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In my opinion, the current compass is an example of over-design.

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Maybe it's your strange FOV bro?


Oh, sorry. I think always all people are highly intelligent. My main problem when I communicate with others. IT IS THE FOV.


So, you insult me? I've never touched the FOV because it's known to screw up aiming. Perhaps you're the one lacking intelligence when you make assumptions and then throw out insults based on those faulty assumptions.

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So, you insult me?

Was editing it out, because I thought the same... sorry for that... >:(  I feel bad now.

Your FOV is reduced to the lowest position.

Edited by NoCheats

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I think the angle's a bit low on the new one. Very much preferred the mod's version of viewing the compass, but I could live with this one if it was angled to be a bit easier to see when you've got it up in front of you. Possibly have the character actually hold it up and to one side of the face when you hit space?

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Over Design can potentially be good. If only this applied to the way sniping worked in game too.

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I don't even use the compass.  It's a pretty big waste of time if you ask me.  I suppose that's evidence enough that it's over-designed.  Frankly, I don't know how anyone can get lost in this game.  If you're still getting lost after a week of playing - you're not paying attention to your surroundings.  Start finding land marks.  Use the North Star.  Remember where the ocean is - it's always South or East if you're in that area.


I can pretty much find my way around the coastal cities blind folded by now.  I'm sure as I continue to move North, I'll be able to memorize the map pretty easily.  I've already gotten the western roads down pat.

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In fact I'm sure most conversations in combat about where targets are go something along the lines of...


"ENEMY SNIPER THIRD FLOOR OF THIS BUILDING *gesture with hand to building*"





You know what? It would be a nice feature if you could actually point in this game.

Edited by AmirDayz
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I hate how people get all into the, "well in reality...".   Well in reality, one does not need to eat and drink every 10 minutes.  In reality, there are no zombies.  In reality one does not find awesome guns just sitting in a tent.  In reality one does not fix a bullet one with a bandage and continue running like nothing happened.  If you are going to use reality as an argument for something like this... don't.

Edited by SKuDD3r

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You know what? It would be a nice feature if you could actually point in this game.

Guess what, rocket has said they will be adding pointing :)

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I agree that it is too cumbersome to use the compass now.  Judging by the comments in this topic, not many have ever used a lensatic compass, let alone using it for land navigation.  You can either hold it up to your cheek or use both or one hand to hold the compass on your chest.  USMC land nav manuals recommend keeping a compass 1/2 meter away from a rifle (19.5 inches).  A weapon doesn't need to be "holstered" on the back, you can lower it with your left hand, grab your compass with the right hand (which is dummy corded to your gear), get your bearings, shoot an azimuth, find a landmark on that azimuth and walk to it.  It should only take 2 seconds to have the compass ready and less than a second to drop the compass and pick your weapon back up. 


Since the needle will certainly bounce while running, you should have to make the decision to stop or walk to get an accurate reading.  If you are in a situation where you need to run, you could still get a read, it just won't be down to the degree.

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Well maybe its littlebit over the top, at least would be nice to see it while jogging... I can pull my arms up while jogging to look stuff..

Edited by Zeppa

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I think it's fine, maybe adjust the viewmodel a little so it can actually be held up while jogging.


Personally I don't even bother picking up compasses any more, I'd rather navigate based on scenery and landmarks. In the mod it was a nobrainer since it took up an otherwise useless tool slot.


It's really done wonders for the UI as well, in my opinion.

Edited by wartzilla

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The compass is not a problem of overdesign its simply an indicator of overdesign.


The medical system is a serious case of overdesign. The cooking system (which doesn't work) is a serious case of overdesign. I mean...seriously, thanks for the camping stoves but I'm not sure why I can't just remove the paper wrappers from tin cans and heat a can of beans without the need for a four slot cooking pot...which will only take rice and water anyways.


I mean I dunno how much actual survival you've done but in general heating something directly in a tin can is not infeasible. Whats more the whole idea of having camp stoves but cooking pots that take up a ridiculous amount of space is overdesigned and under thought.


