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In my opinion, the current compass is an example of over-design.

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I finally understand why some people are not able to see the compass without free looking, it is all because of your FOV, if you adjust your FOV up you will be able to read the compass just fine.


As I posted in another thread:


In my opinion, minimum FOV should be to the point you can still read your compass without free looking, that will also get rid of the massive zoom effect it provides.

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Last time I tried using a typical compass when on the move it gave a very inaccurate reading.


I had to stand still with it for it to stabilize. 


And it can be used when on the move so I fail to see the problem.

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I finally understand why some people are not able to see the compass without free looking, it is all because of your FOV, if you adjust your FOV up you will be able to read the compass just fine.


As I posted in another thread:



but...but....but, they need their zoooooms! How are they gonna live without binoculars embedded in their eyes from now on?

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I like it but i think changing animation takes too much time. In addition, who needs two hands to hold a small compass? In RL I could take the compass with one hand out of my chestpocket, open it up with one thumb, take a look and put it back. Ingame i have to put the gun in my pocket, take out the compass in two hands, put it back, take out the thing i need and thats not realistic. But in general i like the style of the compass and that you have to take it out. But it should go much faster....

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While I agree that the new compass is FAR more realistic I find myself not using the compass much at all. Over complicating things isn't a good thing, perhaps another look at the compass when some of the other core game problems are dealt with is called for.

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Having used a real compass compared to what i thought it was like to get a real accurate reading when doing land nav it isnt as easy as look at it hahah

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I don't like this relic of a civilian compass, it's just not tactisexy, plus I pretty much know Chernarus inside out. The only way I'm getting lost, is if someone force feeds me disinfectant spray and puts a burlap sack on my head.

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I hope that eventually they will add a feature like: Hold K or 2x K to toggle (or whatever hotkey you have)


1.Compass starts to rise and gun lowers - so you can quickly let go of your key if you e.g hear footsteps or gunfire


2.Compass IN FULL VIEW in front of your face after a 2-3 sec animation, you can still look around to the sides,behind etc. or use space to lower or raise in case you need to see whats in front of you.


3. Another few seconds to let the needle settle simulating how you have to hold the compass horizontal and still to get accurate bearing, or if in combat let go of K as soon as you have an approx. bearing.


4. As soon as you let go of K or 2x K to cancel the toggle, it should take 1 sec to quickly grab your gun again, and be on your way.


As for point 4. you should be able to cancel and be combat ready within 1-2 seconds at any time while reading the compass.


There should be different qualities of compass, but honestly most of them should be "modern quality" with lights so you can read them at night and easy to read numbers, even if the tech level of the world is "soviet cold war era", i doubt the hunters and hikers would be using late 19th, early 20th century compasses. 

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While you still lose like 10 seconds...


But that is completely useless in a pvp situation. Imagine you are on the airfield (choose whatever one) and your friend is keeping an eye on you from the closest molehill with a sniper rifle. You see a person, tell him and he asks you "where is he?" 


Now if there are no buildings nearby, what you tell him? "He's south-west of my position, 300meters". However, with the current compass, that's completely impossible...

it's not impossible if you have a general idea of your bearings

anyway, I really like the current compass

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Its not that bad. Its kind of like a real compass. Its a bitch at night though

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I hope others have stated this before me, but....


How to look at your compass fast without interruption:

PRESS TAB, RIGHT-CLICK COMPASS, INSPECT, Close lid for dramatic effect, DONE!

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