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The day in the life of an utter expert

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Does she give blow jobs like an ATM machine? 


Also, do you even lift?


Would you kiss your mother with that mouth?

Do I lift? Yes I am built like a brick shit house - next question.

I am way better than you at this game, I'm better than you at everything and I'm the best at anything I try to do. If I don't try to do it, it's shit. Just test me.


Levity can be found here, I picture you as the guy in the building towards the end: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJuEnSeB3TQ


EDIT: I have no mirrors in my home because they make me erect. It's huge.


EDIT 2: Bigger than your yours. . . trust me.


Ok so this is getting off topic. You are an unknown trying to get noticed by regailing us with fantasy tales of your supposed abilities.

Wake up call wee man, you are in our church. Take a seat and listen to the sermon but do not get ideas above your station.


Lets now get back on the topic of my description of an action more dramatic than the Iranian embassy siege.

We don't wont people trying to raise their profile through association with this thread - which I modestly suggest is the best and most interesting thread that has graced these forums.


So please stay a while, have a time of reflection and get the fantasy nonsense out of your head. Look on us as benevolent leaders who will guide you gently to enlightement upon the hill.


Peace be upon you

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Would you kiss your mother with that mouth?

Do I lift? Yes I am built like a brick shit house - next question.


Lets now get back on the topic of my description of an action more dramatic than the Iranian embassy siege.

We don't wont people trying to raise their profile through association with this thread - which I modestly suggest is the best and most interesting thread that has graced these forums.


So please stay a while, have a time of reflection and get the fantasy nonsense out of your head. Look on us as benevolent leaders who will guide you gently to enlightement upon the hill.


Peace be upon you


I'll honor this as an admission of my superiority. 


I accept your willing submission to my rule. Now what to do with you my humble servant?


Go out and gather for me pliers and other useless pieces of ephemera. When the count has reached a number I deem fitting. I will let you wash my clothes with your mouth as if bobbing for apples.

Edited by DrGonzo

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I decided to read the story and the first 2 pages of this forum.  I would say "people don't get it" but we already knew that would happen.  I don't even raise one of my always furrowed eyebrows to the 20 pages of what I can only guess are woefully unappreciative and envious zombies.  I refer to other players as Zombies as encounters with them are boring, predictable, much like the NPC.  Groups in cities, is the only way to feel a gentle rush of blood through my brain. 


Every morning before I go to work I slap my neighbor and ask him why he isn't more like me yet.  Every night before I play DayZ I oil my pecs continuously for 25 minutes (no more, no less) while staring at myself in the mirror.  At the end, I say "They Wish."  Then I log on and conquer a coast. 


I play on my computer generally while I'm on my phone solving most of the world's problems.  Remember the Cold War?  That was easy,  I'm 29 and getting younger.  I intimidated my body's cells to reverse their aging and we have gotten along amicably ever since they complied.  I have, using the power of thought alone, proven that space-time can be traversed as easily as doing a one-handed push up, of which I do 30,000 of each day.  Per Arm. 


One day, when I decide I would like to die, and only then, I will appear on top of a boulder in the middle of a wide field surrounded by the already departed souls of the billions that have lived before me.  They will turn to look at me as I ask "Is this where people go when they die?"  A small shaky voice will come out of the crowd "We don't know, we just decided to wait for you."  then I'll repy "I know."


Your story interests me Mooky.  May we never meet.  Reality wouldn't survive the battle. 

Brother welcome to the enlightened. Your story made me smile and that is indeed a worthy compliment! We need more like you amongst the Elektro Enlightened. When you are dealing with personalites of the magnitude of Itchy and I , sometimes a little confidence is needed to get our attention. In this you have suceeded and will be welome on "the hill".


Well met brother.

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I'll honor this as an admission of my superiority. 


I accept your willing submission to my rule. Now what to do with you my humble servant?


Go out and gather for me pliers and other useless pieces of ephemera. When the count has reached a number I deem fitting. I will let you wash my clothes with your mouth as if bobbing for apples.