I have an "oh shit" bag in the back of my closet, Theres not just a water bladder and 6 days of food in it but theres also a way to cook that food and they're both small enough to fit in the side pouches of the backpack leaving me plenty of room for warm clothing, batteries, my medical supplies, compass and maps, magnesium fire starter, water proof matches and two boxes of 9mm ammunition and 2 boxes of .22 LR. And this is just a Northface day pack its not even a high end Survival ACU and I've got enough in it to survive a week because I know how to pack and I know whats required to get certain critical things done. Point being is my cooking kit is Coleman survival kit with not just one pot but 5 seperate usable pieces all sitting inside of each other and it takes up less space than the water I'm carrying but when it comes down to it I'm only carrying that cause I'm not carrying canned foods (too heavy) I'm carrying MRE's, which of course require a little hot water to make them slightly more edible and less like cold food flavored snot.


There are plenty of little evidences of overdesign in the SA, but I wouldn't really put the compass up there as a direct overdesign as much as it is evidence of an inordinate amount of overdesign and even some design that makes no sense whatsoever.

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While you still lose like 10 seconds...


But that is completely useless in a pvp situation. Imagine you are on the airfield (choose whatever one) and your friend is keeping an eye on you from the closest molehill with a sniper rifle. You see a person, tell him and he asks you "where is he?" 


Now if there are no buildings nearby, what you tell him? "He's south-west of my position, 300meters". However, with the current compass, that's completely impossible...


How is that impossible? If I know where my friend is sniping from, I know exactly where the target is.


And if I don't know where my friend is, then a compass doesn't help me at all.


Besides, I'm pretty sure Rocket is designing the game to not be an all out a pvp-fest so I doubt the thought of "what if some KOS nerds need to look at a compass in the heat of stalking an unarmed bambi!?"

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The compass is not a problem of overdesign its simply an indicator of overdesign.


The medical system is a serious case of overdesign. The cooking system (which doesn't work) is a serious case of overdesign. I mean...seriously, thanks for the camping stoves but I'm not sure why I can't just remove the paper wrappers from tin cans and heat a can of beans without the need for a four slot cooking pot...which will only take rice and water anyways.


I mean I dunno how much actual survival you've done but in general heating something directly in a tin can is not infeasible. Whats more the whole idea of having camp stoves but cooking pots that take up a ridiculous amount of space is overdesigned and under thought.


I have an "oh shit" bag in the back of my closet, Theres not just a water bladder and 6 days of food in it but theres also a way to cook that food and they're both small enough to fit in the side pouches of the backpack leaving me plenty of room for warm clothing, batteries, my medical supplies, compass and maps, magnesium fire starter, water proof matches and two boxes of 9mm ammunition and 2 boxes of .22 LR. And this is just a Northface day pack its not even a high end Survival ACU and I've got enough in it to survive a week because I know how to pack and I know whats required to get certain critical things done. Point being is my cooking kit is Coleman survival kit with not just one pot but 5 seperate usable pieces all sitting inside of each other and it takes up less space than the water I'm carrying but when it comes down to it I'm only carrying that cause I'm not carrying canned foods (too heavy) I'm carrying MRE's, which of course require a little hot water to make them slightly more edible and less like cold food flavored snot.


There are plenty of little evidences of overdesign in the SA, but I wouldn't really put the compass up there as a direct overdesign as much as it is evidence of an inordinate amount of overdesign and even some design that makes no sense whatsoever.


The problem with that line of thinking is that your finding these supplies inside residential houses..


The average residential house doesn't have "oh shit" bags with survival kits in them.


Before writing off the cooking pot and campstove, lets wait and see what else can be used with them. They're probably meant to be something you keep at a home base or camp stowed away in some (hopefully hidden) boxes and then used to make bountiful/healthy food that you THEN take with you on adventures.

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Over Design can potentially be good. If only this applied to the way sniping worked in game too.

If something simple doesn't work its UNDER design. Right now it is using the hand gun holding animations so with time it should be worked on. There is no reason why it can't be grabbed/used with one hand in future patches, without lag.

