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"Friendly Servers"

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I see no problem with the friendly servers atm as long as admins aren't kicking people.


As long as they continue to have nice spots on the mountainside where I can aim into high traffic areas with a mosin, I'm happy.

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I think "Friendly Servers" are a good thing for new players to learn about hunger and thirst. Let them easily learn where places are and how they look without getting shot. Yes I have played on friendly servers when I first started. Just to see what the game looked like and experience how easy it is to die of thirst and stuff.

But know I'm sure willing to play on other servers. Low pop or not. I feel I'm ready for it.

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The way I see the PvP element of DayZ is like trouble in terrorist town.

That gametype is popular as it has the essence of 'I might be killed when anyone sees me.'

DayZ just brings it to a whole new level with higher risk/reward - it's probably an 80% chance anyone you meet is unfriendly. But if their not and you get along? The reward can be awesome.

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I use a simple solution to this for now, I only join servers with very few players on them! like 2-6 or even 0 - this is because I am new and I have seen in large cities with 20+ players what it can be like!

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Don't know if its just me or what but I'm getting sick of this. I'm new to the game so i decided to play on a friendly server stating do not kill on sight or in that matter don't kill at all. Multiple times now i've been killed on these servers. I know "Don't trust anyone" but its a friendly server, like really people if you wanna kill people play on the other servers! 3 Times now i've had my weapons, food, water, and everything i needed to survive when all of a sudden someone appears, i would approach asking "hey man need anything, food or water?" and than I would be shot. The thing that really pisses me off is the admins don't follow up on this, i approach them telling them i was killed on sight and they don't ban or kick from server. The admins of these servers need to take better care and hold their ground!

are you serious?

there are no private hives, so there are no server rules. the only rules are "dont hack or cheat" and "dont exploit bugs and glitches".


welcome to dayz

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Don't know if its just me or what but I'm getting sick of this. I'm new to the game so i decided to play on a friendly server stating do not kill on sight or in that matter don't kill at all. Multiple times now i've been killed on these servers. I know "Don't trust anyone" but its a friendly server, like really people if you wanna kill people play on the other servers! 3 Times now i've had my weapons, food, water, and everything i needed to survive when all of a sudden someone appears, i would approach asking "hey man need anything, food or water?" and than I would be shot. The thing that really pisses me off is the admins don't follow up on this, i approach them telling them i was killed on sight and they don't ban or kick from server. The admins of these servers need to take better care and hold their ground!

if the server says friendly or no KOS please i think most people do the opposite on that server. its kind of like they are trying to sucker in the more passive type of player. if your looking for a friendly server there are none at the moment. maybe when they get private servers your luck will increase. but until they add more zeds theirs not much fun not being hunted by people. but different strokes different folks.  

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Threads like this get locked time and again and the next thing you know someone who got their epeen stepped on by a bullet to the head opens one again... It makes camping a rooftop for bambi's sweet even without a sidechat to feed on their sweet tears of despair. It can be done here on the forums.

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Sadly friendly servers can not really enforce that rule while they are on the "Public Hive" as you will get jealous kiddies who dont even have money to rent a server, reporting your server and most likely getting it black listed from the main hive. Just wait for some "friendly" private hive servers. My sig shows mine.


DId they release the server files for SA? I thought they have not approved yet to have private hives for DayZ SA, care to share your good fortunes..... 8-)

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Dunno if any server is truly 'friendly', but on ours, when you respawn (mod) it is with a pistol, ammo, small backpack.  we do have bandits, but get off the coast, head north, stay off the road, as you travel noisy that way.  Move in the grass on the side and weave amongst trees, bushes, always on the lookout for zombies.  Avoid the bigger towns; these are prime hunting grounds for bandits.  Airstrips, factories, grocery stores, schools are prime loot areas, sure to draw the rough and tumble crowd.  best to do your looting in smaller areas, devoid of movement or vehicles.  Look; Listen; Stay hidden.  Approach NO ONE.  Tough learning curve to this game.  In mod, type Proteus in the filter.  We have vent.  Our Admin is a good one.  I have Standalone, but choose to play Mod for now.  I'll play Alpha when I get better at this!  LOL

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Probably should have researched the game you were buying before hand. DayZ will always be full of "Bandits" who shoot on site, who will do anything to get your nice loots. There is nothing anyone can do to avoid it besides becoming a bandit yourself. Everyone complains about bandits, But what are they really doing? It's fun getting in on some action and killing people to get better gear. Sure you can loot it yourself but then it comes down to, what are you going to do once you have gear? kill zombies? No, your going to try and kill people. Everyone is a bandit and that will never change. So yes, don't be upset if you get killed in DayZ and lose all of your gear. It happens to the best of us!

