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Alpha... Still,This is ridicilous

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The last 4-5 times I've played I have died every session because of server malfunction, lagging off buildings or just randomly dying/ getting reset for no reason at all.


I get that it's an alpha, but development should have come far enough to make the game sort of playable. It's not really now.

I would honestly NEVER bought the game if I knew it was this buggy. The fact that you simply die out of nowhere cannot be in a game that I paid over 20€ for..Even though it's an alpha.


This is just a reminder for YOU Dean. Get things going, you rich son of a *****.

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At the very least, do some research. The servers have been getting DDOs'd for the past two days, and the servers are still down today. Hence the lag and stuff.

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ya its taking a long time but I really dont think we need another post telling us that the game is in alpha. (and will have issues as they add patches that take away some bugs and add some others)


Just saying

Edited by meat pie
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Well, im playing a shitty card here, but i wish you would have been in warz when it was released. This is awesome for alpha standards. Get your shit together Tyrone.

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I think many folks forget this is not playing, what we do, but rather testing.

And no worries, in time your Alpha will be upgraded to beta and then full release, so you were not "robbed" of anything.


Check bugtracker, if bug you are experiencing is not listed there, then file bug report as per process.


Edit: also DDoS, but this should get covered as well, since scumbags gonna do it.

Edited by Hombre
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What you are thinking of is Beta, Alpha from my understanding shouldn't be that playable. For being a Alpha, DayZ SA is definitely playable from my Alpha standards.

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The last 4-5 times I've played I have died every session because of server malfunction, lagging off buildings or just randomly dying/ getting reset for no reason at all.


I get that it's an alpha, but development should have come far enough to make the game sort of playable. It's not really now.

I would honestly NEVER bought the game if I knew it was this buggy. The fact that you simply die out of nowhere cannot be in a game that I paid over 20€ for..Even though it's an alpha.


This is just a reminder for YOU Dean. Get things going, you rich son of a *****.


Alpha's go on for quite some time, normally developers only have it available to internal testers and we only get small pieces of information through blogs and videos. Just because we have been playing the alpha for a few weeks doesn't mean the problems should of been fixed by now. It's an on going process. A long on going process, it's just that they have opened the door to the consumers to play it while they are still making it.


All the problems you are facing usually face the internal testers and developers, but we usually never see that side of things. From a development point of view, I think it's actually pretty cool to be allowed to play and see the development of a game. They have been more than honest about the alpha with all the disclaimers.

Edited by NickH85
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Well, im playing a shitty card here, but i wish you would have been in warz when it was released. This is awesome for alpha standards. Get your shit together Tyrone.

Shitty card indeed, but good comparison nonetheless. War Z still shit, you guys gotta keep in mind, this genre is new as an MMO. This genre will highly depend on the community surrounding such game, so man up; wait until they deal with the DDoS and they will, most likely, continue updating the game. Maybe it was your internet? I've only had 2 unfair deaths so far and been playing for 2-3 weeks on a daily basis, guess I'm lucky.

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I think many folks forget this is not playing, what we do, but rather testing.

And no worries, in time your Alpha will be upgraded to beta and then full release, so you were not "robbed" of anything.


Check bugtracker, if bug you are experiencing is not listed there, then file bug report as per process.


Edit: also DDoS, but this should get covered as well, since scumbags gonna do it.


I know, but I would have bought Arma II and installed the mod instead ;)

I get that it's alpha. It's just so freakin frustrating. Because you know how good this game could/ will be I guess..

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The last 4-5 times I've played I have died every session because of server malfunction, lagging off buildings or just randomly dying/ getting reset for no reason at all.


I get that it's an alpha, but development should have come far enough to make the game sort of playable. It's not really now.

I would honestly NEVER bought the game if I knew it was this buggy. The fact that you simply die out of nowhere cannot be in a game that I paid over 20€ for..Even though it's an alpha.


This is just a reminder for YOU Dean. Get things going, you rich son of a *****.


