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Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

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Why aren't this type of server allowed? I'm not a massive fan of them, but why are the devs against it? surely people can play however they want? don't you think it's unfair that just because it's not the popular opinion that they aren't allowed? people can have their server removed WITHOUT REFUND? that's ridiculous. if there's no legitimate reason then why not?


inb4 they shouldnt be allowed because being a carebear is wrong, jesus just let them be. if they're on their own then surely they're not harming anyone else.

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Because it`s practically like demanding a server in a MMORPG where you can only play as a certain class

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Because it`s practically like demanding a server in a MMORPG where you can only play as a certain class

There shouldn't be trade servers or PvP servers for the same reason.

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because is game in post apocalypse time :|


and after apocalypse there is no law system no more police etc so who say to everyone 'don't do murder'? :huh:


if there was some law system some guys will do murder etc like before apocalypse


so no pvp make no sense for game with weapon set after society is finish ;)

Edited by KoS
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Because it`s practically like demanding a server in a MMORPG where you can only play as a certain class

Not to mention people CHOOSE to play on these "restricting" servers.

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and after apocalypse is no law no more no police etc so who say to everyone 'don't do murder'? :huh:



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if guys want to play pvE they have 100% the right to do


nobody stop this ;)


they just need to keep eyes open for guys who playing pvP and keep finger cross they don't see them :thumbsup:  :rolleyes:

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I'm not against the servers existing at all but there should never be a friendly fire off option and killing should be the same as it is normally, just a way for like minded people to meet up (even though i feel it encourages KoS). honestly i'd kinda like a solo mode when (if) the zombies get done, are an actual threat and there are masses of them just to see how i do alone, but even then it's something i'd like to mess around with not something i would actively play in.

Edited by twingunz

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Why aren't this type of server allowed? I'm not a massive fan of them, but why are the devs against it?


I guess because the devs have a vision for what the game is, and they don't want people to turn it into something else before it is even finished.

I think it also has to do with the idea that everyone should be allowed to play on the servers, that they aren't exclusive clubs.



people can have their server removed WITHOUT REFUND? that's ridiculous. if there's no legitimate reason then why not?


Well, if they decide not to honour a deal they have agreed to, I think it is entirely fair.

When you rent a server you promise to abide by the rules, not doing it is dishonest.

Edited by Max Planck
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Because they are on the same hive as everyone else and so should follow the same rules, or lack of.


It's too easy for a group to rent a server, mark it as pve only and get all the best loot without any fear of other players then just jump on a normal pvp server giving themselves an unfair advantage.


Once private hives arrive people can have all the pve servers they want.

Edited by Fluxley
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Because DayZ isn't a PvP or PvE type of game.


DayZ is a multiplayer mode, where players make up their own minds on how to interact with other players. This means you can never completely predict what motivates the other players you meet in the game. This allows for a much more psychological advanced gameplay, where friendly players can still be afraid of other friendly players, because you can never truly know, if the player you meet, is just waiting for an opportunity to get the upper hand on your or if he's so scared of you, he might simply panic and kill you.


This means friendly players have to learn how to approach other players, clearly demonstrating their friendly intent, but also have to keep their own survival in mind, so they don't become an easy target to hostile players. Hostile players on the other hand, also have advanced psychological gameplay available, they are not limited to killing other player on sight. They can obviously shoot anyone they like, but if they are clever, they can also lure people into ambushes, pretend they are friendly, handcuff, rob or humiliate their hostages.


Thinking of DayZ as a PvP or PvE type of game, is a very limited way of playing DayZ. You don't have to kill everyone you see, but you don't have to add them to your friend list either. Bad guys don't wear black hats in DayZ and good guys don't wear white hats. If you don't like PvP, PvE becomes avoiding PvP in DayZ.


By separating PvP and PvE, you disable everything that makes DayZ an interesting experience.

Edited by Dallas
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There shouldn't be trade servers or PvP servers for the same reason.

exactly. there's no rule against bloody PvP DEATHMATCH ONLY servers now is there? because they're totally realistic and clearly what the devs had in mind.


honestly i love this game and the dev team behind it, but seriously this is bull. if they're gonna take money off people for having a unique kind of server and not give it back to them then they should do that with all the pvp servers too. but then everyone would get annoyed about that. i'm just sticking up for the small man here.

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Because DayZ isn't a PvP or PvE type of game.


