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What do you want to see in the next patch ??

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this is a game with supernatural elements yet it seems to have been limited at zombies


in the next patch i would like to see other supernatural features added to the game;


radioactive pills

when a player is infected you can take pills to cure the infection but there should be a chance of the pills having side affects such as mutation into a bat


military experiments

if a zombie outbreak were to ever happen governments would pump money into the military to invent new technology. there should be top secret military bases with special experimental military equipment such as jet packs and cloaking devices.


super powers

with the new attachment system for weapons this can surely be expanded to player attachments such as super powers. i dont think this should go too far as it might ruin the game but there should be a chance to attach abilities to your player such as flight and super sonic hearing and maybe see through walls


spawn as zombie

there should be a chance to spawn as a zombie. this is a survival game and the zombies need to survive too by eating players or they will die


just my 2 cents flame away

No need to flame i just hope your joking thats all......

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I don't think that we need more guns at this moment expect from a shotgun. Mosin, M4A1, sidearms and shotgun is pretty enough for now. You don't play GTA or a COD-BF.


-I would like to add tents and a fire camp so we can make a campsite of our squad-group.

-Also the ability to cook will be really nice to see it at the next update.

-Must fix the wall fix and randomly sounds. Also see what you can do with desync and combat loggers

-Spawns must be all over the map and not only at East coast


That's for now, if i remember anything else i will edit it

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First of all I'd like to see an end to the combat logging and server hopping. This is the most important thing to focus on as it is really taking away from the purpose of the game.


Secondly, the bug sounds. The ones where you hear a player open a can of soda, emptying/filling a magazine/weapon or a zombie growling anywhere on the map. It makes it much harder to know if there really is a player(s) near you, which can prove very deadly for you. Also, it's annoying.


Thirdly, not a bug to fix per se, but I'd like servers to have restarts at least an hour earlier than usual. It seems the last stretch before a restart brings with it lots of desync/lag. Warping 100m behind you constantly equals an immediate server change for me.

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- Fix Zombie going through closed doors/walls/fences and add climbing stairs capabilities to them also

- More Zombies and especially inside buildings but reduce the detection distance

- Fix Combat logging/Ghosting by leaving the player on the server for a time after exiting

- Enable hunting/food cooking

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