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Some of you guys are just downright stupid with how much you think your opinion matters. Get over yourselves and either help the bambies by offering advice or just fuck off on out of here. Looking at you, Atrocity and Walrus. The more people you alienate with your bullshit the less people there will be in the game as it progresses. A game's community has a profound impact on it's multiplayer experience, and  I don't give a shit if you think that your 'l33t KoS CoD spinny shoot off' skills or 'sup3r s0phistic4ted grammar' validates you enough to go and shit on another poster.





With that out of the way, I'd like to recommend to anyone looking to have a 'friendly' experience on the game to first, yes. Play on 'friendly' or No KoS servers. This is because believe it or not, there ARE people playing on them because of that label, who just like you, would like to have a chance to meet other players and communicate and perhaps trade with them. However, you should also recognize that as other people have said in this thread that bandits and unfriendly players aren't barred from the server. This can be a good thing! Just like bandits (should) have to think and strategize to do well, as do you. I've got a handful of tips that should help you run into more friendly people, regardless of server.

  • First, don't count ANYONE you meet, even if you've been talking to them for a couple minutes as 100% friendly. Be cautious. Be skeptical of them. Above all, be ready to kill them should the situation call for it, because it very well may. If they inexplicably raise their weapon, or go for their weapon, get behind cover and raise yours. It should be fairly obvious if they're trying to kill you. Voice chat them out. Ask them what they're doing. If they don't have a very good answer and don't put their gun away, kill them. Better them than you -- After all, you tried being friendly. That's what matters. Don't get squeamish over that you might accidentally kill someone from a misunderstanding, but at the same time, try not to let it happen.

  • Second, and this ties in with the first point. USE VOICE CHAT !  This cannot be stressed enough! If you spend time typing and standing in one place, you are very likely to die from someone opportunistically killing you. If you don't have voice chat, don't approach other people. HOWEVER, if someone with voice chat approaches you, you should probably respond to them. After all, if they wanted to kill you, they'd have probably shot you in the back without saying anything. Not saying that they -won't- kill you, but you've got a fair chance of surviving an encounter like that, especially if the person who approaches you seems like they know what they're doing. If someone approaches you with voice chat and /then/ kills you, you can bet they're new to the game, and lacked the skill to kill you without gaining your trust and you holding still first. A bandit who's good (or at least, isn't a fresh-of-the-shore bambi) will hold you up, or kill you by surprise.

  • Third, when you approach someone approach them from an advantageous situation! What I mean by this is when you go to make contact with a person, simply make sure you're in a better position to kill them than they are you. For instance, you can run up behind a wall that's near another player and begin speaking to them over voice chat. Personally, I don't ask anyone to drop their weapons, ect ect because it puts them on edge, but that's your prerogative. I normally lead off with "Hello there. Hello, are you friendly? You, guy in the blahblahcolor shirt with the cap?". Hiding behind the wall while I speak to them ensures that they -cannot- kill me, and often times that they don't even know where I am. In third person servers, I could even look over the wall with third person to gauge their reaction. If they raise their weapon immediately at me talking to them and they don't respond, looking around for me, I consider them hostile and thus fair game. But an advantageous situation doesn't have to be from an outlook of terrain or layout. If you see a guy run into a house to loot it and you run up out front and pull out your pistol (note: Not raised, just in your hands) and you surprise him on his way out and say hello, talk to him -- if he doesn't have a gun in his hands, his options are to: A) Talk to you, be friendly, at least until he gets a chance to kill you. Maybe longer if he's genuinely friendly. B) Panic and run, in which case you should get behind cover and watch the surroundings, make sure he's not coming back to kill you. C) Panic and try to draw a weapon. In which case you should raise the weapon in your hands and waste his ass long before he gets a chance to even fire a shot.

  • Finally, remember your roots! If you want to see more friendlies in the future, when you're better at the game, when you're heavily geared. Stock yourself up like a damn pack mule with canteens, bandages, food, and walk your ass down onto the east coast. Find some bambi's. Find some new players. Hand out your goodies like your goddamn santa claus, always keeping an eye out for opportunists and bandits to pop a cap in them should they try to take advantage of your generocity or KoS you. Teach new players that not everyone out there is an asshole. Show people that there is more to the game than KoS.​
And in summary people; remember. No matter what server you're playing on, no matter how friendly you want to be, always remember. This is a game with guns. This is a game with other people. This game has no rules. Others will try to take advantage of you. Others will try to kill you. Start seeing that as a part of the fun and you will have a much grander time. Learn new tactics and strategies for dealing with people, dealing with traversing terrain. Adapt. Overcome. Being a friendly player or survivor in this game and being a good one is the hardest thing you can possibly do in it. This is literally the game on it's hardest difficulty setting. Bandits who KoS are playing on easy mode, because they don't have to think. Bandits who hold people up are playing on normal, because they have to think but they don't have to feel other people out or figure out who they can trust. However, a survivor who recognizes that there are people out there who want to kill them, and they still have the damn audacity to say to themselves: Fuck it. I'm still going to help people. Not only that, but I'm going to leave no bandit who crosses my path alive. They are the ones who are playing on nightmare mode. Especially if they're lone-wolfing it without a group.

