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I can't stand this any longer.

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Un playable how? I spawn, loot, gear up, eat, drink, explore, kill, take, fortify my location with my rifle, feel apart of the game I'm playing, etc.

Interact with players, mostly by shooting kneecaps as they are chased by zombies.

Sounds like you need to stop shooting new spawns and find a hobby.

What helps me,mis I have twitch tv running on my ipad mini while I play. Let's me watch Lyric do hilarious crap, takes the edge off up here in the north.

That's right hombre, I said up north. I'm talking deep north, old petrokva. If I can enjoy the game daily, after work, up here, then there's no excuse for your piddly ass to be complaining about the game being unplayable.

Whoa , I think you need to sit back chill out a minute , Perhaps take some time to socialise with some humans instead of going deep up north and listening to raps , Such a badman you are , with your ipad mini and twitch tv 

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I'm not your bro , This game isen't functional , you die running up stairs and fall through floors in buildings , you rubber band back to your spawn when running 30mins , playable ? , I don't care what came out of his mouth , for the 1 and a half year production on this game , this should have been fixed , these silly things are basics

And yet your basic ass isn't on the team fixing them, since it's so easy, your done junior. You've nothing to offer us.

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You're right, I have other choice words for you at the moment.



So you're clearly not a developer or programmer of any type.  So I'm glad you have such a strong opinion of something you know absolutely nothing about.


Chill out and go play Call of Duty or something.

I don't play Call of duty . Thanks for the offer though 

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You're right, I have other choice words for you at the moment.



So you're clearly not a developer or programmer of any type.  So I'm glad you have such a strong opinion of something you know absolutely nothing about.


Chill out and go play Call of Duty or something.


And you're not any better throwing around your seemingly valid reasons for why the game cannot be any better right now. Because in a year the game will not change and you will still sit here, telling people that they shouldn't have paid for an alpha, if they expected it to be any different. The roots of the game is a huge glitchy engine that makes a top-end system look like shit and that will not change. For example the famous cfg line GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; why in the world after 4 years of game development is this set to 1000 as default when the only thing this does is to screw up performance?

Edited by n0_escape
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And yet your basic ass isn't on the team fixing them, since it's so easy, your done junior. You've nothing to offer us.

Jump on the bandwagon jimmy 

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Can't, your ego's taking up the passenger side.

Here let me move that for you , you jumping on aswell?

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I am so close to just deleting my forum account. The sheer stupidity of some people is unbelievable. I'm not one to scream "its alphur!" But.. its alphur!! The top topic as I write this is a guy suggesting the game is getting worse because of increased lag and rubber banding, because of a sudden decrease in performance there is the automatic suggestion and assumption that the Captain has abandoned his post and were sinking to the bottom to join Jack and his icy fellows (Titanic reference). The only thing I can say to anyone who does not have CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is. GET. THE. FUCK. OUT. And stay out for at least 6 months. Or better yet. Don't come back. Because I doubt your dense mind and ways will change in that short of time. You are polluting this game and community and making it worse then bugs.

Rant over.

Thanks, and happy surviving


We dont give a shit if this is alpha, this is a forum, on forums people whine, you are an perfect example of it.

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i dont get all the crying. The core functions are there and the game is fun to play. Its in EARLY alpha..not even FULL alpha...geez..just stay away for a year and check it again later if you cant stomache some bugs. welp...


normaly its "content complete" when beta stage is approached.

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel
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And you're not any better throwing around your seemingly valid reasons for why the game cannot be any better right now. Because in a year the game will not change and you will still sit here, telling people that they shouldn't have paid for an alpha, if they expected it to be any different.


Thanks for putting words in my mouth, but I most certainly will not.


The game was out for what, 3 days? 4 days? And we saw 3 patches?  Now 4?



Glad you guys did your research before trolling....

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i dont get all the crying. The core functions are there and the game is fun to play. Its in EARLY alpha..not even FULL alpha...geez..just sta away for a year and check it again later if you cant stomache some bugs. welp...

If you don't get all the crying then gett off this post thanks 

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People are so harsh because the mod is ok, more or less, and this is a remake.

Edited by Mookzen

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Thanks for putting words in my mouth, but I most certainly will not.


The game was out for what, 3 days? 4 days? And we saw 3 patches?  Now 4?



Glad you guys did your research before trolling....


No, YOU didn't do your research my friend. This game didn't come out of nowhere, dayz mod is out bunch of years and its almost the same through whole that period. And when they throw you a patch with it's biggest content addition a magnum pistol, I just puked in my mouth a little.

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Rubber banding is bullshit.

Ocean is way too fucking loud, has been since the mod, they should of fix it.

People can become admins in servers, seriously?

So you expect for people to not complain because it's Alpha, then how are these bugs supposed to be fixed? The more people complain or make posts about a certain thing, the faster it gets to the developers, thus getting the Devs to fix it faster.

Just like the bodies disappearing.



If people want to say something about a bug. then use the bug tracker.

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The Mod is better at the moment 


Go play the mod then


kthx bai

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No, YOU didn't do your research my friend. This game didn't come out of nowhere, dayz mod is out bunch of years and its almost the same through whole that period. And when they throw you a patch with it's biggest content addition a magnum pistol, I just puked in my mouth a little.


So I guess you missed that part about revamping the engine from the ground up huh?


Tell me again about your research?

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Go play the mod then


kthx bai

Did i say i wanted to play the Mod ? , Another pointless input just to get your post number up?

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Lol these instant gratification kids, even in an alpha, they demand it all, and the day before. Wouldn't of lasted five mins in gaming 30 years ago.

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So I guess you missed that part about revamping the engine from the ground up huh?


Tell me again about your research?

They've had enough time and more to do so already have they not ? , Same fucking shit but just overhauled

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So I guess you missed that part about revamping the engine from the ground up huh?


Tell me again about your research?


You're a classic one really. You just eat any shit youre given just to satisfy your concerns. No point talking to you.

Edited by n0_escape

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They've had enough time and more to do so already have they not ? , Same fucking shit but just overhauled


Tell me, what programming languages do you know fluently?

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Lol these instant gratification kids, even in an alpha, they demand it all, and the day before. Wouldn't of lasted five mins in gaming 30 years ago.

Kids ? i'm not demanding anything but what should have been fixed upon release

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You're a classic one really. You just eat any shit youre given just to satisfy your concerns. No point talking to you.

Well then Gordon Gecko, since you've got the insider info, enlighten us. Us the mindless sheep who are enjoying our thirty dollar game and our 5.99 beer.

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Did i say i wanted to play the Mod ? , Another pointless input just to get your post number up?


Seems you know an awful lot about that

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