Another troll into the jaws of destruction.

Brother please, read some classic instruction in dealing with twats, just refer to my replies to other trolls in this thread.

The weakness of your approach and attempts to troll only bring contempt from our followers and pity from Itchy and I.


Also stop trying to bring up the American vs Great Britain aspect. We love all our followers from around the globe.

The one wish I might have is that if we do burn the white house again , you're in it :)


Now go child....

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I once stared at a man so intensely that his testicles fell off and ran to me for safety. 

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Another troll into the jaws of destruction.

Brother please, read some classic instruction in dealing with twats, just refer to my replies to other trolls in this thread.

The weakness of your approach and attempts to troll only bring contempt from our followers and pity from Itchy and I.


Also stop trying to bring up the American vs Great Britain aspect. We love all our followers from around the globe.

The one wish I might have is that if we do burn the white house again , you're in it :)


Now go child....


Nationalism is infact a sad reality of the world we live in. I'm sorry to say that the man you claim as lover threw that hurtful initial blow. 


This explains how most of us feel about your people.



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Nationalism is infact a sad reality of the world we live in. I'm sorry to say that the man you claim as lover threw that hurtful initial blow. 


This explains how most of us feel about your people.



Hey fanboy, I know you can't leave us alone but maybe have a review of this:




A little clue , your attempts at trolling represent the Zulu charge, our charitable put downs represent the thin red line and the veritable verbal tirade you are experiencing.  Advance! :)

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DD please, I sincerely wish I had got this video down but I am too game focused and don't really care about spreading my fame through this medium. Hopefully members of the group I executed will come forth and confirm this action. I f they do not , rest assured this was how it went down.


Also stating levels of excellence honestly and openly is sharing facts. I don't like to dress down the engagement with false modesty as I feel the forum readers deserve more.


ok i am now confused..You dont care to spread your fame but yet you typed up this story which must have taken a LOT of time to try and bring people into the immersion.. You probably wasted more time typing this story than you have playing the game. Which this story probably never happened because top knotch players know that if you can't prove it, it didn't happen..

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I like the OP's intentionally haughty, over-the-top douchebag narrative style. Very humorous!

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ok i am now confused..You dont care to spread your fame but yet you typed up this story which must have taken a LOT of time to try and bring people into the immersion.. You probably wasted more time typing this story than you have playing the game. Which this story probably never happened because top knotch players know that if you can't prove it, it didn't happen..

Hi there friend.

Simple explanation here, I wasn't recording at the time.

Also its not effort for me to type an after action report like that, mainly because I am extremely creative and can touch type at a rate most professional secretaries would envy.


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I like the OP's intentionally haughty, over-the-top douchebag narrative style. Very humorous!


I know the he is some guy eh? ;)

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Mooky.. come on over to our server (the one below in siggy).  I hope you talk & and act the same ingame.. This will make for a goodtime! 

Edited by Antykain

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Mooky.. come on over to our server (the one below in siggy).  We'll be gentle and show ya a "good" time.  <_<


Sure brother , what time would you and your clan like booked in for termination? Other questions, regular hearse or horse drawn carriage for the coffins, lilys or white roses for the flowers and do you guys want buried or cremated.


We have a couple of promising followers amongst the enlightened and we will send them across to recce. If they come back alive you will have wasted our time, if they die then we will come looking.


Leave a donation in the bowl as you leave my church...

Edited by mooky32

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Fine writing brother, and you have been promoted to the top of the electro enlightened for that comment above! I went through 45 joysticks to get the all time high score for DTD.  My only failure on the speccy was coming second in ant attack, my friend, who had a annoying habit of shitting himself, storing it in his pants while waiting until it dried and then proceeding to throw it at you, well his mother took top score on that game.


Is that ted bundy in your profile photo?


Peace brother

No Blessed, it was your opposite number at one point, a yearbook photo of George W.


It always struck me as tragically amusing that such a dopey looking fool could end up as leader of the 'free' world.


