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For those with low fps, it is probably not your setup.

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Just a PSA of sorts. Tons of people keep asking why they get such low fps and how to fix it. Simply put, I don't believe it's your fault and there isn't anything you can do at the moment. 


The standalone is simply not very well optimized right now. I'm sure it will be much better as time goes on, but it is very early in the game. For comparison, I'll use a game I bought at the same time as DayZ, Bioshock Infinite. Running on ultra, I consistently average 53 or so fps in all areas. In DayZ on a combo of high/medium, I'm sitting at 20ish on average. I run almost every other game at around the same fps I get on Bioshock.


All in all, I think we are all getting low fps right now, simply because the alpha isn't optimized yet. So, just be patient. It WILL improve.

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I run very high all setting on dayz sa and never get below 35 all over the map. 

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I run very high all setting on dayz sa and never get below 35 all over the map. 

No need to wave your epenis around.


I'm sure the optimization is a high priority once server infrastructure and game play issues have been resolved.

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I run very high all setting on dayz sa and never get below 35 all over the map. 


Yeah. What's your setup?


I generally average around 15 in dense areas (cities and forests) and 40+ in slightly better areas, not listing all out my graphical settings, but their not great. However, I can play games like Far Cry 3 and Crysis 3 on high/ultra with better framerates.


The game isn't well optimized yet - and unless you spent £1000+ on your setup, it's unlikely people'll be getting good framerates. (Good really being more like 40+ on a reasonable PC. You shouldn't dip below 30FPS very much with the recommended specs. But it'll be worked on.

Edited by Isaaq

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If you can run other games at very high/ultra and get close to 60fps, but DayZ SA is getting less than 30fps on the low setting, it's not your hardware. 


I don't think the dev team can perform miracles with this game engine, but I'm sure there will be some needed optimizations before the game is completed. 

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If you can run other games at very high/ultra and get close to 60fps, but DayZ SA is getting less than 30fps on the low setting, it's not your hardware. 


I don't think the dev team can perform miracles with this game engine, but I'm sure there will be some needed optimizations before the game is completed. 


Stuff like draw distance really needs work. Not sure how it all works, but billboarding and such is pretty essential, I think, if they want to get better FPS in general.


Also, there seems to be a lot on unnecessary objects - namely grass. If you go into your average plains, I'm sure you can see 1000+ grass objects at any one time. Obviously that's not accurate at all, but it's ridiculous, is my point.


The main thing, it seems, is certain settings. For example, clouds can actually have a noticeable hit on your framerate from disabled to very low, even.

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I run very high all setting on dayz sa and never get below 35 all over the map. 

LOL and thats supposed to be good let me ask you ,you probably have a good rig right ( as i do and get similar fps in SA)  and can get 200 plus FPS in most recent aaa games so how does that 35 translate to fps not being a problem (although i find it very playable at those frames for the RV engine 40 plus is actually very acceptable.)


Oh for the guy hoping for huge optimisation i hold that hope for you to but in my heart i dont believe its going to come i have played arma games over 8 years now and people always scream optimise it (dayz is still an RV engine game like arma) and it never does it gets slightly better but it never goes inline with other AAA titles.


i mean look at arma 3 they actually did alot of optmising on that and lets compare my fps ( before anyone jumps me you cant compare what the games do im just pointing out the fps as i know the games dont compare in what they do ) arma 3 mostly maxed settings with view set to 4km object to 3.6km frames on altis 58 on stratis 70 odd now battlefield 4 i wont do each map but at max settings everything i get between 184 and 260 fps. My rig haswell [email protected] ghz 16 gig ram 1 gtx titan ..


I have my fingers crossed for you but if they havent been able to optimise the engine in 8 years im begining to believe they cant or wont in the year or so before SA goes gold.....

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Go look up what frankiein1080p uses for his graphic settings (even if you don't like him)

Gave me an extra 20fps, I now get 70 instead of 40-50 although I was happy with what I was getting I tried it out and was amazed at the difference

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I run very high all setting on dayz sa and never get below 35 all over the map. 

That;s impossible since no one has that kind of performance on max settings no matter their rig. Please don't tell lies, it's embarassing for you.

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Rocket said in his last stream on twitch that they are completely focusing on getting the core experience down first, then optimization with be worked on after.

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That;s impossible since no one has that kind of performance on max settings no matter their rig. Please don't tell lies, it's embarassing for you.


Yeah. What's your setup?


Pfft -- you guys need to just get better computers. Here's his setup, I went ahead and put a picture of it below.



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THIS IS NOT ARMA. Will people stop saying 'I've played ArmA games for X - years and nothing has changed? It's a different engine. One that has never been used before and it's in a very early Alpha stage right now.

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They don't want to optimize the game this early because any change they make in the future (a lot) will break the already optimization made beforehand. Mr. R. said it.

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THIS IS NOT ARMA. Will people stop saying 'I've played ArmA games for X - years and nothing has changed? It's a different engine. One that has never been used before and it's in a very early Alpha stage right now.

