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For those with low fps, it is probably not your setup.

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Actually a lot of those assets (lighting and clouds etc.) are ported in from ArmA 3. The most interesting and 'new' parts of the engine are regarding the way that the client and server interact with each other, which should result in much better client performance further down the line.

Spoken by some one with sense already gave him beans on his post about settings because i have always found everyones rig runs an RV engine game differently setting some things lower made things worse or higher made them better lol it was one of the things i always did when getting arma was spend alot of time in settings getting it to look as good as i could without killing my frames.


Right, which is leading (currently) to the drop in performance around places like Cherno apartments. Ie the much talked about network bubble. Forgive me, I should have expanded more. But hey, it's 2:45 am.

edit: if I remember tomorrow I'll come back to this and explain my thoughts more clearly.

Ah it must be early and your asleep cause your arguement had no relation to the facts that the forum mod just pointed out. New models new map means new engine wow you are tired ITS AN RV engine is it modified yes lol there has been alot of talk about the mmo style architecture being done putting more on server than client side cpu etc this doesnt make it a new engine it has many of the great points of an d RV engine( i like playing there games hence why i have done it for so long lol ) but it still has some of the old limitations will they improve it further yes!!!


Will it reach the fps lvl of other aaa titles ( although this is list as an indie game by steam ) probably not for many of the reasons already mentioned ( the scale of map the use of actual AI i mean BF4 has no AI other than scripted in campaign AI play an arma game just by placing men down in the editor and then click preview and these guys will do different things most of the time the AI works to a decent level (yes never going to match human lvl but it can surprise you as im sure zeds will eventually )


You attempt to attack my post and dribble alot of you know what when why i wasnt trashing SA or any RV engine game merely point\ing out to someone who may not know they are not likely to get the same frames as they would in games of smaller more focused scale like BF etc etc

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Bioshock isn't a multiplayer game set on a 230km2 map. I don't mean to be condesending but the fact that you would even compare performance in Bioshock to performance in a game like ArmA or DayZ goes to show that you don't really know what you're talking about.


You're right in that DayZ is not very well optimised at this point, that will come later on in development, but the fact that it's a very intensive game and will never deliver similar performance:graphical settings to games like Bioshock will not change. You don't need a very good system to run games like Bioshock.

Of course they aren't the same game. I just used my most recently benchmarked AAA title(and bioshock is regarded as one of the best looking games of the year by many). I can say that I easily got 40 fps in the Arma 2 dayz mod on high/ultra, and I don't get anywhere near the 20fps I get here on any other title I own, whether that be GW2, Tomb Raider, or Rome 2. I promise, I know what I'm talking about.


But all of that's beside the point. I'm hoping by the time optimization is done I can pull a consistent 30 fps. That's super playable.

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Yes I know I have a 7950 OC so basically a 7970 stock (And yes that is still a high end card I don't care about your 800 dollar 780 cards) and I still have massive framedrops.

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CPU CPU CPU, all you need is more cpu and everything is gravy. (4.25 ghz +)


im still running a gtx 570 and am more than happy with my FPS. Typically 40-60.

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Just a PSA of sorts. Tons of people keep asking why they get such low fps and how to fix it. Simply put, I don't believe it's your fault and there isn't anything you can do at the moment. 


The standalone is simply not very well optimized right now. I'm sure it will be much better as time goes on, but it is very early in the game. For comparison, I'll use a game I bought at the same time as DayZ, Bioshock Infinite. Running on ultra, I consistently average 53 or so fps in all areas. In DayZ on a combo of high/medium, I'm sitting at 20ish on average. I run almost every other game at around the same fps I get on Bioshock.


All in all, I think we are all getting low fps right now, simply because the alpha isn't optimized yet. So, just be patient. It WILL improve.


Think post should be in New Player forums since this is not news for Mod players...  And when you say it WILL improve you sound very confident, you have any confirmed info on this? I know they said optimization will occur later, but i doubt it will give more than +10 FPS tops.

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Bioshock isn't a multiplayer game set on a 230km2 map. I don't mean to be condesending but the fact that you would even compare performance in Bioshock to performance in a game like ArmA or DayZ goes to show that you don't really know what you're talking about.


You're right in that DayZ is not very well optimised at this point, that will come later on in development, but the fact that it's a very intensive game and will never deliver similar performance:graphical settings to games like Bioshock will not change. You don't need a very good system to run games like Bioshock.


Its not the consumers job to check the map size of a 2013 state of the art game before he buys a graphics card, is it? Its the developers job to make their game well playable and optimized compared to other games on the market!


Its not like OP bought a ferrari and complains about how much fuel it takes or smth...He is just trying to give other people who bought this game a heads up that its not necessarily their fault that the game runs bad atm which is 100% legit imo.


NOTE: I am not saying that devs are doing a bad job and i am totally aware that this is alpher and i am totally fine with it!

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This game is very large and there are a lot of details on buildings etc. So its more heavy than other games. Period.

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Dunno, im on the low end machine and i rune smoothly at 40. in firefight , outside of one about 40-54



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CPU CPU CPU, all you need is more cpu and everything is gravy. (4.25 ghz +)


im still running a gtx 570 and am more than happy with my FPS. Typically 40-60.

My partner runs an i7 and a more modern rig over all than my old i5 clunker, and i constantly get better frames than hers, with higher settings. All is not as it seems with BI games.