1. Search first


2. It *IS* an Alpha.




3. DDOS attacks. (Also, see #1)


4. Posts like this:

"I would honestly NEVER bought the game if I knew it was this buggy. The fact that you simply die out of nowhere cannot be in a game that I paid over 20€ for."


are the reason you get responses like this:



Edited by NeedsFoodBadly
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Maybe your right. Dean should shutdown all SA keys, lock SA back up and work on it another year. Then release again.





^^ these :)



For alpha standards, DayZ is extremly well made and almost polished. Please have a look at other alphas before posting a lot of nonsense.

Edited by Weparo
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Honesty, people who don't read the warning for the Alpha shouldn't be taken seriously. It was your own choise buying it, so did I, and I have only experienced 3 serious bugs, like: invisable zombie, going through walls, and the random death when you join a server. I think the random death is kinds rare, but maybe because you spawn, then wait for the host to accept you, and you get killed by a zombie or a player while you're waiting. Futher, it has been laggy, but thy is only because your network connection, and I'm going to repeat myself, the Alpha did have a clearly warning that bugs might destroy your gaming experience. You know why they sended a Alpha that early? Because they wanted "betatesters" to check the game out, giving reports about bugs and hints for things they should add to the game. When the game is really out, they make good money because they had players who played the Alpha and helped them making the game better. From my view the game is pretty good to be a Alpha, and you being uneccesary offensive to Dean because you didn't read the warning, with all my reapect, read if things have changed and read the warnings before you even buy it.

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At the very least, do some research. The servers have been getting DDOs'd for the past two days, and the servers are still down today. Hence the lag and stuff.

All I ever hear is "its an alpha"


Its a "ddos attacK" (where is the factual information reguarding this, not some web forum rumor)


its the "holidays"

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Maybe your right. Dean should shutdown all SA keys, lock SA back up and work on it another year. Then release again.

As long as we are all refunded our money lol.

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This is just a reminder for YOU Dean. Get things going, you rich son of a *****.


Jesus man.... There hasn’t even been five full working days this side of Christmas, have some patience for crying out loud.

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Well, im playing a shitty card here, but i wish you would have been in warz when it was released. This is awesome for alpha standards. Get your shit together Tyrone.

War Z was a masterpiece i dunno what you're talking about.

Dying from a 2° slope. Pfchchcfchcf

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The last 4-5 times I've played I have died every session because of server malfunction, lagging off buildings or just randomly dying/ getting reset for no reason at all.


I get that it's an alpha, but development should have come far enough to make the game sort of playable. It's not really now.

I would honestly NEVER bought the game if I knew it was this buggy. The fact that you simply die out of nowhere cannot be in a game that I paid over 20€ for..Even though it's an alpha.


This is just a reminder for YOU Dean. Get things going, you rich son of a *****.

That may indeed be the stupidest thing I have ever read

Edited by Mays

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That may indeed be the stupidest thing I have ever read

just as dumb as the ddos rumors covering up for poor game performance?

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I get that it's an alpha, but-


Ahh the pounding of the nails in this thread's coffin echo through the night.


Don't buy into tests and you'll be fine in the future.

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Maybe your right. Dean should shutdown all SA keys, lock SA back up and work on it another year. Then release again.

i bet nothing would be different even if they did that. The game would still be dook

Edited by Crakka

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I agree with this to an extent. I'd rather have waited another 6 months for a slightly more polished game play, especially with the server wise. I'm getting almost daily character wipes. Just had another one now after spending 2 hours gearing after the last one.

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i bet nothing would be different even if they did that. The game would still be dook


Awe just because you got character wiped? So sad for you. :ccc Funny that the same day you were posting about how fun and awesome the game was.


Don't buy into tests in the future.


I agree with this to an extent. I'd rather have waited another 6 months for a slightly more polished game play, especially with the server wise. I'm getting almost daily character wipes. Just had another one now after spending 2 hours gearing after the last one.


Getting it now was 100% your choice and you have nobody to blame but yourself. You were warned.

Edited by Hells High

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