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What do you want to see in the next patch ??

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So i just wanted to know what other people feel are the most important issues that need fixing first. I did use the search function and found nothing relating to this question. Could you please list it from one to three so we can see what issues are really affecting the most people.


Also this is a thread about what you think the most important thing should be IN the patch, not how long the patch is taking or how much money the company has made so if you have to say anything about these two topics please make your own thread that no one will read.


I will go first


1. Desync for me has been a massive issue and i hope this is addressed although very strangely after opting into the experimental patch this issue seems to have been completely resolved, something for people to try if they are having the same issue.


2 I would love to see some more Civilian typed weaponry, maybe some improvised weapons just to balance the map out and make it so people do not have to keep heading to the same places and also surviving away from these hot spots can become viable.


3 I would love to see vehicles or some form of transport like maybe some bycicles, in my opinion the sooner the better although i am aware this may be a long time coming.

Edited by africanhungergames

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So i just wanted to know what other people feel are the most important issues that need fixing first. I did use the search function and found nothing relating to this question. Could you please list it from one to three so we can see what issues are really affecting the most people.


Also this is a thread about what you think the most important thing should be IN the patch, not how long the patch is taking or how much money the company has made so if you have to say anything about these two topics please make your own thread that no one will read.


I will go first


1. Desync for me has been a massive issue and i hope this is addressed although very strangely after opting into the experimental patch this issue seems to have been completely removed, something for people to try if they are having the same issue.


2 I would love to see some more Civilian typed weaponry, maybe some improvised weapons just to balance the map out and make it so people do not have to keep heading to the same places and also surviving away from these hot spots can become viable.


3 I would love to see vehicles or some form of transport like maybe some bycicles, in my opinion the sooner the better although i am aware this may be a long time coming.


I think they've said that they will mainly focus on the "ghosting" and "combat logging" thing. They will also add two shotguns, as far as i've seen, here they are :


Bd9BxD1CQAE4_Cb.jpg Yep. Both of those are planned.

Chris Torchia @ctorchia

"A 'WIP of the week' pic. You've seen it teased but soon you'll be able to find it."



Dean Hall @rocket2guns 

 "fix combat logging and some other big bugs next goal :P"


I don't think they will be adding vehicles anytime soon though, they are focusing on stabilizing the servers and fixing the biggest bugs.


As for the desync, I agree. Annoys the living **** out of me.


Oh, and theres theese guns in "planned" mode for right now. (( See DayZ wiki for more info : http://dayz.gamepedia.com ))


Ruger_10_22_Stocks-300x122.jpg Ruger 10/22. Not an official photo.

300px-SKS_-_Ryssland_-_AM.045810.jpgThe SKS. It has info about it in the wiki. (( http://dayz.gamepedia.com/SKS )) This is NOT an official photo.


ak74m_91.jpgAnd the AK-74M. Not an Official photo either. Atleast we can get our hopes on getting some new guns ^_^



Edited by Doviszxc
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perhaps a few more zeds nothing crazy but i guess it depends how stable the next build is..


liking he sawn off lol

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Am I the only one getting audio effects jumping in? (Cans opening, zombie grunts) obviously not essential at the minute.

Or am I going crazy?

Combat loggers and server hoppers aside, I hope some form of transport is added, even if its just bicycle, 20 mins of running to city's is getting annoying.

Edited by Mr duke

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Am I the only one getting audio effects jumping in? (Cans opening, zombie grunts) obviously not essential at the minute.

Or am I going crazy?


You are not alone...


Those are just ambient sounds. You can hear cans opening, gates opening, etc. They are meant to be there, and sometimes can distract you thinking it's a player because it does sound very real.



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Am I the only one getting audio effects jumping in? (Cans opening, zombie grunts) obviously not essential at the minute.

Or am I going crazy?

Nope...It's a common thing that always results in friendly fire interpreted by Acheron LuLz

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Am I the only one getting audio effects jumping in? (Cans opening, zombie grunts) obviously not essential at the minute.

Or am I going crazy?

Combat loggers and server hoppers aside, I hope some form of transport is added, even if its just bicycle, 20 mins of running to city's is getting annoying.


nah this has been happening for a while now

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Flamethrowers and chainsaws...flaming chainsaws

Ok, realistically, Id say continuing to increase zombie numbers and stopping them from running through just about everything. Adding the server timer or some other fix to stop the constant logging would be nice too.  

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1. controls and interaction:

- proper targeting of interactive items like doors, gates, ladders, maybe distinction between pickup and open to avoid accidental door activation when intending to pickup stuff


- proper reaction/interaction to/with  scenery/landscape/world objects. this goes from collision detection to the ability to scale small ledges up (currently you need to run 200 meters around the railway ramp in Guba instead of climbing a 30cm ledge) or down (a 30cm drop may work fine but may break your legs) to the ability to cross small gaps (again the railway station in Guba, you need to enter into a ladder climbing animation to go over the 20cm gap from the ramp into the railcar)


- getting rid of the ArmA UI for object interaction (scroll menu on the left) in favor of a more intuitive, usability/ux-oriented solution


2. zombies (and their interaction with world objects) - AI, pathing, object and collision detection. this is as we know anyway pretty high on the agenda

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Am I the only one getting audio effects jumping in? (Cans opening, zombie grunts) obviously not essential at the minute.

Or am I going crazy?

