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10 Man Squad getting Ghosted On?...

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Oh it's one of those classic "ONE V ONE ME BRO" internet tough guy moments.


As you are doing as you continue posting. Trying to show your pathetic intellectual abilities which are extremely lacking based on your equally pathetic attempts to enrage me.


And I don't combat log but nice assumptions, good to make complete idiots and asses of yourselves on a public forum. I'm laughing and eating popcorn.

Edited by Zeet.

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As you are doing as you continue posting. Trying to show your pathetic intellectual abilities which are extremely lacking based on your equally pathetic attempts to enrage me.


And I don't combat log but nice assumptions, good to make complete idiots and asses of yourselves on a public forum. I'm laughing and eating popcorn.

Yet you're the one that started this arguement and more people joined in so it escelated

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Yet you're the one that started this arguement and more people joined in so it escelated


I stated an opinion, which started an argument. As is what happens when unintelligent monkeys learn others have a different opinion then they do.

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Zeet, you keep on throwing those insults about. Last warning.

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I stated an opinion, which started an argument. As is what happens when unintelligent monkeys learn others have a different opinion then they do.

You need to take it easy. All I've seen from you is the fact that you support the use of a bug against large groups of players. Not to mention that fact that you have been blatantly insulting people. We have been very mature about this whole entire topic except you, who seems to continue to insult people.

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Zeet, you keep on throwing those insults about. Last warning.




You need to take it easy. All I've seen from you is the fact that you support the use of a bug against large groups of players. Not to mention that fact that you have been blatantly insulting people. We have been very mature about this whole entire topic except you, who seems to continue to insult people.


Never stated I agreed with a bug. Another thing you blatantly pull out of your ass (Not an insult in case another mod comes along who can't read {That is an insult}). Never insulted anyone directly. You haven't been mature about shit kid stop complementing yourself.


Show me the quotes where I insulted anyone, so I can show you how you can't read and that's not what I said at all.


In fact, don't bother with your time. Just realized none of you are worth mine.


Good life.

Edited by Zeet.

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Thank you Orlok, if you find my post above unnecessary you should remove it.

Edited by Beck
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Trying to show your pathetic intellectual abilities which are extremely lacking based on your equally pathetic attempts to enrage me.


I'm pretty sure you're already enraged buddy.


Your pissing on a particular group of people for their choice in play style.


In short, you need to chill the fuck out lol...

Edited by Flight96
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Ok first of all it was not 10 of us, it was only 7. The main objective of us doing this was to troll people and just take their shoes. We did not kill anyone on site and we actually trade them for their shoes with a small starter kit. We've done this many times and the only people that are killed are the re spawns that attack us out of stupidity and other bandits. You can read more about the playstyles here http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/164085-day-z-alpha-play-styles/#entry1657425




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Ok first of all it was not 10 of us, it was only 7. The main objective of us doing this was to troll people and just take their shoes. We did not kill anyone on site and we actually trade them for their shoes with a small starter kit. We've done this many times and the only people that are killed are the re spawns that attack us out of stupidity and other bandits. You can read more about the playstyles here http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/164085-day-z-alpha-play-styles/#entry1657425




Hah, that sounds hilarious. I should be the cherno shoe stealer.

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Yes, much mad, very doge.

He may have been one of the ones who shoes we took XD

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Ok first of all it was not 10 of us, it was only 7. The main objective of us doing this was to troll people and just take their shoes. We did not kill anyone on site and we actually trade them for their shoes with a small starter kit. We've done this many times and the only people that are killed are the re spawns that attack us out of stupidity and other bandits. You can read more about the playstyles here http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/164085-day-z-alpha-play-styles/#entry1657425




Why thank you kind survivor of the apocalypse 

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You need to get your head straight man...


First insult.


I think Zeet does not like groups!


Random false assumption.


We don't need that on the forums. You really need to calm yourself man.


Obviously a childish ploy to aggravate me.