DayZ is a multiplayer mode, where players make up their own minds on how to interact with other players. This means you can never completely predict what motivates the other players you meet in the game. This allows for a much more psychological advanced gameplay, where friendly players can still be afraid of other friendly players, because you can never truly know, if the player you meet, is just waiting for an opportunity to get the upper hand on your or if he's so scared of you, he might simply panic and kill you.


This means friendly players have to learn how to approach other players, clearly demonstrating their friendly intent, but also have to keep their own survival in mind, so they don't become an easy target to hostile players. Hostile players on the other hand, also have advanced psychological gameplay available, they are not limited to killing other player on sight. They can obviously shoot anyone they like, but if they are clever, they can also lure people into ambushes, pretend they are friendly, handcuff, rob or humiliate their hostages.


Thinking of DayZ as a PvP or PvE type of game, is a very limited way of playing DayZ. You don't have to kill everyone you see, but you don't have to add them to your friend list either. Bad guys don't wear black hats in DayZ and good guys don't wear white hats. If you don't like PvP, PvE becomes avoiding PvP in DayZ.


By separating PvP and PvE, you disable everything that makes DayZ an interesting experience.

none of that matters, clearly there are a few people who just want to play the game co-operatively. i thought you were supposed to be free to do what you want? these servers only get made because some people want to avoid the deathmatch that is dayZ, and when they try to do it on their own without harming anyone else, their server gets removed without refund? thats utterly shocking. it's an atrocity. 

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Once there are private servers and private hives people can play however the heck they want.


PVE servers would spring up and then the community itself would enforce those rules.


Private hives are the solution to everything.

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exactly. there's no rule against bloody PvP DEATHMATCH ONLY servers now is there? because they're totally realistic and clearly what the devs had in mind.


honestly i love this game and the dev team behind it, but seriously this is bull. if they're gonna take money off people for having a unique kind of server and not give it back to them then they should do that with all the pvp servers too. but then everyone would get annoyed about that. i'm just sticking up for the small man here.

I never rent server so maybe I am wrong

but for sure guys who doing agree some things about how they run server and what is rules for this ;)

if there is agree about no pvE rules BIS doing right thing to take away server if guys break contract

Dallas make best point :thumbsup:  :rolleyes:

forget pvE, forget pvP play how you want to play but respect everybody else playing way they want also

if you decide pvE is style for you play very careful and don't go to balota :D

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The difference is public hive pve admin kick you for shooting a player. A pvp admin won't kick for NOT shooting.


What stops people from gearing up on a pve server and then going to a pvp server? It's as bad as server hopping.


BTW, a lot of people are losing servers without refund, not just pve attempts. Rightfully so.

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 i thought you were supposed to be free to do what you want?


exactly. this means being free to attack other players as well.


by restricting a public server to PvE only, you remove that freedom.

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I love how these PvE pro people scream saying they should be able to do what they want while at the same time trying to restrict another fellow gamers freedom to do what they want.


Gotta love that internet.

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none of that matters, clearly there are a few people who just want to play the game co-operatively. i thought you were supposed to be free to do what you want? these servers only get made because some people want to avoid the deathmatch that is dayZ, and when they try to do it on their own without harming anyone else, their server gets removed without refund? thats utterly shocking. it's an atrocity. 



When you rent a server you agree to certain rules, if you stop paying for your server, you'll lose it, if you break the rules you'll lose it too.


You can easily play DayZ cooperatively and you're free to do what you want, but so are all other players. You're not allowed to dictate how other players play and you're not allowed to kick other players from your DayZ server, just because you own the server. If you can't accept the rules, don't rent a server.

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as a cooperative player who only shoots in self defense when shot at (or for science, when conducting medical experiments on Merino) i can attest, that carebearing is perfectly fine on normal servers, no need to cripple the game

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I love how these PvE pro people scream saying they should be able to do what they want while at the same time trying to restrict another fellow gamers freedom to do what they want.


Gotta love that internet.

This is such a idiotic statement. You can choose to play PvE, Trading, PvP, or normal. So when people CHOOSE to play PvE they have the right to complain how they are restricting them?

I CHOOSE to have kids, does that give me a right to complain to the government that I have to waste my time getting them to school, buying them food, and overall RESTRICTING me from my free time?

(Just a example I don't have kids)

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Because this is an alpha test and we are supposed to be playing the game the way the devs intended it. After release or when they start supporting modding and custom servers I'm sure they will let you create highfive and hugging only servers if you like.

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You either chose to follow the rules, when renting a server or you chose to risk losing your server, when choosing to break your terms of service.

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