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Zombies should have MUCH more HP than humans

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Why not just give them the exact same health as players... now there's an idea.

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Before we start going on about increasing zombie HP... How about we make sure they stop walking through walls/doors/etc...


Who wants tougher zombies right now when they can already materialize through just about anything?


I think it's common sense that the devs are at some point going to make the zombies a tougher aspect of the game. Give it time.

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I would like to see them become more intelligent and numerous with the current balancing before considering altering their speed and strength.

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Whatever they are called, suffice to say they are not living. So if we go by the excellent books by max brooks, head shot ftw.

Personally I would like them to be slowed down by pistol fire in chest, knocked of there feet by a magnum in chest or Mosian. Quite like the idea of buying time if you are surprised you could knock them down and then do a quick execute shot to the head. Same if you shoot there legs they just get knockdown, would be cool if limbs came of but I doubt that will happen, fingers crossed thou.

But that's the future lets up the aunti on number of infected/zombies and fix clipping through walls first.

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Then they are not ZOMBIES!  By definition Zombies are undead no matter what culture it comes from. 


I say they NEED to change this silly idea of 28 days later Infected. Its not anywhere as scary, and a lot of great gameplay changes can be made if they are Zombies. There isn't a reason to make them sick humans, its silly.


They should be Zombies and they should only be killed by being hit in the head.

Umm... not zombies? Check this out




The first line in that list reads:


"Config: added anim hooks for zombie feeding(should allow for zombie to deal damage to unconscious players)"


Edit: it is also here on these forums, posted by Rocket himself



Edited by MystoganXIX

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Umm... not zombies? Check this out




The first line in that list reads:


"Config: added anim hooks for zombie feeding(should allow for zombie to deal damage to unconscious players)"


Edit: it is also here on these forums, posted by Rocket himself




So, you're saying that they are undead? Unlike the people that keep saying these are 28 days later Infected people. Or are you saying that the Devs aren't really sure what a Zombie is?

Edited by The Mad Titan

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Worry about AI and numbers before making them stronger and faster....



Also, considering bases in the mod were covered in dead bodies I'd assume these are infected and not the undead. 

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Step 1: 


-Fix the zombies 


Step 2:


-Improve the fixed zombies


Step 3: 


-Buff the zombies 

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someone needs to lay down some general ground rules for these zombies. What kind of zombie lore do they follow? Are we talking Resident evil zombies? World war Z zombies? Walking dead zombies? ect.

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someone needs to lay down some general ground rules for these zombies. What kind of zombie lore do they follow? Are we talking Resident evil zombies? World war Z zombies? Walking dead zombies? ect.


Right now they are like Mr. X from RE2 except when they walk through walls the walls give zero fucks. 

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Keep in mind that zombie virus infected humans have "retard strength".  They are like insane junkies on PCP, not like Aunt Flo with a bad case of influenza.  They should run at you with no fear or feelings of pain until they are physically unable to continue.


I think the general "rules" have been that they are like 28 Days Later zombies.  That is to say, they shuffle around aimlessly until something attracts their attention and causes them to "agros".  Then they go ape shit and run straight at whatever attracted them.  Getting hit by a zombie has some chance to "infect" you with a deadly virus that is progressive, but curable with rare antibiotics.

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Umm... not zombies? Check this out




The first line in that list reads:


"Config: added anim hooks for zombie feeding(should allow for zombie to deal damage to unconscious players)"


Edit: it is also here on these forums, posted by Rocket himself



This just seems to be part of the code and to make it easier for all practical purposes to get the idea across that they have fixed the infected, still nowhere in the lore of dayZ it says they are zombies. I wouldn't take this as proof they are legitimate zombies but more as a non-canon way of explaining updates.

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I want to see the moving hordes of mass zombies Rocket has talked about implemented (once they aren't broken) , imagine walking over a hill right into a massive zombie swarm... Epic 

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I dont agree with the more hp for zombies idea.
they right now have to be finished.  and the "stealth" possibilities has to be implemented, like , evading em walking slow and crouch.
or crossing some walls.

because right now, they see you  if youre lying in the ground, or behind them not running, and a long etc etc.

(sorry for my bad english. its not my main language.)

