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An Issue with the New Spawns AKA "The Kamyshovo Massacre"

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an activity that one engages in for amusement.
"a computer game"
synonyms: pastimediversionentertainmentamusementdistraction,divertissementrecreationsportactivity, leisure activity;


I think you missed the point here.


Hence why Dayz is called an antigame. If you want your ARMA2 PVP with convenience go play Wasteland.

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There is a very limited amount of gear in the game at the moment, it's not hard to figure out the optimal stuff.

This may change in the future (I hope it does!) but the people with the best gear get it by server hopping at military areas, firehouses, hospitals, and the locations where press vests spawn.

This right here is bullshit. Implying that all people geared out (yourselves included) have to server hop for gear is wrong.


Gotten everything I have by NOT server hopping. Just have to go up north to get it. Never had a problem with getting gear in the north even when friends are complaining they can't find anything in the south.

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Camping fresh spawns ? How small must there genitals be.

Edited by Furyk
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To be honest, we aren't really interested in fighting people at the moment, and it would be bad for us to help people who mean us harm to track us down.

But the benighted town of kamyshovo, on whichever server it was where we exterminated so many victims, could certainly have used your help today.


ah right, my mistake you are just a bunch of fucking dicks then.. carry on..

Edited by Calibre
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So does this mean we only will spawn on the East? I admit the west spawn was insane, I only spawned in the east once, but do I really have to walk all the way across the map to get to the west? 

Well, there was a huge difference between spawning in the West or the East. The West had Balota AF, Pavlovo Military base, and Zelenogorsk was not far either. Plus Chernogorsk... If you spawned lets say at Krutoy Cap, you had a boring long walk to get a minimum of equipment. The problem now is everybody will follow the road through Elektro west or up north towards Berezino, still nobody will go inland... 

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Devs are getting metrics right now by moving the spawns to see how players react. Its a good thing. I'll bet dollar to donuts that the mil spawns will be adjusted as time goes on and probably move around a bit as well. What I find amazing is that all those people would rather run to Balota when the majority of them are closer to the NEAF. Boggles my mind.

If you spawn at Krutoy Cap you are basically at the same distance between Balota and NEAF. If you spawn at Kamyshovo you are closer to Balota and you have two big cities to loot on the way there.

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I had edit this post. Was reading the recent massacre thread and this one, thought only two spawn points are left...

I was editing my last post...

It was crap... have tested it now myself...

Edited by NoCheats

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But that is no input at all. 'not to up your post count but to actually offer some constructive additions'


So what are you adding to the original post that's constructive, what have any of you added in the last five posts.




And what have you added in the past 10+ posts here?





Think of the forums as a limited space. Every new topic you post, one is deleted. You are deleting someones work; replace it with something good.

-someone on another forum, 2013


Just because you want your own discussion, does not mean you are permitted to create yet another thread about it. What is better: 100 threads with a opinion in each, or 1 thread with 100 opinions and people commenting and critiquing eachothers opinions?

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just a troll group of server hopping, combat logging, spawn camping game exploiter's who come here to brag about what dicks they are to get something to flap over.


nothing to see here move along.

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This right here is bullshit. Implying that all people geared out (yourselves included) have to server hop for gear is wrong.


Gotten everything I have by NOT server hopping. Just have to go up north to get it. Never had a problem with getting gear in the north even when friends are complaining they can't find anything in the south.


Playing on an empty server immediately after it resets doesn't make you any different from the rest of us.  You're not as righteous as you seem to think you are.

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And what have you added in the past 10+ posts here?




-someone on another forum, 2013


Just because you want your own discussion, does not mean you are permitted to create yet another thread about it. What is better: 100 threads with a opinion in each, or 1 thread with 100 opinions and people commenting and critiquing eachothers opinions?

 LOL if you and the people like you who feel the need to leave pointless unrelated posts on the thread then my ten comments would have been an in depth discussion about the issues i raised. But obviously this can not happen if someone has already metioned it in another thread, you must go there. NO that is not how a forum works, im sorry to be the one to break it to you.

And what have you added in the past 10+ posts here?




-someone on another forum, 2013


Just because you want your own discussion, does not mean you are permitted to create yet another thread about it. What is better: 100 threads with a opinion in each, or 1 thread with 100 opinions and people commenting and critiquing eachothers opinions?

Actually yes it does, it means exactly that. If i want to talk about something i am permitted to talk about that thing in my own thread, i do not have to and neither will i go onto someone elses thread and leave that massive wall of text on their post, no one would read it and it would look too long to just be a reply to the OP question. I have every right to post this here so get over yourself.

Edited by dayzhopeful

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 LOL if you and the people like you who feel the need to leave pointless unrelated posts on the thread then my ten comments would have been an in depth discussion about the issues i raised. But obviously this can not happen if someone has already metioned it in another thread, you must go there. NO that is not how a forum works, im sorry to be the one to break it to you.