Combat loggers and server hoppers aside, I hope some form of transport is added, even if its just bicycle, 20 mins of running to city's is getting annoying.

No i am still getting that but after a while i have learned to differentiate from the background sounds to the actual sounds of others.

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Flamethrowers and chainsaws...flaming chainsaws

Ok, realistically, Id say continuing to increase zombie numbers and stopping them from running through just about everything. Adding the server timer or some other fix to stop the constant logging would be nice too.  


1. controls and interaction:

- proper targeting of interactive items like doors, gates, ladders, maybe distinction between pickup and open to avoid accidental door activation when intending to pickup stuff


- proper reaction/interaction to/with  scenery/landscape/world objects. this goes from collision detection to the ability to scale small ledges up (currently you need to run 200 meters around the railway ramp in Guba instead of climbing a 30cm ledge) or down (a 30cm drop may work fine but may break your legs) to the ability to cross small gaps (again the railway station in Guba, you need to enter into a ladder climbing animation to go over the 20cm gap from the ramp into the railcar)


- getting rid of the ArmA UI for object interaction (scroll menu on the left) in favor of a more intuitive, usability/ux-oriented solution


2. zombies (and their interaction with world objects) - AI, pathing, object and collision detection. this is as we know anyway pretty high on the agenda

Second this, also something that really annoys is when you go to log out it says cancel this mission which is still from arma 2 and for some reason that really bugs me.

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more zombie models, running zombie, more guns

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Desync!!!  For some reason its only affecting 3 people out of our group.  But its hard to get everyone in a server together with having some people desyncing and its unplayable for them.  So im sure this will get addressed.  But also i cant wait for the Sawed off shotgun as a sidearm.

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Removal of phantom sounds (you know, zombies where there are none, opening and closing of gates and so on), server stability (desync issues), some minor cooking (just to be able to boil rice would be nice) or crafting added, smoother object interaction (particularly ladders and certain gates/doors).

Edited by subliminal_city

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i'm new to Dayz, but ive been watching a whole bunch of Dayz mod vids and such, What i'm most looking forward too if the future is being able to build bases. i'm so exited for the day that is put into the game. 


But for now i'd like to see more weapons added, from them to fix the hunger/thirst ( you get way to hungry and thirsty over a short period of time) add more healing loot or maybe let you use a blood bag on yourself.

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You are not alone...


Those are just ambient sounds. You can hear cans opening, gates opening, etc. They are meant to be there, and sometimes can distract you thinking it's a player because it does sound very real.




There are not an intended feature. It's a bug and will be fixed when the team get the audio guys in.

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Things other than the obvious server stability, combat logging and bugs.

1) Fix the loot spawn so surviving is really viable, spread more civilian weapon loot around as the OP said. I like surviving away from military bases, I feel when more zombies are added more weapons will be a necessity.

2) Hunting and cooking

3) Tents

Edited by ArcAngelSlayer
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I'd like to see zombies without the ability to go through walls. Same goes for flashlights. I'd also like to see the return of day/night and weather. I'd also like for the items in the game that don't work yet (suppressor, bayonet, duct tape, etc.) to work. I'd really like to see hunting implemented as well. 


edit: I remembered while playing just now that I'd also like to see an option in the inventory to eat all of something with one button, instead of left and right clicking over and over again. I'd like to see swapping and picking up items work without stalls or glitches. Waiting for a dropped item to reappear on the ground (if it ever does), or waiting too long for your weapon to raise at critical moment, can be frustrating. I've noticed that gates can be difficult to open and close too. I gave up on closing one behind me yesterday and it resulted in my position being given away and the death of my survivor :(

Edited by Solopopo

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Removal of phantom sounds (you know, zombies where there are none, opening and closing of gates and so on), server stability (desync issues), some minor cooking (just to be able to boil rice would be nice) or crafting added, smoother object interaction (particularly ladders and certain gates/doors).

I think the problem here is that they need to implement the affects the raw food has like poisoning you and the cooking at the same time otherwise it makes cooking pointless so i think this is a while away yet.

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how about more stuff to do instead of more weapons?


like the ability to cook food, hunt, make a fireplace, etc...

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I would like to see a fix for the teleport bug and maybe higher player numbers for servers.

And now i am dreaming: a headsup where they hire a community manager who communicates their current Dev activities to the Community in a regular basis.

Theyve done everything right, except of that =) Going silent after you made millions of dollars could mislead people into thinking about past terrible games.


Breaking the Server Renting Duopol would be nice too, so price-quality ratio will improve and make a small 40 slot server actually worth its money.

Edited by Sloddor
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this is a game with supernatural elements yet it seems to have been limited at zombies


in the next patch i would like to see other supernatural features added to the game;


radioactive pills

when a player is infected you can take pills to cure the infection but there should be a chance of the pills having side affects such as mutation into a bat


military experiments

if a zombie outbreak were to ever happen governments would pump money into the military to invent new technology. there should be top secret military bases with special experimental military equipment such as jet packs and cloaking devices.


super powers

with the new attachment system for weapons this can surely be expanded to player attachments such as super powers. i dont think this should go too far as it might ruin the game but there should be a chance to attach abilities to your player such as flight and super sonic hearing and maybe see through walls


spawn as zombie

there should be a chance to spawn as a zombie. this is a survival game and the zombies need to survive too by eating players or they will die


just my 2 cents flame away

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