He is indirectly responsible for significantly more deaths than Ted however, as is Vladimir, although I suspect Vladimir has killed a few with his bare hands.

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No Blessed, it was your opposite number at one point, a yearbook photo of George W.


It always struck me as tragically amusing that such a dopey looking fool could end up as leader of the 'free' world.


He is indirectly responsible for significantly more deaths than Ted however, as is Vladimir, although I suspect Vladimir has killed a few with his bare hands.


Brother, I agree, it is the free world and capitalism at its worse that allows someone like him to indirectly kill thousands.  The ´free world´ however is a myth, we are slaves to capitalism and the vultures that are only self serving (politicians and unelected bureaucrats).  Humans need to be lead, told what to do, not given the option to voice their opinions in the name of a ´free world´.  It is so evident in the fact so many look to mooky and I for guidance.  Even more evident that the majority of the world follow a set of rules, if not in principle to entities they have never met  and rarley question (their religious gods). Which has stemmed back since the beginning of civilization. They seek someone to tell them what to do.


Mooky and I offer such hope that we can tell the masses what they should do and how to do it.


Putin asked to be our non-executive director, we had to refuse as he has other priorities like standing for world leader.  As he is a black belt in karate and general hard bastard, he marvelled at our story and wished us well on our adventures.


PS – lets stick to topic and not turn this into a political forum – as we are both PHD students in politics.

Edited by Itchycock

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I've never been able to explain my lack of "though", though I've tried many times. That's just one of those conundrums we'll have to leave for the philosophers. 





It was to test you, which you failed not surprisingly.  I suspect most people (and will give them that credit) got what I was saying, and if you need a philosopher to figure it out then be off with you and find a modern day Socrates, I am sure he will tell you what everyone already knew.

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It was to test you, which you failed not surprisingly.  I suspect most people (and will give them that credit) got what I was saying, and if you need a philosopher to figure it out then be off with you and find a modern day Socrates, I am sure he will tell you what everyone already knew.


Ooh ooh, can I play again? Put me in coach.



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Ooh ooh, can I play again? Put me in coach.



Enough of this troll - FRONT RANK FIRE! :)

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Enough of this troll - FRONT RANK FIRE! :)


Anger leads to hate bro.

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Anger leads to hate bro.

Yeah but I love you in a manly way which you shouldnt find threatening.

This is a holy place, you will find acceptance if you are respectful and in turn you will be respected.

Peace go with you.

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Yeah but I love you in a manly way which you shouldnt find threatening.

This is a holy place, you will find acceptance if you are respectful and in turn you will be respected.

Peace go with you.



Please don't take my posturing as a sign of disrespect. Much like two grizzlies meeting in the wild we dance the dance of machismo, and the steps of that dance are ultimately the graceful steps of respect.


Man love, let the light shine down upon us. I love you too my friend. 


I haven't forgotten that, ultimately, it was your tale of a masterful double head shot that brought me here in order to spar with a worthy fucking adversary. 

Edited by DrGonzo
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This is the most bromantic thing I have ever read. However I fear my position as #1 enlightened in under threat.


Is DrGonzo enlightened Blessed?

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Please don't take my posturing as a sign of disrespect. Much like two grizzlies meeting in the wild we dance the dance of machismo, and the steps of that dance are ultimately the graceful steps of respect.


Man love, let the light shine down upon us. I love you too my friend. 


I haven't forgotten that, ultimately, it was your tale of a masterful double head shot that brought me here in order to spar with a worthy fucking adversary. 


And so a bond of friendship was struck and the doves were verily released. :)

This is the most bromantic thing I have ever read. However I fear my position as #1 enlightened in under threat.


Is DrGonzo enlightened Blessed?

Gimpy your position is secure in that you have to decide to become one of the enlightened and DrGonzo has not made that step yet.

We can't force people to be our disciples, not that we have a lack of candidates at the moment.

We spread peace and wisdom to all but the enlightened come first brother. Peace go with you.

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