Sorry but clearly you don't know what you are talking about.


This is NOT an entirely new engine and is of course largely Arma II and ToH engine with some elements of Arma 3.

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Just a PSA of sorts. Tons of people keep asking why they get such low fps and how to fix it. Simply put, I don't believe it's your fault and there isn't anything you can do at the moment. 


The standalone is simply not very well optimized right now. I'm sure it will be much better as time goes on, but it is very early in the game. For comparison, I'll use a game I bought at the same time as DayZ, Bioshock Infinite. Running on ultra, I consistently average 53 or so fps in all areas. In DayZ on a combo of high/medium, I'm sitting at 20ish on average. I run almost every other game at around the same fps I get on Bioshock.


All in all, I think we are all getting low fps right now, simply because the alpha isn't optimized yet. So, just be patient. It WILL improve.


Bioshock isn't a multiplayer game set on a 230km2 map. I don't mean to be condesending but the fact that you would even compare performance in Bioshock to performance in a game like ArmA or DayZ goes to show that you don't really know what you're talking about.


You're right in that DayZ is not very well optimised at this point, that will come later on in development, but the fact that it's a very intensive game and will never deliver similar performance:graphical settings to games like Bioshock will not change. You don't need a very good system to run games like Bioshock.

Edited by Mos1ey

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Go look up what frankiein1080p uses for his graphic settings (even if you don't like him)

Gave me an extra 20fps, I now get 70 instead of 40-50 although I was happy with what I was getting I tried it out and was amazed at the difference


Where can I find it? I searched but I can't find him doing any settings over the standalone, just the mod. Is that what you're talking about?

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Where can I find it? I searched but I can't find him doing any settings over the standalone, just the mod. Is that what you're talking about?


Found it for you... He starts talking about graphics settings about 1:30...



I actually disagree with some of what he's saying though.


IMO terrain detail makes little to no difference, and I have the opposite problem with alpha to coverage. For some reason disabling it halves my frame rate from 60 (with all trees and grass) to 30 (disabled). Not sure why that is... But you might have to play around with your settings a bit to find out what works for you.


The main things you should be doing are dropping object detail, ambient occlusion and post-process effects as they have the most detrimental effect on performance. Clouds don't really affect performance that much but they do cause stuttering (bug) so I would leave them disabled until that is fixed. You may also want to drop antialiasing a bit depending on your system, it does look nice though so I run it on very high.

Edited by Mos1ey
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Found it for you... He starts talking about graphics settings about 1:30...



Oh my god I'm blind. Thank you! I'll do better next time ;)

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Sorry but clearly you don't know what you are talking about.

This is NOT an entirely new engine and is of course largely Arma II and ToH engine with some elements of Arma 3.

It's -based- on the Take on: Helicopters engine, sure. But they ripped that engine apart and rebuilt it from the ground up. They didn't even take the map from arma, they got brand new sat images for Chernarus+, which is why there are many more subtle terrain contours. The character models are new, the animations are new, the lighting is new, the clouds are new...need I go on? Many of the sounds remain the same, but those are all placeholders.

edited for randomly offensive typos. Damn you Autocorrect!

Edited by Merrick362

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Actually a lot of those assets (lighting and clouds etc.) are ported in from ArmA 3. The most interesting and 'new' parts of the engine are regarding the way that the client and server interact with each other, which should result in much better client performance further down the line.

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Right, which is leading (currently) to the drop in performance around places like Cherno apartments. Ie the much talked about network bubble. Forgive me, I should have expanded more. But hey, it's 2:45 am.

edit: if I remember tomorrow I'll come back to this and explain my thoughts more clearly.

Edited by Merrick362

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Here is a comparison of ArmA and DayZ  series maps.


Just so you have an idea of the scale of ArmA maps compared to other games.




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That;s impossible since no one has that kind of performance on max settings no matter their rig. Please don't tell lies, it's embarassing for you.


I can vouche for him, as I also get this kind of performance....

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Go look up what frankiein1080p uses for his graphic settings (even if you don't like him)

Gave me an extra 20fps, I now get 70 instead of 40-50 although I was happy with what I was getting I tried it out and was amazed at the difference


Yeah but he set up object detail to uber low and it kinda looks not so good.

I'm having most stuff on normal to high, clouds and ambient oclusion off and in Cherno I get 25-33 FPS approximately, sometimes game stutters and FPS fall to 18.


Outside of Cherno / Elektro I got mostly 40+ which is ok.

But as OP said, the game could use a LOT of client optimalisation and Rocket himself said, that did not optimize client at all as of yet.

So here is me hoping they will :).


EDIT: Do you guys think that upgrading GFX from Radeon HD 7870 2GB to Nvidia GTX 770 2GB would bring any noticeable gain in FPS?

Or should I just overclock my i-7 4770K running at stock speed now?

Also upgrading ram from 8GB ddr3 to 16 GB ddr3 would not do much, or would it?

Edited by Hombre

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