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DevilDog (DayZ)

Why all this "need hunting rifles not sniper rifles"?

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Just had to get this out there because I am seeing this more and more lately. People start talking about rifles and then some one chimes in with "we don't want sniper rifles at all, we just want some hunting rifles". The only difference between a sniper and hunting rifle is the intent of the person using it. They are both long range rifles capable of killing a man with a single shot.


What difference does it make if that add one or the other of these


Remington 700










I am all for them not adding in the .50 cal rifles, but to state only hunting rifles and no sniper rifles is just silly. In understand the immersion aspect and think that hunting rifles should be more plentiful (found in farms, and barns ect) than sniper rifles (found in mil spawns only), but there is no reason to exclude one and not the other.

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There is basically no difference than military beeing cool and a must have for the wannabe bambi killers and maybe the capability of engaging targets better with the usual military scopes. It's also the fact that every rifle with a magification scope is a "sniper rifle" in noob terms that gives them a bad reputation compared to hunting rifles that are more "civilian"? You can also use a hunting rifle to shoot other players but juding by the name "hunting rifle" it is primarily used to hunt game IRL and not to KoS. So generally military sniper rifles are "bad" and used for "bad things"...same goes for any kind of military or military type civilian rifle.

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I think military snipers have better scopes and if they are just civilian guns with a fancy name often have some improvements. Also there are the 50 cal most people doesn't wan(which i can understan,but i personnaly think they can be implemented in a logical and immersive way)

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I think military snipers have better scopes and if they are just civilian guns with a fancy name often have some improvements. Also there are the 50 cal most people doesn't wan(which i can understan,but i personnaly think they can be implemented in a logical and immersive way)

I own a Remington 700 and have a harris bipod and leupold mark 4 scope on it. The US Military sniper rifles are built from Rem 700 actions and use harris bipods and leupold mark 4 scopes. Granted there are other scopes they use as well, but you could buy them if you wanted too. My rifle is a 'hunting rifle' though lol.

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What I don't understand is why people still insist on American rifles on Warsaw Pact topology...


This imaginary place is a place somewhere in Russia, or Russia related and Russian language speaking location... As I recall there is no place in the USA which has its whole region and city names called in Russian. Nor Chinese, or else. So what I don't understand is why people so terrifically insist on western made weapons...,


yea this map comes from Arma 2 but in Arma2 NATO forces do fight with local army, so that is understandable. BUT this is DAY-Z... we still have the same map but it hasn't explained at all why the hell NATO forces were in this region? rescue operation? then the question is what happened to the local army? and so on...


NATO issue weaponry should be less like hell in this map. But in contrary, Warsaw Pact or Russian issue Weaponry should be in abundance.


which means, people should be able to find shotguns yes, but not western issue but rather Russian issue. They should be able to find Rifle's in game but not Western issue, instead Russian.Same goes for pistols, assault rifle's and so on...


IF you will be able to find any NATO issue weapon, it should only be pistols, assault riffles, sub machine guns, and Sniper rifle's at most but not lever action rifle's, western issue rifle's or hunting rifle's and so on.... And by gods sake, someone tell to these developers that they should add some story to this game finally!!!

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I hope they add guns found in civilian areas


currently, the difference between geared and not geared is whether you've visited a military area. This is sort of dumb imo

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What I don't understand is why people still insist on American rifles on Warsaw Pact topology...


This imaginary place is a place somewhere in Russia, or Russia related and Russian language speaking location... As I recall there is no place in the USA which has its whole region and city names called in Russian. Nor Chinese, or else. So what I don't understand is why people so terrifically insist on western made weapons...,


yea this map comes from Arma 2 but in Arma2 NATO forces do fight with local army, so that is understandable. BUT this is DAY-Z... we still have the same map but it hasn't explained at all why the hell NATO forces were in this region? rescue operation? then the question is what happened to the local army? and so on...


NATO issue weaponry should be less like hell in this map. But in contrary, Warsaw Pact or Russian issue Weaponry should be in abundance.


which means, people should be able to find shotguns yes, but not western issue but rather Russian issue. They should be able to find Rifle's in game but not Western issue, instead Russian.Same goes for pistols, assault rifle's and so on...


IF you will be able to find any NATO issue weapon, it should only be pistols, assault riffles, sub machine guns, and Sniper rifle's at most but not lever action rifle's, western issue rifle's or hunting rifle's and so on.... And by gods sake, someone tell to these developers that they should add some story to this game finally!!!

That is another topic completely. I just used the Rem/M40 as an example.


Anyway, as has been pointed out a MILLION times there are US firearms there because the US military was there. I think it was a MEU (Marine Expeditionary Unit) which would consist of about 2000 Marines.

