the falling mechanic. I've seen players playing this break their legs walking down a staircase. not skipping the corner and falling 2 inches, literally on just the stairs. These things happen and its to be expected. I mean, why do you think you are forced to click I understand to that disclaimer before the main menu? Try giving my post "people tell you your post is bad because its and alpha? read plz" in the general discussion. most of the replies just lead to BS but the OP I put there kinda sums up what people are saying when they tell you its an alpha.
  14. Munchermanjz

    Kill on sight - newb advice

    People need to keep in mind as well that they overglorify the "hero" playstyle. I tend to want to play that way but this is a perfect example of what three people playing hero can look like: I am the sniper, the guy with a mosin in a bush 200M away, practiced enough to drop someone reliably from that distance, My two buddies each have M4s, one with the ACOG and bipod and the other more prepped for even closer engagements. We spot a player we decide might need help. I post up with my scope trained on him, the LR M4 buddy, doing the same at a closer rnage, different angle. The last one moves in behind a wall and calls to the guy to put away his weapon, press F2 etc... upon doing so, our 'victim is bound and blinded with a burlap sack. We then went through his stuff to see what he had and what he lkely needed, filled his pack with things we thought would aid him, then left him there to sort himself out as we took off. He probably though he was just robbed. We were just being cautious. What we gave him may save him, may not. But in the end, it couldn't have hurt his odds. This is what being a hero in this game should look like. Or at least similar. Those of you who run up to people and just say 'Howdy' are asking to die.
  15. Munchermanjz

    DayZ Alpha - How is it possible?

    Kazcor, again reread my post... do it 100 times if you have to, but this is an EARLY ACCESS alpha. The kinda of thing you expect is what it will look like 6 months from now. don't bash it until you've given it a fair chance.