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I never played the original, why is there 3rd person?

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I don't PvP. I use 3PP when I feel like it. Sue me!


I fail to see how that gives me an advantage over you. We're never going to be in any sort of situation where it is relevant.

Actually, avoiding pvp is easier if you use 3PP...because you can see round corners before you put yourself in view and so decide not to go around if there's someone there. So yeah it's relevant.


its like saying why counter strike is 1st person ? and why tomb rider is 3rd? huh? devs made game like this ! so dont be an arsehole 

Tomb raider, a single player exploration, puzzle game. CS a competitive pvp shooter


now I only use 3rd person when running long distances I switch to 1st when in a town or village, and i often play 1st person only servers now

TBH, you're playing the risky way... safer to competely swap to a 1PP server when you approach a town because that's where the nooby pvpers are most likely abusing the exploit and watching you from the shadows.


Edit: And seeing as the majority of the initial DayZ videos were recorded in third person, I'd worry about the amount of people trying to call in false advertisement suits - Especially with the current one over Battlefield.


Edit: Edit:

Taken from the front page - This shot, among many others implies that third person is in the game.


Edit:Edit:Edit: Infact, near everything located on the dev tumblr implies that third person is ingame.


You may experience "unfinished features and problematic design decision"...cuz it's alpha...they can just delete all the 3PP publicity pics before they release the final version if they choose to go 1PP only, so it's really not a biggy. You decided to invest in an alpha and it's upto the devs where they want to take their game. But yeah I doubt 3PP will be deleted completely, hopefully it'll get fixed though cuz it's silly pvp for scrubs at the moment.


BF4 was a full release, that's why they're getting in trouble for essentially releasing a buggy beta version (they're getting sued by their own shareholders for bringing the company into disrepute and costing them money or somesuch, not by the actual players who are unhappy with their product...big difference, I doubt Bohemia's shareholders would be unhappy with the money that DayZ SA has brought in (if they even have shareholders, cba to check))



EDIT: BF4 details

Edited by phlOgistOn

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I have read some of those. I dont think that "join a 1st person view server" is the solution. What if my friends don't want that, what if some want and some don't? This is a segregation of the playerbase, it should be unified, not split.


The thing is, everyone who likes 3rd person arguments their reasons to "I like it", while ignoring the facts that it's completely unfair to just look at people without fear of being spotted yourself.

I understand your sentiment. I'm a first person player all the way and play with plenty of people who are first only as well. With that said I'll play 3rd person with a few of my recent friends I have made the first week of SA when 3rd was the only option. I do understand some people's complaint about 1st person making them sick, but I'm guessing this is en extremely low percentage of players.

I'm not sure if anybody else notices this, but you get a far higher percentage of more mature/intelligent players on 1st person only.  I think it might stem from the fact that it is harder and there is more immersion, which attracts those types of people. Just an off the cuff observation though.

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I'm trying to wrap my head around this and it doesn't really make sense.. for a game that tries to be authentic and atmospheric.. 3rd person is something that completely kills that aspect. I mean how engaging is to look without risk around corners or through windows?


I personally love Third person. If you dont like it quit complaining about it and just play FP servers. I dont know why so many people are bashing on 3rd person. Maybe a lot of COD kiddies are playing this?

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I played a whole lot of First Person in ArmA, but I just don't enjoy long sessions in FP in ArmA. ArmA isn't a FP title and Real Virtuality isn't a FP engine. It can be enforced as one by server admins, but since DayZ is a game that rewards long game sessions, a lot of people are simply going to chose TP servers.


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LMAO how the fuck would u not know DayZ is 3rd person??

You never seen screenshots, videos or anything? Why would u buy a game u have never seen...seems like bullshit to me

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I like 1st, but there are definitely some clunkiness issues to work out first. It really grew on me when i started using it though in terms of how much more authentic it felt. I like knowing that if someone could see me, i could see them. It really hammered home how bullshit 3rd person is. I think for 1st to be up to par and usable it is important to have a higher server population because its harder to find players in first than 3rd. Also smoothing out animations, in terms of screen movement and some other things, like how your guns and hands twitch when you are still. Also having a lean system like Arma 3, where you can raise/lower your head and lean left/right to different degrees, while also controlling the speed of the lean, because right now its very very fast and can easily cause you to be seen since movement is such a factor in vision and it is hard to gauge how far you are going to lean out currently. You should be able to peek out slowly and just enough to get a peek, while still giving other players a realistic chance to see you. I think if they can do that, i think it will be much easier to enjoy 1st. Also gun animations when in first are so jerky, with instant, unexplained momentum increases that not right. That kind of stuff really needs to be on par with other current gen games for 1st to be accepted.



