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The reason why i kill on sight now !!

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I KoS players who look like bandits. If they don't have weapons to defend themselves it's just stupid. It's hard to resist killing a player when you haven't had any action for the past hour and a half. Like what else is there to do? You spend hours of your time collecting items, and then you finally see somebody else. What do you do? Turn around, run, and go back to doing what you've been doing for the past few hours with no foreseeable purpose? There isn't anything motivating players to team up yet soooooo..... yeah. 

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That's why I only give newspawns a fireaxe, canteen, can opener, and beans.

Why would you give a stranger a gun?!

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You should never give up on your core values because of some random's actions.

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Killing another player is the easiest thing to do in Dayz, always has been.  If you want a real challenge, something that makes you think, figure out a way where both sides can walk away.

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My KoS rules vary alot.


I played the DayZ MOD a little bit, but the bugs and glitches and Battlefield 3 stopped me form investing more time into it. In the MOD I was KoS 100%. No one I came across that had a weapon was friendly, every single armed person KoS'd me, so thats how I played too.


The DayZ SA started different, a few really friendly players in the first week or so, a few KoS players too. Few weeks in now and 800 000 players, I have rules.


My loose KoS rules are:


Group of well armed players = KoS

Lone armed player = KoS

Group of new spawns not armed = approach with caution

Lone new spawn not armed = try to help out ie. food meds melee weapon


These rule change depending on my gear, how long I survived and weather I care if I get killed.


My 2 cents



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It's a mixed bag of nuts out there, so far it appears only bandits try to punch armed individuals... I've feed alot of people.. Then some dude comes along and I ask if he needs food... He will say something shitty, like "no ill take everything" and proceed to punch at me... I usually just log out, since killing him kinda messes up my agenda there.. And the other players I just fed won't understand why I'm spraying down a spawn and may try to help, this even after I just squared them away...

Edited by Deepfryer

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But the two times i have given someone a gun and tried to help them out i have been shot in the face, not once but twice.


Killed twice? Like, two times? Two more than one? Four more than one half?


My dear, sweet ever-loving God in heaven how are you even still here? I would be in the shower scalding my skin with super hot water, crying and rocking gently back and forth while singing Amazing Grace.


You are a truly brave soul to even still be here talking with us after what you've been through. Truly, no man in history has suffered as you have.


I think we can all agree you did everything you could to be a "good guy" by literally trying two times to do something.


You know the old saying; "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. But if you fail a second time, give up like a pissy little bitch and start shooting strangers in the face."

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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I have one very simple KoS rule


If the other player has any weapon and it is raised and pointed at me, I will always shoot. Just like real life training, it's all about threat levels.


To the OP, I've been playing DayZ since, well, I don't remember when I started but it was long before private hives and extra maps (in the mod). Don't get bent out of shape over a few bad lives, there are people on these forums that have had many many more bad ones then just two and their still friendly.

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BUT DO NOT wine on the forum about how bad KOS is when this is what happens when you try and help people. I kill on sight and i will continue to kill on sight forever now, every new spawn i meet will pay for the sins of there brethren and i will never spare a new spawn if i see one and have the ammo to spare.


If you're gonna KOS everyone, and kill coasties and newspawns because you mad, that's your prerogative.  You don't have to justify it...as long as you realistically expect the same in return.


That said, giving guns/ammo to coasties you don't know is your bad.

Edited by NeedsFoodBadly
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KoS is the safer play style, friendly is the "experience" play style. What I do depends on the situation. Such as earlier today, NWAF, heading to the prison, someone walks out right in front of me carrying both a mosin and a fully upgraded M4. Bandit? Probably. So I killed him. 



Am I going to KoS a bambi or someone who poses no threat? No, but I might mess with them depending how I feel. It also depends on the location. In the NWAF I KoS 100% of the time. I have never had a situation where I played friendly at the NWAF and survived. On the other hand, I'm probably going to leave you alone, even if you are armed, if you stay in elektro.



Also, I might be trying to reach my friends across the map. In that case I'll either sneak past or KoS, but I'm not going to be friendly. I don't want to die and respawn as bambi while my friends are on the other side of the map having fun.

Edited by doomdesire86
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In RL the last thing I would ever do is hand someone I do not know a firearm....


Now adding that this is a game giving someone you do not know a firearm is probley the dumbest thing you could do.


I do like the idea and I'm sure it was fun to try. But, truly you should have known long before what was going to happen. If not God help you in RL.





When I find a noob running around and I want to help him I cuff him then strip him clean of all weapons and rotten fruit etc. Then I help gear them up with everything but weapons. Once they have enough to survive I send them off to the closest location for a weapon.


If they pick one up while I'm with them such as a axe. It's an insta head shot for I have warned that player multiple times by that point NOT to arm themselfs...



And if you really want to help someone without being killed carry an extra stacked med kit and yellow case with food and water. Hand it to them and tell them good luck. If they sound like your type of player ask for there steam name or give yours. Meet at a later date or risk being ambushed...



Here one last tip. I joined a random 20-40 server and stumbled upon a group of 6 guys. They had me on lock so I raised my hands and prayed. Well guess what...Turns out they are all super friendly want to gear me out and hang out. When I left and joined later by pushing the "play" button it loaded me back onto the server. Which at that point starts it server side messege and it said "Welcome to a PVE server"....


^I personaly think PVE servers are a joke but some people need them and you sound like the type.

Edited by RyBo

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In RL the last thing I would ever do is hand someone I do not know a firearm....