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Zombies are rotting corpses that are barely able to continue to function due to their decaying muscles. Assuming the "virus" is a parasitic one that controls their brain, damaging the brain should result in an instant kill due to the loss of control from the lack of a brain. They still feel pain from getting shot/dismembered, but they don't react to it until they bleed out/can't move. This is all just going off of what all the zombie lore that we've been provided. Zombies aren't real, we've just created a realistic way for them to be possible. They should always be easier to kill than a human. The current problem is that there aren't enough of them around. More zombies.

Edited by omgwtfbbq

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I think Rocket mentioned about implementing different "rot" level zombies at some point... older zombies are slow and weaker, while new ones are faster and stronger. I could be wrong, though.

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someone needs to lay down some general ground rules for these zombies. What kind of zombie lore do they follow? Are we talking Resident evil zombies? World war Z zombies? Walking dead zombies? ect.


Yes, I agree, but we need to make sure they are Zombies first.


Zombies are undead, there isn't any argument that supports otherwise, that is the definition. I don't wanna hear people saying, "28 Day Later Zombies", that is not a Zombie movie. I know it is similar but they are infected with "Rage", they aren't undead. Don't misunderstand me though I love 28 Days Later, they just are not Zombies.


This game is in development and the devs can change the lore all they want, but what I want is to make sure that this is a ZOMBIE game. So, I will favor the undead over them just being infected with an unrealistic virus. 


Gameplay wise Zombies would be scarier and a lot more fun. As for Infected, well there isn't anything you can do with them that you couldn't do with Zombies and you are very limited to what you can do with them.


If the Devs decide that this is a Zombie game then we need to figure out what kind of Zombies we are dealing with. So if you're in favor of ZOMBIES then let it be known in the forums!

Edited by The Mad Titan

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Zombies are undead, there isn't any argument that supports otherwise, that is the definition. I don't wanna hear people saying, "28 Day Later Zombies", that is not a Zombie movie


I can't imagine a more pointless thing to spend time thinking about let alone debating openly on the forums, and I'm a huge Zombie fiction fan.

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I can't imagine a more pointless thing to spend time thinking about let alone debating openly on the forums, and I'm a huge Zombie fiction fan.


You don't seem to understand what is being discussed. We are not debating over what a Zombie is, its about the npcs in this game. Currently they are NOT Zombies, they are alive and infected people. If they are Zombies there are many gameplay mechanics that can be added to the game that are more fun. Also, Zombies can have way cool looking models, e.g. rotting or dismembered etc.


Gameplay mechanics could be, only headshots count and hitting anywhere else doesn't do damage. Player's bodies after dying become reanimated and start wondering around. Anything unlooted from the corpse would be on it, possibly making it a walking treasure. Have them lay dormant in a pool of blood or "play dead" after being knocked down only to surprise attack you if you're too close. The longer a Zombie has been starving the more aggressive they get, instead of an infected that would get weaker or die of starvation. There are many game play mechanics that can be added if they are Zombies, but if they are just infected all you have is them throwing fits, attacking you, and dying of starvation... boring and not as scary or cool.

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These are not undead zombies, these are alive people with a virus that causes zombie behavior.


Think 28 days later.


So anything that can kill a human will kill these zombies.

Yeah well a gunshot to the lower chest or to the legs/arms should not kill them in one shot. 1 shot headshot yes, at least 3 shots to the thoracic cavity, unless it was in the heart.

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A few punches to the head and an uninfected human player is down for the count. The zombies fall down, but they get right back up again.


In a way they're already stronger than humans.

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Yeah well a gunshot to the lower chest or to the legs/arms should not kill them in one shot. 1 shot headshot yes, at least 3 shots to the thoracic cavity, unless it was in the heart.

Indeed even if we run the assumption they are infected and not actual zombies they would be far tougher than they are now i mean is it just me but players have more survivability when shot ( i have had to shoot people 2 or 3 times when i havent nailed a good shot) the zeds go down 1 shot anywhere!!!!


Again if they are infected with a rage like thing they would indeed still require alot more shots to take down why you say they are human yes there human if IF there just infected but have you seen reports of police shooting people on drugs (the 80s was big for this guys on pcp getting hailed with bullets and moving on before dieing from wounds. WHY you ask the thing that usually kills a person being shot (unless it is a major organ heart brain ) is SHOCK drug induced people suffer it far less and a guy infected with RAGE would not suffer from SHOCK at all so you need to put him her down with vital organ shots or many shots leading to complete shut down 1 shot aint going to cut it no way no how.........