I unfortunately cannot play DayZ in first person for more than 15 minutes without felling sick. It is truly a major bummer.

The thing is I am not alone 7 out of my 10 friends who played the mod had the same issue. We wanted to play 1st person servers but simply could not.


We are all waiting to see what happens with the 1st or 3rd person decisions as we will not be able to buy the game if it goes 1st person.


I would be seriously sad after waiting this long only to find we cannot play it.

Did you turn down head bob?

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It's obviously not people like you that's the problem here mate. So calm down a bit. People that use 3rd person view purely for the aesthetics is ok imho. People that use it to look over walls and stuff like that is using a glitch. As long as they can remove it, I see no problem keeping 3rd person. I think in spectator mode in CS there was something called locked 3rd person view. Maybe that could be the answer?

I am calm. We have, however had this conversation in many other threads. It is now a non-issue. We have been given the ability to run 1PP enforced servers so that now anyone who wants to can enjoy that 1PP only experience and know for certain that there is absolutely noone having an advantage via 3PP.


The OP starts off by saying he's on the fence over the 1PP/3PP issue, and then goes on to denounce it as an 'exploit' and more or less demanding that something is done about it. He's either showing poor reading skills (although, the search functionality on this site is less than stellar), or is simply a troll.

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Game about zombies, people arguing that 3rd person breaks realism. lulz.

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The thing is I am not alone 7 out of my 10 friends who played the mod had the same issue. We wanted to play 1st person servers but simply could not.


We are all waiting to see what happens with the 1st or 3rd person decisions as we will not be able to buy the game if it goes 1st person.


I would be seriously sad after waiting this long only to find we cannot play it.

even in the SA? then what's so different to other FPS games for that matter? 7 out of 10 seems to be a bit exaggerated...or maybe i am different, maybe i was born to be a sea-maiden

Edited by joe_mcentire

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I'm trying to wrap my head around this and it doesn't really make sense.. for a game that tries to be authentic and atmospheric.. 3rd person is something that completely kills that aspect. I mean how engaging is to look without risk around corners or through windows?



This argument has been beat to death there is no point in even trying. You are totally correct though in your statement,, people just want to play in easy (comfortable mode), thats all there is to it.  Thank goodness for the "off" filter in the server menu. It should be off by default, but it won't be.  Real hardcore players play 1rst person only, everyone knows that :)

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This argument has been beat to death there is no point in even trying. You are totally correct though in your statement,, people just want to play in easy (comfortable mode), thats all there is to it.  Thank goodness for the "off" filter in the server menu. It should be off by default, but it won't be.  Real hardcore players play 1rst person only, everyone knows that :)

The only valid point you make above is 'This argument has been beat to death there is no point in even trying.' Everything else is just biased opinion.

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The only valid point you make above is 'This argument has been beat to death there is no point in even trying.' Everything else is just biased opinion.


They have to make themselves  feel like special snow flakes.

Edited by Gerandar

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people play 3person only for advantage of view. Period. Ah I'm pinned down - what do - ah use my 3rd person to look around and spot the damn camper who made me prone to the ground!! 


yeah I disagree, I mostly play 3pp because it somehow feel more immersive to see my own character because Ive generally played 3pp I've games more than 1pp. Basically ive played so much daemon souls, dark souls and dragons dogma I don't like 1pp anymore!


honestly that mentality generally doesn't make sense to me in this sort of game. I look at it as a survival game with social aspects, not a competitive death match game.

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I enjoy third person for seeing my charactor in the environment, and no, opening my menu is not the same thing. For combat however, I prefer first person, as I find third person hip firing to be inferior. I mostly stick to first person, as it feels the way the game was meant to be.

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Another thread by weak players who can't use all the tools in their box. Rather than challenging themselves to embrace all aspects of the game and use what everyone will admit is the superior game play camera, opposed to the first person 'jog in molasses' experience offered by the engine, they want to mash us into a box of really shitty mechanics and poor reactivity. To bring us all down to their level, I guess. Then they go and slap themselves on the back, screeching 'hardcore' because they like stuff that's objectively inferior.


Fake op with a reg date of today. Total cheese.

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Lol why did you bother responding with your own bias opinion on my biased opinion?  Just keeping the thread alive?? ;)   


lulz,, see you out there,,  but not over a wall.    FPP FTW.