Now adding that this is a game giving someone I do not know a firearm is probley the dumbest thing you could do.


I do like the idea and I'm sure it was fun to try. But, truly you should have known long before what was going to happen. If not God help you in RL.

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Hahahah, yea don't give random ppl ammo and a gun basicly you did dig your own grave..

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Red arm band for bandits please!


Why the fuck would someone want others to know they're a bandit?

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I kill on sight because most people I've met have either kos me or handcuff then kill me. The statistics tell me it's safer to kos. This will change as the game dynamics change and so will I.

Edited by Scull

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I used to be that friendly guy who would reserve 8 slots in my backpack for two protector cases with a gun and some ammo and run down the coast to help arm new people and give them a better experience.


But the two times i have given someone a gun and tried to help them out i have been shot in the face, not once but twice.


The first time i gave someone a spare mosin i had found with some ammo, he really appreciated it and seemed quite new to the game so he asked where was best to go next, being in electro i advised him to go to the firestation because i could walk with him. Once we arrive at the firestation i wave him good bye and send him on his way but as i put my hand up to wave he raises the mosin and shoots me in the face. So lets clarify i gave him a gun and i gave him ammo, i then escorted him to the firestation and when saying good bye he shoots me in the face.


The next person i meet who needs a hand tells me he is not really enjoying the game that much so i find out what he is missing and fill him in. I take him to the firesation and get him a magnum, i give him the magnum and my last three bullets but he asks for more. As i am telling him how i have given him the last of my bullets he raises the new magnum and with my three bullets shoots all three of them into me.


No i am not complaining so dont take this the wrong way.


BUT DO NOT wine on the forum about how bad KOS is when this is what happens when you try and help people. I kill on sight and i will continue to kill on sight forever now, every new spawn i meet will pay for the sins of there brethren and i will never spare a new spawn if i see one and have the ammo to spare.


Do not blame me for you acting like idiots when someone places there trust in you. I kill on sight because of my experience of not killing on sight and im pretty sure i am not the only one who feels this way.

you go gurl, i do it too

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Moral of the story: Don't give people you don't know a loaded gun, unless you want to be killed with it.

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Hopefully they will include some sort of bandit/hero system that changes the way they look so you can sorta get a idea if that person is friendly or evil. In real life we have expression of faces, body language and even a sixth sense. Be interesting to have a form of sense in-game so you can decide in stead of KOS

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Hopefully they will include some sort of bandit/hero system that changes the way they look so you can sorta get a idea if that person is friendly or evil. In real life we have expression of faces, body language and even a sixth sense. Be interesting to have a form of sense in-game so you can decide in stead of KOS

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I liked the increased heart rate when aiming at a bandit.

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No, don`t bring back bandit/hero skin..


IRL can you see if a man is a caring father who sells balloons to children for a living or if he is coldhearted murderer?


No, those with the coldest hearts can have deceiving faces.


Only those who have the finest intuition can see into the eyes of a man, and judge him. 

Maybe the fire you see still burns, but it is from someone he lost a long time ago

and teh vengeance will not be taken on you.

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i normally play a hero in DayZ mod but the fact is there is simply too little to do in the Standalone at the moment. Once you have got all your personal gear theres no real reason to go up to people and try and be their friend. There are no camps or vehicles to work on so the only interesting thing to do is hunt other players. Until the game has more meat to it there will be alot of KOS going on so stop complaining!

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Give a gun or ammo, never both.


Play both styles, good and bad. Dont just stick to one, thats gay.

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Why the fuck would someone want others to know they're a bandit?

They wouldn't in reality. On the other side of things - Why the fuck would survivors want to continue being target practice for PvPers when there is a mechanism for getting the fuck back at them [occasionally] while providing some sense to the WWII reenactment on Chernerus. The arm band could be said to be worn by mercenaries, paid to KOS anyone they see in an attempt to cleanse the land of [what is believed to be a] virus. The red arm band(with a cross on it to draw survivors in) would help identify you to the military and other mercenaries so you don't shoot each other. In return, the military won't kill them and will provide housing and food "after its all over". The survivors are with no arm band while the survivors that have played for awhile, killing only bandits have learned whats going on over time and wear a blue arm band. With this, now you bandits can join in on the fun of being KOS more often from an additional segment of the players. The additional fear is actually a good thing.



You got something against prostitutes (just women who don't mind having sex and aren't brainwashed into thinking there is something wrong with it)? Wait, don't answer that...   ...just know that the idea that there is anything even slightly wrong with prostitution is one of mankind's most retarded achievements.




No, those with the coldest hearts can have deceiving faces.

There are some shrewd people out there who never learned empathy for others, but you go into a supermax prison during lunch, chat it up with the kind souls there why don't ya and see if there is any difference in the body language, verbal responses (or lack of), mannerisms, facial expressions, etc. There is a huge difference sometimes. I've personally had quite a few runs ins with people who let me know directly and indirectly what they were willing to do to me and there is a difference. From the outset of meeting someone you could begin to determine how selfish they are by what degree they protect themselves and how careful they were while seeing how quickly they willing they were to kill you.


But we can't see those faces in the game to even attempt to discern for ourselves. Nor do we have any kind of normal interaction to help gauge the amount of empathy they have for others in reactions to statements, etc. We can't expect people to care as much about game avatars as real people and the other PvE content would have to be ground breaking to keep peoples attention for long. For those reasons and more, bandit skins plz.

Edited by Thane
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