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Why do some people say no sniper rifles?


[a] because certain people don't like being sniped (neee, optics are unfair!)


because certain people don't understand the differences, or lack of





Now as for sniper rifles like the M24 or M40, those don't belong in the game because you wouldn't find M24s or M40s in the region and US involvement makes no difference to that.




I want to see sniper rifles as long as they are good choices. The first sniper rifle we get should be the SVD, it's the standard sniper rifle of the CDF. No brainer. Some people go "It's semi auto! It's not balanced! Has no place in the game!"


Bullshit. And before someone jumps down my throat and says the SVD is a "DMR", that's bullshit too. That's judging it by modern-day Western standards. It's not a modern-day Western rifle. It says "sniper" right in the name. Snayperskaya.

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isnt this russia where we play at ? wouldnt it be what the public would own and a few military bases would hold after the everything died down

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Why do some people say no sniper rifles?


[a] because certain people don't like being sniped (neee, optics are unfair!)


because certain people don't understand the differences, or lack of





Now as for sniper rifles like the M24 or M40, those don't belong in the game because you wouldn't find M24s or M40s in the region and US involvement makes no difference to that.




I want to see sniper rifles as long as they are good choices. The first sniper rifle we get should be the SVD, it's the standard sniper rifle of the CDF. No brainer. Some people go "It's semi auto! It's not balanced! Has no place in the game!"


Bullshit. And before someone jumps down my throat and says the SVD is a "DMR", that's bullshit too. That's judging it by modern-day Western standards. It's not a modern-day Western rifle. It says "sniper" right in the name. Snayperskaya.

Solid post Gews but how can you say US involvement makes no difference to M40s being there? If there are M4s there then there would be M40s as well, of course they would be very rare, as they should be. 1 M40 for every 20 M4s or something to that effect.


Bottom line as far as why US weapons are there. This is a game they will have US weapons to cater to the market. It's not a big deal.



SVD should be in the game too. I say have a bunch of 'sniper' rifles but have the top end scopes rare and if they has unique ammo have that rare as well. Less likely to just shoot every player when I only have 8 rounds in my SVD.

Edited by DevilDog

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Yeah 2000 Marines vs 10000 soldiers and like 99% of all weapons in the region are western...do the math...somethings not right.




Exactly: NO BRAIN(er) in some folks cases...it's like the MEU did a clearance sale when they got there.

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Yeah 2000 Marines vs 10000 soldiers and like 99% of all weapons in the region are western...do the math...somethings not right.




Exactly: NO BRAIN(er) in some folks cases...it's like the MEU did a clearance sale when they got there.

This is an alpha. The weapons are not finalized. They used the M4 to start with because it is the most modular gun in the game and most difficult to input (Rocket said this). So I will not 'do the math' until all the weapons and spawn rates are in the game. :thumbsup:  Chances are if one of these bases were a MEU base you would find these weapons there. It is more unrealistic to me that I would find fire arms in the school house and fire house, while I can't find a fire axe in the firehouse. I will wait until everything is how it is intended, IE NOT TESTING, before I complain about spawns, spawn rates ect.


If you have not noticed every time they add new weapons they have reduced the M4 spawn rate, that will continue have no fear.


Most of all THIS IS NOT WHAT THIS THREAD IS ABOUT, GO FIND ONE OF THE 100s of other threads complaining about western weapons please. Thanks. :thumbsup:

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Bottom line as far as why US weapons are there. This is a game, made in the US and will sell mostly in the US and there for they will have US weapons to cater to the market. It's not a big deal.



Well I have to disagree to you in this case. If this game is made in the USA then the developers easily could be able to " change " the map and use some US based topology or whatever, but instead they insisted to keep the vanilla topology, so they have to stick with logic and keep Russian weaponry priority in this game, and not US weaponry, otherwise this is just total nonsense.
You just cant make a game and fill the game with US weaponry just to say " hey the game was made in the USA, so the developers are putting US weaponry as a matter of fact, coz the main population who buys the game are US citizens and they wanna have weaponry they are used to see..." sorry that doesn't work that way.

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im so psyched for the sks! my grandpa is a Vietnam veteran and he has a Vietnam era sks. i shoot it all of the time its so much fun! the shells eject straight out of the top and sometimes come back down and hit u in the top of the head lol. it also jams a lot but i think that's because he hasn't had the receiver properly cleaned in a while. 

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Diference between expensive modern hunting rifle and military sniper rifle not alot really ( expensive remembering this is a realitivly poor economic enviroment.


Im not from this area so id only be making a eductated guess but id bet there would be alot more older russian/eastern rifles then there would be top of the line hunting rifles and well the loot should reflect this.


