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King of kong

I Combat Logged :( Burn Me At The Stake, With Taters

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A while back when I got SA, I was called JesusTM or something. I had gone straight north and got some nice kit with my clan. When they left I headed up to Green MT. to see the CDF Barracks. Then I had to go so logged out behind a bed. When I log back in there's these 2 heavily equipped guys. I start panicking and put my hands up. I type stuff like "Hi, friendly? Look I don't want trouble" "I'll give you anything you need" "Don't kill me, man". One guy pulls out his M4A1 and fires in my direction. I hit the Disconnect button, with minor injuries.

I felt annoyed that they shot at me when they had the chance to rob me or hold me prisoner. But was I right to do it? I've only been Kosed twice. Once when I was a freshie heading north when some guy shot me while I was unarmed. The next time was when I waved to a guy and had my rifle holstered and he spun around and shot me.

Edited by King of kong
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Unfortunately it's still kind of lame, even if you gave them a chance to rob instead of kill.



The correct course of action is to run like hell.  When they implement anti-combat logging measures, it may be your only option.

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You did wrong, but at least these fuckers didn't get a kill 

Edited by Gdaddy22
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its better then letting some cupcakes get a kill on you.

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I agree that KoS is okay provided you aren't just shooting everything with no cause. I'm fine with proper PVP I just don't like KOS when you have the chance to have an Interesting player-interaction

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Lame and you shouldn't log off in a building in the first place - eventually you'll log in with hostiles around the area, it's just a matter of time/probability...


...it's also just a matter of time/probability in the wilderness, but the odds are better.

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you shouldn't log off in a building in the first place




Combat logging is never acceptable.  I hope a fire axe finds its way to your head.

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You did wrong, but at least these fuckers didn't get a kill 



its better then letting some cupcakes get a kill on you.


How are they suppose to know he isn't just another server hopper?


The only answer here is: Don't log out where good loot spawns and avoid all the bullshit.

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I agree that KoS is okay provided you aren't just shooting everything with no cause. I'm fine with proper PVP I just don't like KOS when you have the chance to have an Interesting player-interaction



Unfortunately this is all about player choice.  If someone gets the drop on you, you are at their mercy.  And some players aren't KoSing to be dicks.  They do it because of the chance that they might slip up and you take advantage of it.  Say they break out the cuffs, and you take that opportunity to whip out a pistol and blast them.


The only way around it, is to be a better player.  Be sneakier, never let your guard down, and always try to get the drop on the other guy.  If there is more than one that you can see, it's a losing proposition right off the top.  If I see someone and they look hostile, and they see me, I take off running.  Plenty of stuff to hide behind to gain the tactical advantage.  And if they have a firearm and you don't, just keep running :)

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At the moment, for me at least, combat logging is the biggest problem. A lot of other issues people have with the game stem from combat logging.


The rampant KoSing is largely due to the fact that anyone can combat log at any time, server hop, then come back and flank you. Its much safer to outright kill someone even if they haven't spotted you yet.

3 of us who were heavily geared were gunned down earlier tonight by people server hopping and logging back in from behind us. 

Dying in DayZ is always painful, but dying from people who are taking advantage of broken mechanics is far worse. Sadly, at the state the alpha is in at the moment though, the people who abuse these mechanics are the ones getting ahead.  :(

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At the moment, for me at least, combat logging is the biggest problem. A lot of other issues people have with the game stem from combat logging.


The rampant KoSing is largely due to the fact that anyone can combat log at any time, server hop, then come back and flank you. Its much safer to outright kill someone even if they haven't spotted you yet.

3 of us who were heavily geared were gunned down earlier tonight by people server hopping and logging back in from behind us. 

Dying in DayZ is always painful, but dying from people who are taking advantage of broken mechanics is far worse. Sadly, at the state the alpha is in at the moment though, the people who abuse these mechanics are the ones getting ahead.  :(


Exactly the same thing happened to me and my 2 friends at the military base south of NWAF. We were going to hold up a guy and take half his ammo, but as soon as we said "We're going to take 2 mags from you" he DCed. He then spawned back in inside a barracks we were searching and we shot at him, but he logged out again. We decicded to leave quickly, and stood by the outside wall deciding where to go. However, the guy relogged in a bush or something and we couldn't see him. He shot us all dead.


Never combat log or server hop to kill people. They're both on the Seven Deadly Sins of DayZ list in my mind :P

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It has never been my course of action, but often after dying.

Hearing those friggin bandits loot away hours of my work when I would have been more than just friendly in the same situation.

Sometimes I wished I would've combat logged.

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Log under a tree, it's part of the basics.

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Only combat log vs zeds man.....even though those 2 sounded like A holes. 


As a whole i dont think we need to worry about combat logging too much. The devs know about it and its an easy fix. But to me it comes under the header of balance, like, its not critical to the game functioning at this stage. Im probably wrong but i think that could come a lot further down the line. Dont forget your going to log in to all your loot gone often as the alpha progresses :)

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As a whole i dont think we need to worry about combat logging too much. The devs know about it and its an easy fix.


Yeah.... the devs know about it since DayZ mod and it is so easy to fix that they sure will fix it...someday lol.

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Well, usally I would say yes, it is always wrong to combat log, but in this case it is different. The main argument against combat logging is that it ruins the game for other players.


So here, you log in and just so happen to find two players standing directly in front of you. No skill or time had been invested in this encounter, if you had shot them, or they had shot you, I doubt either would of gotten much out of the experience... except the loot perhaps. Did your combat logging ruin their gameplay experience? Very much doubt it.


Now... I think it is a completely different situation if you had been playing for sometime and where not just magically teleported in front of them... but that's a different story :)

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i agree those guys were dicks, considering there was one of you and you said you were freindly, im not sure what i wouldve done in ur situation tbh, i might have yelled abuse at them from the unconcious state and hope they can read it. maybe i woulda shot back i dunno i guess combat logging meant you kept ur gear but ya know...

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You logged out in a high value building, what did you expect?

I'm generally friendly, but if someone logs in next to me in a military building i'll assume they are server hopping and have no regret shooting them.


You put yourself into a stupid situation then combat logged, you should feel bad.

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