Edited by Thane

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i wouldn't mind using the compass they way it is if i didn't have to completely disarm any weapon to do it. Given the fact that your character kind of has tourettes when it comes to equipping and unequipping things, I'm just waiting for my next death while im switching to a compass or not.      A good example of how it could work is like the motion tracker in aliens colonial marines(Shitty shitty horrible waste of a game... but this they did right.) right arm lifts up and out of view, left brings up the tracker.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=HvgOgKx79QY#t=9

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The compass mechanic is brilliant and the principles should be applied to the rest of the game mechanics.
In order to change  clothes you should have to put the clothes in your hands, then you should have to do an action command to change your clothes.
Dragging items from the vicinity directly into your packback is unrealistic. You should have to put it in your hands, and from there use an action command to put it in one of the pockets.
Actually, the items just teleporting into your hand is way to unrealistic. You should have to manually grab all the items surgeon simulator style.
Intuitive and seamless mechanics is so yesterday, everything should be as complicated as possible. It's not incredibly stupid and overly complicated, it's realistic, and is therefore good game design.

Edited by maccollo

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The problem with that line of thinking is that your finding these supplies inside residential houses..


The average residential house doesn't have "oh shit" bags with survival kits in them.


Before writing off the cooking pot and campstove, lets wait and see what else can be used with them. They're probably meant to be something you keep at a home base or camp stowed away in some (hopefully hidden) boxes and then used to make bountiful/healthy food that you THEN take with you on adventures.


Obviously you'd find a Coleman camp cooking kit in a residential house, or something of its equivalent nature cause obviously theres one in my house right now sitting in the closet and its been sitting there for years and its never been used. And I don't quite understand a logical mentality which doesn't express a certain level of forward planning in regards to having an emergency bag somewhere in your home. It kind of belies a certain assumption that you're never going to get displaced by freak weather events or from the other end, stuck in your own home with no access to supplies due to a major power outage, both of these things have happened to me just in the last ten years alone, not exactly a daily thing but at least once every 3 to 5 years I've been in a scenario where being prepared was a good thing. Course I was also a Boy Scout and I'm a military veteran so maybe I think a little differently than other people but I really don't think so.


Compare Chernarus to say, in US standards at least, a state like Montana...kinda similar, a couple big towns then a whole state of little villages clustered around and away from each other. Hunting and living outdoors in these kinds of regions is a matter of course, its something people just do because its part of the land they live in. Chernarus is very similar to Montana in its overall spread of civilized area nestled between a lot of open country. So my overall impression would be that finding camping equipment would be almost as common house to house as there would be standard household items.


Regardless thats neither here nor there, the point of the post is overdesign of certain elements of the game...in of which I agree certain elements are heavily overdesigned to no distinct purpose that I can discern at this time other than to be overdesigned.

Edited by semipr0

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They just need to release the admin tools to server owners so they can have there coders work on it and make it playable. I liked the alpha 2 days ago before they started adding this no south coast spawn shit. Now they are just making it rediculously boring. I refuse to run 30 minutes to an hour just to get gear then head somewhere and get into a shoot out and die then have to do it all over again. Its simply retarded

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In reality, there are no zombies.

Well, in reality... I would say aside from the brain-eating stereotype, most of us regular gamers could qualify for zombies :P

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Taking out the compass is fine, but looking at it needs to be fixed. Currently the compass is too high when you hold it, maybe angle it a bit lower, so we can, ya know, see it.

Most of you are saying it's realistic, but in real life you're not going to hold it above your eye level or at an angle where you can't see 100% of the dial correctly.

Edited by FlyingPurpleHippo

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The current compass is amazing and the people in this thread should stop complaining.




Did I just see Ozelot not being negative for once?



Ontopic: I don't see a problem with the compass... It's way better than the shitty 2D Arma 2 one.

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You wouldnt need a compass if they had the sun rise and set on the correct side!  Currently it rises in the west instead of the east.

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