Well you can do whatever the hell you want, but it sounds as if you have no skill, and if a 1v1 were to take place, anyone could hand your ass to you


Assumption or insult take your pick.


Oh it's one of those classic "ONE V ONE ME BRO" internet tough guy moments.


Status: Bringing the popcorn


BTW, he will probably ghost behind you.


More childish aggravation even though I was the one called out. You are pathetic.


LMFAO! Probably, most do


Another random insulting assumption about me combat logging.


You need to take it easy. All I've seen from you is the fact that you support the use of a bug against large groups of players. Not to mention that fact that you have been blatantly insulting people. We have been very mature about this whole entire topic except you, who seems to continue to insult people.


Then the mod comes and you act like the ass kisser, and totally smug about it. And stating false shit, I don't support any bugs. Nor said that.


I'm pretty sure you're already enraged buddy.


Your pissing on a particular group of people for their choice in play style.


In short, you need to chill the fuck out lol...


More pointless aggravation.


Zeet, you keep on throwing those insults about. Last warning.


And then this fucking hilarious brain damaging borderline stupid comment. EVERYTHING I have said was a response to a comment or indirect insult. Not my fault you cant see the difference.



If you all feel the need to group up and win an argument yourselves started, and then bring friends to back up your self proclaimed stupidity. I want no part of this borderline bullying shit.

Edited by Zeet.
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i think everyone should just calm down and go find a rotten kiwi.......

its just a game.


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...( These people may have had hacks because they were picking people of 100's of Meters away with M4's )...


The point of this was to tell a story that I had fun experiencing, and also to raise awareness for Ghosting because it isn't really that fair, Thanks 

Just posting to raise awareness again on this.  Even if they were using aimbots or similar 3rd party programs to gain an advantage, they are cheats - not hacks.  Sucks about people ghosting you though because that's pretty lame, but yeah, these are script kiddies / .exe loaders at best.  They are cheaters, not hackers.

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cheaters never prosper - Iago (lion king)

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So playing with your friends is an exploit, but ghosting is not?

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Zeet, knowing when and where to pick your fights is a valuable skill. The sensible thing to do right now would be to leave the thread without saying another word.

And on topic: no, ghosting is not an acceptable tactic to use against groups. It's abusing the server system. There's nothing wrong with grouping up.

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First insult.



Random false assumption.



Obviously a childish ploy to aggravate me.




Assumption or insult take your pick.



More childish aggravation even though I was the one called out. You are pathetic.



Another random insulting assumption about me combat logging.



Then the mod comes and you act like the ass kisser, and totally smug about it. And stating false shit, I don't support any bugs. Nor said that.



More pointless aggravation.



And then this fucking hilarious brain damaging borderline stupid comment. EVERYTHING I have said was a response to a comment or indirect insult. Not my fault you cant see the difference.



If you all feel the need to group up and win an argument yourselves started, and then bring friends to back up your self proclaimed stupidity. I want no part of this borderline bullying shit.

You actually wasted all that time to justify it LuLz



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And some other just happen to have friends and sometimes group for the sole reason that most of them are online.

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Although I do have to say, Zeet got pretty mad and some of the comments were pretty funny lel

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First insult.

Sorry if I you took that as an insult, it was never meant to insult you.



And then this fucking hilarious brain damaging borderline stupid comment. EVERYTHING I have said was a response to a comment or indirect insult. Not my fault you cant see the difference.



If you all feel the need to group up and win an argument yourselves started, and then bring friends to back up your self proclaimed stupidity. I want no part of this borderline bullying shit.

It's a shame that you still continue to insult us, if you were offended by what I said then you could have just as easily reported it to the moderator, rather than respond with an insult calling me a retarded redneck. THEN you are insulting the moderator saying that his comment is "fucking hilarious brain damaging borderline stupid". 

Edited by Beck
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Although I do have to say, Zeet got pretty mad and some of the comments were pretty funny lel

I LoLéd most at the "showing I'm enraged by trying to convince everyone I don't care" bit. Classic

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