Actually yes it does, it means exactly that. If i want to talk about something i am permitted to talk about that thing in my own thread, i do not have to and neither will i go onto someone elses thread and leave that massive wall of text on their post, no one would read it and it would look too long to just be a reply to the OP question. I have every right to post this here so get over yourself.


Quote http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/153786-forum-rules-roles-and-guidelines/:



Search First:

Use the search function to look for an existing thread on the topic that you wish to share your opinion about. You should also look at the sticky threads (on top of the forum) and browse through the first few pages of topics, in case your search keyword just wasn't included on an existing thread of the same subject. If you create a duplicate thread, it is very likely that your thread will be locked or deleted!

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I just wish that when people get shot they accept their death and start again and don't combat log or Alt+Tab to hide their now dead body from their killer.


Combat Logging has annoyed me ever since in the mod I was travelling west along the coast, heard shots and went to investigate. Found two bandits sniping new spawns so I trained my Lee Enfield and fire, took them both down. My aim was to knock them both out before they could just shoot me back, but this gave them a chance to combat log and deny me my kill and them their deaths.... cowards.

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I have a question for all the people that are annoyed, upset, and/or bothered by what we do.  If you are all so righteous, why don't you spend the rest of your alpha experience running along the shores trying to prevent this?  


Just let us know what server you guys are on and when you're on it and some of us will do just that :)

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Playing on an empty server immediately after it resets doesn't make you any different from the rest of us.  You're not as righteous as you seem to think you are.


I play on full servers and have never server hopped for gear.


There is no excuse for it. Take the time to play the game.. it's not that hard.

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Playing on an empty server immediately after it resets doesn't make you any different from the rest of us.  You're not as righteous as you seem to think you are.

Sorry to burst your bubble cupcake, but I only play on servers with 30+ people and I don't bounce around to find one that just reset either.

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1 Spawn killing is going to become rife, look at the recent massacre thread in general discussions to see what i mean. The only way to stop this is random spawns yet they have taken this away.


2 Whats to stop me from killing myself constantly until i spawn at west electro which is now what everyone seems to be doing.


3. All loot along the north and west roads has been taken by the 40 plus players who have been through there before you meaning your likely to starve before you even reach a major city.



1.  Due to the size of the map, being able to find someone or see them as soon as they spawn is definitely a rare occurrence.  And if you die as a fresh spawn, who cares?  You lose absolutely nothing.  Hell, try to blitz them and score a lucky knockout.  Might get yourself some really quick gear :)

2.  Nothing can stop you from doing this.  But why on earth do you want to spawn near the killzone?  Player choice, and a bad one at that (in my opinion).

3.  You must be unlucky.  It's the exact opposite.  The towns to the north are loaded, always.  The absolute BEST experience my buddy has had after spawning was when he spawned at Novy Sobor.  I was able to reach him in peace.  We got him geared quickly from a combination of the extras I was carrying and the loot we found.  It was great.  

The new spawn system is perfect, imo.

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I wonder if it would have been such an issue to so many people, if it were never 'pointed out'...

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I fully support this. The new spawn points suck. Hopefully these guy will kill enough people that the cry babies force them to change the spawn points back.


I havent respawned since the patch however guys in my group have. Without vehicles in the game these spawn points just add an unneeded grind.


A running sim is not very fun to play.


You want to spawn my buddy clear on the other side of the map then I better damn well have a vehicle to go pick his ass up with.

Edited by captainvette2112
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Today i died to some glitch where my character corrupted and it couldn't be loaded again so i reported it and then i went ahead and spawned again and what do i see s player dying of zee's killing him i quickly take of my shirt tear it to rags bandage the guy and kill the zee's after that the guy kills me for saving his life because he was trying to get a better spawn... yea i think there is a problem but i don't think its as big of a deal as you say it is there will always be spawn killing and suiciding to get a better spawn....

sorry for bad grammar English is not my native language

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Ouch, I'm sure some of those folk had run from north east via running simulator trying to reach a big city where stuff actually happens too.  Oh well, guess that will teach them to just suicide to get the best spawns rather than wasting their life via pointless blatant timesink created by devs because they'd rather you run towards military loot with nothing to do for 40 minutes than be able to actually have things to do along the way.  Brilliant.

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Meh, givent he fact the new patch hasnt fixed combat logging at all (at least not on my client) I dont see how any of them died to you.

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So why have you linked that. It is not related to my original post as i have already explained.


Or why dont you tell me how the search function would have stopped me posting. ??



The reaso I linked that is because it is said, by the mods, that "If you create a duplicate thread, it is very likely that your thread will be locked or deleted!", so it is pretty obvious that duplicate posts are not wanted. I could list all of the topics that were  locked or deleted, but there shouldn't be any need to do that for anyone. 

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