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Like others have said, the combat needs to be changed before this happens. I can be 4-5ft away from a zombie, they'll swing, and somehow the hit will land and I'll start bleeding out. That's bullshit. So no, they don't need to have more HP until that stuff is fixed.

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A quick linguistics lesson for everyone before adding something worthwhile:

Words become words when people use them. They are assigned whatever meaning people give them, or whatever meaning they are interpreted to have. Dictionaries don't set the standards, they attempt to record them. The word "zombie" originally comes from Africa, and later Haiti, and was very different than what is considered a zombie now:



According to the West African tenets of Vodou, a dead person can be revived by a bokor, or sorcerer. Zombies remain under the control of the bokor since they have no will of their own. "Zombi" is also another name of the Vodou snake lwa Damballah Wedo, of Niger–Congo origin; it is akin to the Kikongo word nzambi, which means "god". There also exists within the West African Vodun tradition the zombi astral, which is a part of the human soul that is captured by a bokor and used to enhance the bokor's power. The zombi astral is typically kept inside a bottle which the bokor can sell to clients for luck, healing or business success. It is believed that after a time God will take the soul back and so the zombi is a temporary spiritual entity.[2] It is also said in vodou legend, that feeding a zombie salt will make it return to the grave.


The word arrived in modern pop culture through George Romero. Not Night of the Living Dead, but the sequel-- Dawn of the Dead. The Night of the Living Dead zombies were always referred to as ghouls.

This means that if you want to describe what you consider zombies by their original name, you should be calling them ghouls. If you accept that common usage evolves our language (it does), then "the Infected" can also be called zombies interchangeably. 28 Days was a science fiction take on the zombie genre, instead of the more popular religious/magical/unexplained phenomena origins that had come before, and has been considered by virtually everyone who has seen it to be a zombie movie, including the creators.

Now that we're done with that argument, the zombies in this game are infected living humans. So they wouldn't have more health, they would actually probably have less, depending on how badly the disease affects the body in the transition process. They also don't feel pain. This is reflected in that they don't take shock value damage and don't drop unconscious.

Also it's a real pain in the ass to kill zombies with a non-axe melee weapon right now anyway. That really doesn't need to be harder. Zombie health is fine as it is, and everything will be more challenging once zombie physics and numbers are added in.

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A quick linguistics lesson for everyone before adding something worthwhile:

Words become words when people use them. They are assigned whatever meaning people give them, or whatever meaning they are interpreted to have. Dictionaries don't set the standards, they attempt to record them. The word "zombie" originally comes from Africa, and later Haiti, and was very different than what is considered a zombie now:



The word arrived in modern pop culture through George Romero. Not Night of the Living Dead, but the sequel-- Dawn of the Dead. The Night of the Living Dead zombies were always referred to as ghouls.

This means that if you want to describe what you consider zombies by their original name, you should be calling them ghouls. If you accept that common usage evolves our language (it does), then "the Infected" can also be called zombies interchangeably. 28 Days was a science fiction take on the zombie genre, instead of the more popular religious/magical/unexplained phenomena origins that had come before, and has been considered by virtually everyone who has seen it to be a zombie movie, including the creators.

Now that we're done with that argument, the zombies in this game are infected living humans. So they wouldn't have more health, they would actually probably have less, depending on how badly the disease affects the body in the transition process. They also don't feel pain. This is reflected in that they don't take shock value damage and don't drop unconscious.

Also it's a real pain in the ass to kill zombies with a non-axe melee weapon right now anyway. That really doesn't need to be harder. Zombie health is fine as it is, and everything will be more challenging once zombie physics and numbers are added in.

A fine piece of eductation there (pointless but educational ) can you address the very real use of SHOCK on ones system as actually being the major cause for death from gun shots ( a well documented situation) again the fact that one infected with rage is not subject to shock hence the only way to put them down is vital organ shot or repeated shots causing complete shut down of functions VODOO not required lol ...


But on the melee issue i agree but that has more in relation to fixing / balancing  melee weapons not related to the zeds health....


Edit also the affects of this ilness making them weaker is subjective have you ever been hunting and shot an animal and seen how it responds to something that should make it weaker ( i mean its losing blood etc wouldnt that make it weaker) it becomes savage its natural body chemistry actually ramps it up to make it savage as hell the same as these RAGE driven zeds would be ....

Edited by SoulFirez
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