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The guys with the fps you all don't believe are not being trolls..


The guy with the cpu cpu cpu reply is being totally correct...


Military base sniping the windows 60-70 constant fps easily. Max textures with 2gb card 7 series ATI - I also looked and forgot I had edge detect standard 12 x AA on.. ( off in game ) Now I did not realise about morphilogical AA :D and I will turn that on and the edge detection OFF, MAA is a zero performance hit with it looking like you got 8xMAA on..


So what it boils down to is these steps..


1) cpu - clocked to minumum 3.4ghz and preferably please these days people 4 cores+


2) Understanding of the config for dayz in its alpha state and knowing what you are doing and tempering it to YOUR pc


3) sort your options out on your graphics cards....


The rest is gravy...


and stop going ballistic with the full screen res the size of a projector screen in cinema.. Its not needed. I run my 24" at window mode just below the size of the screen and its fine, even better with 1770x1000 for when im busy doing mundane life shit.

Edited by moosenoodles

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My partner runs an i7 and a more modern rig over all than my old i5 clunker, and i constantly get better frames than hers, with higher settings. All is not as it seems with BI games.


HT issues maybe? :O

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THIS IS NOT ARMA. Will people stop saying 'I've played ArmA games for X - years and nothing has changed? It's a different engine. One that has never been used before and it's in a very early Alpha stage right now. 


I may be wrong but I think Dayz suffers the same problems of Arma 2 and 3, no matter the graphics the game won't run smooth.

I would prefer if they remove buildings, trees, even the grass if necessary for being able to play at minimum constant 60 fps.

I'm playing rust right now because Dayz runs at 30 fps for me. Rust is in early alpha also but it has a smooth gameplay, it doesn't have the graphics, grass etc of Dayz but It's much more playable imo.

I hope they make the changes needed for a smooth gameplay, now the game is still "empty" and performance is really bad, I don't think 30 fps is acceptable and the fps target should be at 60 minimum.

Edited by Wili

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Problem is in cities, outside plays smooth. Buildings are to heavy imo.

Btw, is it true that if you set textures on high it uses gpu instead of cpu? So maybe increase in fps? I have it on "NORMALL" now..

Edited by Synton

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HT issues maybe? :o

Don't really know, the arma series reminds me of the il2/clod series of games. Guys with big rigs could struggle worse than mid range rigs despite throwing the best gear at the games and running lean mena machines. Seems to have been the same with the arma series since forever :) I have done heaps of tuning in that and the arma series and sometimes it just seems like luck of the draw or black magic. Bigger does not always mean better for some weird reason.

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My partner runs an i7 and a more modern rig over all than my old i5 clunker, and i constantly get better frames than hers, with higher settings. All is not as it seems with BI games.

I should have said GHZ GHZ GHZ... i7 vs i5 is irrelivant


im on a old 930, and kick most peoples FPS...but thats due to high clock speed and understanding the optimization.


I spent a solid month with arma 2 and the mod just trying to max my fps, after every tweak and suggestion I simply bought a cheap watercooler and broug her over 4 ghz and never looked back..if you want fps, make sure your clock speed is over 4ghz and you time your memory and such. It is actually quite simple to do with google and forums.

Edited by deebz1234

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the weird thing is, my cooler fans are not even running on full power. still i have sometimes bad frames...its just shitty optimized

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I'm feeling the pessimist and think this game will never get buttery smooth FPS even after it goes gold.

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I replaced my 4 year old PC on saturday with the following:


Intel Core i7 4770

8Gb 1600 DDr3

120 Samsung EVO SSD

GTX 780 3Gb

1TB SATA drive


outside cities = 60fps (capped by vsync)

inside big towns / cities  43 - 53 fps  (heaven! I can now play in cities > 20 fps :D )


I get the occasional brief stutter down to 30 fps  regardless of where I am on occasion



If you can just upgrade your hardware and save yourself the stress of waiting for optimisations, I have a feeling they are way down the dev list of priorities and probably wont appear until beta

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I replaced my 4 year old PC on saturday with the following:


Intel Core i7 4770

8Gb 1600 DDr3

120 Samsung EVO SSD

GTX 780 3Gb

1TB SATA drive


outside cities = 60fps (capped by vsync)

inside big towns / cities  43 - 53 fps  (heaven! I can now play in cities > 20 fps :D )


I get the occasional brief stutter down to 30 fps  regardless of where I am on occasion



If you can just upgrade your hardware and save yourself the stress of waiting for optimisations, I have a feeling they are way down the dev list of priorities and probably wont appear until beta

Those stutters you mention do you by chance have volumetric clouds enbaled its well documented that these clouds although not really demanding or droping your fps but are slightly bugged currently and will cause stutters on many systems ( till its fixed id drop it to disabled for clouds you still have clouds just set drawn ones not nice moving volumetric ones lol .


PS nice work on the rig upgrade mate

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Those stutters you mention do you by chance have volumetric clouds enbaled its well documented that these clouds although not really demanding or droping your fps but are slightly bugged currently and will cause stutters on many systems ( till its fixed id drop it to disabled for clouds you still have clouds just set drawn ones not nice moving volumetric ones lol .


PS nice work on the rig upgrade mate




Good point on the clouds I think I have them set at v low. I'll turn them off and test this evening

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