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About Flagella

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  1. Fists two hit KO in the head right now
  2. It doesn't use the Arma 2 engine? It's a modified version of the take on helicopters engine. And yeh as the other guy said it's in Alpha
  3. 1. DayZ Epoch is more like Rust than DayZ 2. It's in Alpha 3. It is only $30 like cmon that's nothing compared to a AAA title and the biggest one that makes me so mad..... 4. YOU CAN'T BLAME THE GAME ON BEING BAD BECAUSE OF THE PEOPLE THAT PLAY IT!!!!!!!!!!! like holy s**t are you a dumb or something man. In a sandbox game like Minecraft or Rust people can do whatever the game enables to do whether it is to build a base or kill other people. In DayZ however when a game gives you guns, most people are going to use them to kill other people. Yeh sure it was cool back when people robbed people and stuff..... Oh wait that still happens because me and my mates still do it and so do lots of other people. Just cause the last few people you've met have shot you even though you're unarmed didn't rob you doesn't mean that everyone does. Hell, I hate trusting fresh spawns because I have everything to lose and they have lots to gain so what's saying they won't just punch you in the face a couple of times and steal your loot. Seriously I would only take the opinion of someone having at least 50 hours and me having 150 I say this game is good. Not amazing right now because of the bugs and zombies but good. It has a long way to go but eventually it will get there but seriously man you cannot say a game is bad because of the PEOPLE THAT PLAY IT This isn't "Apocalyptic Team Survival PvE" where the only things players should do is kill zeds. Jeez that's stupid and this game would be so boooooooring if everyone was friendly helping each other. There would be no heart-racing firefights and tense moments when you're looting a building and someone walks in. IT'S APART OF THE GAME AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT WELL GOOD FOR YOU IT'S NOT YOUR TYPE OF GAME You should be apologizing to the devs for saying there game is bad based around the fact that you are complaining about THE PLAYERS and were an idiot in the first place for being a target. You're right about somethings but just cause you are bad at the game and expecting to play it like a PvE zombie survival, you're going to have a bad time and complain and whinge and claim that it's bad. Go true out infection survival stories. That sounds like the game you're talking about. This game has way friendlier people man and you just haven't been lucky enough to run into them
  4. Flagella

    Ruined stuff when u shot sameone?

    Well they made it so if you shoot people that the stuff gets ruined. SO YOU DON'T GAIN ANYTHING OR MUCH FROM KOS'ing So if you want pristine, sneak up on a guy and rob him
  5. Flagella

    what does it mean?

    No there aren't vehicles or will be for a long time
  6. Flagella

    Was i that dumb?

    I only trust fresh spawns since well I have a gun and they don't so every time they try and kill me I kill them. I find trusting randoms on this game sometimes pointless as many of them try and kill you. So next time just take their pants and leave them (:
  7. Flagella

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    Well that's exactly what he's saying and chat rooms are stupid when you have people to talk to in real life Before anyone else says anything about this stroke/heart attack. Has this happened to anyone else and if so what happened before hand. If this hasn't happened to you than I suggest you be quite instead of making judgments about what he did
  8. Flagella

    What sort of player are you on DayZ? *QUIZ*

    Some answers give survivor and hero points but the only result that matters is the main result. You got hero by the way which is good
  9. Flagella

    Truly Amazed!

    KOS'ers shoot people without interacting. They kill on sight and whatever you just described definitely didn't kill on sight
  10. Flagella

    What sort of player are you on DayZ? *QUIZ*

    Well I've never met a preacher or seen anyone called a preacher
  11. Flagella

    What sort of player are you on DayZ? *QUIZ*

    Haha it's ok, people do that sometimes betray you and do stupid things but hey, it's just a game. They can do what they want.
  12. Flagella

    What sort of player are you on DayZ? *QUIZ*

    This literally has nothing to do with this thread.
  13. Flagella

    What sort of player are you on DayZ? *QUIZ*

    I tend to think the same way. All my friends wanna be nice but I just want their pants (:<
  14. Flagella

    What sort of player are you on DayZ? *QUIZ*

    Good point actually, I've added in those options now. Although I don't use guns for killing zombies, I use my axe.