The only valid point you make above is 'This argument has been beat to death there is no point in even trying.' Everything else is just biased opinion.

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I usually go to third person servers. I mean, I run a whole lot between towns and I want to see my character running. At least it gives me something to look at.

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I usually go to third person servers. I mean, I run a whole lot between towns and I want to see my character running. At least it gives me something to look at.

See I agree 100% with that. The downside is, the hardcore elite of elektro don't believe us, and seem to be under the impression that pressing tab is enough.

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I did try to lower the head bob and it definitely helped but still felt crap after 45 minutes or so.

I play plenty of FPS without issues (except for half life 2 - that also had the same motion sickness issue)


I am a fully qualified open water scuba diver and a fixed wing pilot. I am sure this isn't just me due to others with the same issue.

My computer is very beefy as well.


I fully see the exploits that can occur due to 3rd person viewpoint however I honestly never got killed by someone using this exploit, was more often from a sniper or a hacker teleporting.

I played the MOD for a long time, I am curious to see if anyone has actually been repetitively killed by a player using this exploit??? (this is not me calling bullsh*t I am just curious to actually hear from someone who actually had this issue)


Perhaps moving the camera closer to the characters shoulder could help.

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Hello. I'm on the fence regarding this game, but one thing that keeps bugging me is the 3rd person view. I was looking at how other people play on their streams and it's so damn annoying watching everyone peak around corners with zero risk, or looking through windows without exposing yourself.. I heard there are servers which have this disabled, but I also heard they are extremely unpopulated. So my question is, is something going to be done or the game is meant to be exploited this way?



It really doesn't seem to give all that big of an advantage imo. I actually like it just because I prefer to run in 3rd person when I'm going places, while in combat and tense situations I return to first person.

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I did try to lower the head bob and it definitely helped but still felt crap after 45 minutes or so.

I play plenty of FPS without issues (except for half life 2 - that also had the same motion sickness issue)


I am a fully qualified open water scuba diver and a fixed wing pilot. I am sure this isn't just me due to others with the same issue.

My computer is very beefy as well.


I fully see the exploits that can occur due to 3rd person viewpoint however I honestly never got killed by someone using this exploit, was more often from a sniper or a hacker teleporting.

I played the MOD for a long time, I am curious to see if anyone has actually been repetitively killed by a player using this exploit??? (this is not me calling bullsh*t I am just curious to actually hear from someone who actually had this issue)


Perhaps moving the camera closer to the characters shoulder could help.


What you're describing you have and say 7 of your friends also have (are you all contagious?) seems a lot less like motion sickness (since you also say you're a scuba diver and an airplane pilot but your only complaint seems to be first person video games) and a lot more like vertigo or what is sometimes referred to as "simulator sickness" although it seems pretty strange that 7 out of your 10 friends have it according to your previous post and you don't claim it effects you when you're scuba diving or piloting an airplane.

Edited by NeedsFoodBadly

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It really doesn't seem to give all that big of an advantage imo. I actually like it just because I prefer to run in 3rd person when I'm going places, while in combat and tense situations I return to first person.

Just as long as you realize that the opposing player likely isn't using first person so you're putting yourself at a disadvantage in terms of situational awareness.


Edited by solodude23

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Can someone explain to me what's so appealing about third person? Do you really need to see your character all the time? If you want to see how you look like, you can do that in the inventory. Look at TF2, characters can be so heavily customized nowadays and yet there's no 3rd person. TPP is only viable for platformer games or isometric RPGs. How can even Arma describe itself as "realistic shooter" if it features 3rd person, how is peeking around corners without exposing yourself realistic? There was a head bob in Quake3 too and no one complained (there still should be an option in DayZ to disable it COMPLETELY tho). 3rd person is a thing for single player games. Get fucking over it.

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How can even Arma describe itself as "realistic shooter" if it features 3rd person, how is peeking around corners without exposing yourself realistic?

If Arma or DayZ were realistic shooters, realistically, 90% of the people playing it wouldn't hit shit further than 20 ft. from them let alone 300 meters. And I bet half would die several times before realizing how to operate any of the game's weapon's safeties. It's not a simulator, it's a video game. 

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Hey here is an Idea, lets add 3pp to all fps shooter games, now you can peak around the wall and never get shot in all your favorite shooter classics.... a game that wants to create tension sure ruins it by allowing you be to in perfect cover and see the entire battlefield, but that said IMO the option should be there for players to want to play in 3pp but the tweaking needs to be done so that your camera stays at head height and pinned behind your back not allowing you to peak from cover.

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