I don't hate bandits, and I don't blame them for playing the way they do. I respect them, because without them, I wouldn't have challenge to the game. I wouldn't have rivals -- and some of them, the skilled ones are very worthy rivals at that. We're just on opposite ends of the same spectrum.

Love to everyone out there, but some people get canned food and screwdrivers, and some people get bullets.

And why exactly was I included in this?

I was using the statement about grammar to display my displeasure to those who don't use a word correctly. I've never said I have super sophisticated grammar at all, actually. To be honest, I think your post was just a half-assed rage induced post that only exists to flame another forum member, which isn't allowed. These forums are meant for those who have an opinion to input it. and yet, you imply that our opinion doesn't matter. Not only that, but you single out other forum members you dislike, and then tell them to fuck off because they are "alienating the community."

I could throw your entire argument back at you, really. Giving advice in any form is better than telling someone they basically don't matter on these forums. Did I mention that by including that part in your post, you actually went and shit on two posters at once? Yeah. Irony hurts. While your post did have some good pointers for newbies, that first part is INEXCUSABLE.

I never said my opinion matters more than another person's opinion, either. The lies people use...

You get NO BEANS, and you should really think these through before you hate on another forum member.

EDIT-TBH, I don't really think you have much room to say that we are bad members of this forums, considering you have a post count of 3.

I'm not discriminating over those with a low post count, but it just doesn't work. It's like saying that a worker is extremely bad at his job, but you have no experience in said job. It just doesn't work.

/rant over

Well, that's the end of my rage-induced rant. I'd actually appreciate it if the mods cracked down more on these types of posts as, in my experience, they used to quite well. I just find it unacceptable to single out other forum members and say their opinion doesn't matter on an online forum. Especially considering that forums are made almost exclusively by opinions. But, I gotta say. Some of his tips were good. I just didn't feel like reading them due to the hate mail at the top. Unfortunately, I got to come home from a terrible day at school only to get: MORE DISCOURAGEMENT! Hooray.... Fuck my life.

Edited by The Aquatic Land Walrus

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Don't know if its just me or what but I'm getting sick of this. I'm new to the game so i decided to play on a friendly server stating do not kill on sight or in that matter don't kill at all. Multiple times now i've been killed on these servers. I know "Don't trust anyone" but its a friendly server, like really people if you wanna kill people play on the other servers! 3 Times now i've had my weapons, food, water, and everything i needed to survive when all of a sudden someone appears, i would approach asking "hey man need anything, food or water?" and than I would be shot. The thing that really pisses me off is the admins don't follow up on this, i approach them telling them i was killed on sight and they don't ban or kick from server. The admins of these servers need to take better care and hold their ground!





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as long as there is no private server hive, then rules like "No Kos" or "PVE only" cannot be enforced without breaking the rules set forth by the DayZ staff that apply to all server operators.


FYI private hives are against those same rules.

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FYI private hives are against those same rules.


Yes, currently the mod operates under basically the same rule set.  Hypothetically, admins could be given more control/leeway in DayZ if there were a private hive but since there currently isn't, it's hard to say for sure although it wouldn't be far-fetched to assume private hives will operate under the same ruleset in the SA as the mod.  


Regardless, of the guidelines and rules for private hives in the mod, it sure as hell damn well happens often enough in the mod.  Find someone's camp?  Kill someone?  Blow up their vehicle?  Banned, banned and banned.  Good night.

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Just try learn the game even if its frustrating sometime since this is your only solution for now (except leaving of course). When there will be private servers, if its still what you are looking for, you will have no problem to find a server with admins that enforce the friendly aspect.

In my opinion, you will be bored after 1-3 weeks if there are no pvp zone or ai roaming the map and a ton of zeds, but i can understand your situation, that easier to learn the basics of the game that way. People tend to forget that everyone is different, i see no issues to be able to play the same game in different way, even if some "game mode" are harder than other or do not exactly feel like the vanilla style.

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The answer to this is very simple. DayZ has no feature for enforcing friendly gameplay, and that's deliberate. If someone creates a "friendly server", all they're doing is asking the people who join it to be friendly. PvP breaks no rules, so no one can be kicked or banned for it. It's all about trusting people... and you know how that goes on the internet.


Not saying it's a good or a bad thing. Just the way it is.

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Friendly servers are against the rules. Case closed; we already have multiple topics discussing this issue.

Some of you need to calm down.

Edited by Inception.

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