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About Shadyfizzle

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  1. Shadyfizzle

    A night in the "PVE" server.

    You would think a pile of say 3 bodies would dissuade others from looting their corpses, that and the gunshots...good stuff tho
  2. Shadyfizzle

    Your favourite thing about the Standalone so far?

    I like putting on a clown mask and scaring people at green mountain
  3. Shadyfizzle

    Character Resets After new Update?

    Hive is probably down for the update since they are trying to create a hardcore server hive. i would hope they would announce it if they were going to wipe our characters since they did let us know the first time.
  4. Shadyfizzle

    A suggestion to cut down on banditry.

    As much as i don't like the WoW comparison, i do agree with fixed names. but the problem is youll have no way of knowing who killed who since there are no name indicators. If you're able to see a name tag from 100 or so meters away, that kinda defeats the purpose of hiding since a name will pop up if you inadvertently aim over a hidden person. Also people would become bandits for the sake of notoriety
  5. Gonna sell a few more copies of SA now that some people got banned?
  6. Shadyfizzle

    How bad is DayZ's community?

    Well said Zed Btw on the forum side, if you post or propose something entirely ridiculous then the forums will let you know. Id say there is no more trollery in this forum than any other
  7. Shadyfizzle

    ## hour player lock / Gear locked to server!

    How old are you guys? For scientific purposes...
  8. Shadyfizzle

    ## hour player lock / Gear locked to server!

    you pretty much always get the advantage from server hoppers because they make a loud reloading sound and take a few seconds to load in. Also they generally arent expecting someone to be right next to them when they spawn in
  9. Shadyfizzle

    ## hour player lock / Gear locked to server!

    That would make coastline camping/banditry SO much worse
  10. Shadyfizzle

    tac/stab vest clipping

    it also sits a few inches above your shoulders, kinda looks weird when you wear it
  11. Shadyfizzle

    Item in last-ish patch

    take it to green mountain, turn it on, and witness the horror...
  12. Shadyfizzle

    ## hour player lock / Gear locked to server!

    Gear was never locked to servers in the mod. It was because there were so many private hives that it seemed that way. Locking gear to servers would totally defeat the purpose of a common hive so what wont happen until private hives start popping up. As i mentioned before, a cooldown timer between server switches will probably be implemented, whether it is an arbitrary amount of time or scales with how many times you jump is an area for debate
  13. Shadyfizzle

    ## hour player lock / Gear locked to server!

    who is shit talking who at this point?
  14. Shadyfizzle

    Reset and Rollbacks

    good job informing those too lazy to read for a second
  15. Shadyfizzle

    ## hour player lock / Gear locked to server!

    its gonna be some sort of cooldown between switching servers, idk if it will be an arbitrary number like 10 minutes between switching servers or if it will be dynamic with the amount of times you switch servers, but i can pretty much guarantee that it will be something along these lines also eliminates ghosting btw