But i also believe though there is always the place for high grade military weapons i am just reminded of an interview with rocket in regards to NVG and he spoke of a global economy ( as in the dayz economy ) and with control over the public hive would allow him to only let a hundred or so of these things out across the servers to be found ( no idea if he will stick to that number it was a late in the day interview and i think he was using it as an example)


Id assume he would do the same with the high grade mil rifles( to what numbers no idea lol )

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Bottom line as far as why US weapons are there. This is a game, made in the US and will sell mostly in the US and there for they will have US weapons to cater to the market. It's not a big deal.



Bohemia Interactive is a Czech company, they have no obligation to cater to the US.

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In a Zombie apocalypse some very rare NATO weaponary is realistic. Maybe from supply drops or stuff like that. Altho...m4s are still plentyfull imo.

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Bohemia Interactive is a Czech company, they have no obligation to cater to the US.

Obligation? No. They WILL still do it though lmao.


Porsche is not obligated to make cars with driver seats on the left side, they do it to maximize profits.




Anyway, how do you guys feel about hunting rifles being plentiful but high end scopes being rare? Add scope to hunting rifle and you have a sniper rifle.

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Don't forget that whilst things like the M4A1 and M16 are synonymous with the US military, because those are standard equipment, they are not owned exclusively by the US military and are still sold around the globe. Granted, the numbers of them in existence in Russia will be low relative to the Russian equivalents, but that doesn't mean they won't exist at all.

For DayZ, this should mean that the AK-47/AK-74M would be a far more likely find with something like an M4A1 still possible, but relatively rare. Although this all depends on how the devs view the matter. The M4A1 may just be a placeholder until authentic Russian equivalents are added. *shrug*

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I dress in "Civilian" style gear, because in my short stint playing DayZ SA, anyone wearing a mask of any sort, or full milgear is either a bandit/kos'r or someone who isn't going to risk interaction and shoot to protect his/her gear (Full milgear usually.)


So I will stick to my civilian setup in the hopes of not insighting a full blown panic in people I come across. ;)

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I dress in "Civilian" style gear, because in my short stint playing DayZ SA, anyone wearing a mask of any sort, or full milgear is either a bandit/kos'r or someone who isn't going to risk interaction and shoot to protect his/her gear (Full milgear usually.)


So I will stick to my civilian setup in the hopes of not insighting a full blown panic in people I come across. ;)

I play the same way and hope the shotgun is good enough to warrant giving up a rifle for. If not I would like to use a hunting/sniper rifle. I like the CZ550. An M40 would be cool too or DMR/M14.

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What I don't understand is why people still insist on American rifles on Warsaw Pact topology...


This imaginary place is a place somewhere in Russia, or Russia related and Russian language speaking location... As I recall there is no place in the USA which has its whole region and city names called in Russian. Nor Chinese, or else. So what I don't understand is why people so terrifically insist on western made weapons...,


yea this map comes from Arma 2 but in Arma2 NATO forces do fight with local army, so that is understandable. BUT this is DAY-Z... we still have the same map but it hasn't explained at all why the hell NATO forces were in this region? rescue operation? then the question is what happened to the local army? and so on...


NATO issue weaponry should be less like hell in this map. But in contrary, Warsaw Pact or Russian issue Weaponry should be in abundance.


which means, people should be able to find shotguns yes, but not western issue but rather Russian issue. They should be able to find Rifle's in game but not Western issue, instead Russian.Same goes for pistols, assault rifle's and so on...


IF you will be able to find any NATO issue weapon, it should only be pistols, assault riffles, sub machine guns, and Sniper rifle's at most but not lever action rifle's, western issue rifle's or hunting rifle's and so on.... And by gods sake, someone tell to these developers that they should add some story to this game finally!!!


U.K. assault vests are present in game, meaning that the U.K. probably had some form of role in the quarantine efforts. Rem 700 would probably be used by NATO or U.K. forces.

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Obligation? No. They WILL still do it though lmao.


Porsche is not obligated to make cars with driver seats on the left side, they do it to maximize profits.




Anyway, how do you guys feel about hunting rifles being plentiful but high end scopes being rare? Add scope to hunting rifle and you have a sniper rifle.

Id say thats pretty much what your going to be looking at this is a wooded poor area there are hunting (deer stands) dotted all over the place its going to have hunting rifles again more likely 20 /30 year old some new and even some american . the scopes being the hardest to find part i mean isnt that how it is now a mossin is easy to find the LR scope for it somewhat harder lol .


Oh devildog i expect there to be american weapons in there but i am betting not to many as well its already been stated that the m4 was launched as first weapon basicly to test the whole new modular attachments system (m4 being noted for its diversity ).


But this is speculation merely based on the hours and hours of interviews i have watched of rocket and weapons being a common question he is asked.

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