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In my opinion, the current compass is an example of over-design.

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It is a little bit ridiculous. What was wrong with the old compass functionality?


If I was jogging through the woods and needed a compass often to keep my bearings, I would hang it from my vest or keep it easily accessible in my vest pocket so I could pull up, glance at it in a second and continue on my way.


The current implementation is insane. Imagining the real-world equivalent of the current in-game compass is almost laughable. I've basically got to cradle the thing like some kind of wounded animal and tilt my head at all sorts of odd angles just to get some idea of my bearings.


I get it - rocket hates HUDs (for some reason), but just like the over-design of the hunger and thirst messages which are markedly less informative and effective than the original icons while also being basically just as distracting, this system is needlessly complex.


I would really like to see the old compass functionality - or something very similar return - and a similar treatment with items to come in the future which would be used "at a glance" like a watch or certain GPS devices.

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Agreed. It's one thing I just avoid using right now because of how absurd it is that I have to put everything else up, take out the compass, and struggle to get a proper reading with it.


In the real world I tie somewhere convenient and have a good reading in a matter of seconds. ArmA's way of doing it was fine. I was surprised we didn't have to physically look at a map while in first person after dealing with the compass. They should be in the same vein.

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I can't speak for the old implementation as I never played the mod, but the way it is in the SA is very realistic. You 'shoot an azimuth' by aiming the compass in the direction of interest while holding it steady and away from the body/gear so as to avoid interference. Honestly the animation is very similar to what I would do when in the service. Doesn't have to be that way, but from my perspective, it is very 'realistic.'

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As a squad player, not being able to use the compass to give my mates a bearing is very frustrating. The compass needs some sort of zoom-in function and a higher resolution texture. Basically, make it work like it did in Arma

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I honestly have no problem with it...


While jogging, hit your hotkey for it, hit space, look down at it, adjust accordingly, hit space again and hit your hotkey again and continue sprinting. You don't even have to stop moving. It's not particularly hard to get used to.

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If you have problems seeing the compass (raise with spacebar), or even use freelook for better view and zoom in to compass. Its easy to use even while running but equip animation could be better. 

Edited by Bezzi
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I can't speak for the old implementation as I never played the mod, but the way it is in the SA is very realistic. You 'shoot an azimuth' by aiming the compass in the direction of interest while holding it steady and away from the body/gear so as to avoid interference. Honestly the animation is very similar to what I would do when in the service. Doesn't have to be that way, but from my perspective, it is very 'realistic.'


Buncha Lt's in here that failed land nav, apparently.


I love it...

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I dunno, but when I'm hiking and need to get my bearings I take my compass out of my pocket, stand still, and use it. 


I don't mind standing still to use it properly but cupping it after putting something else up and taking it out then having to focus on the compass and strain to read it is just too much of a hassle for it to be worth it for me. 

If they made it just more convenient to take out and easier to read then that'd be nice. Maybe I'm doing it wrong, I've only used it twice before deciding it wasn't worth it. 

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I honestly have no problem with it...


While jogging, hit your hotkey for it, hit space, look down at it, adjust accordingly, hit space again and hit your hotkey again and continue sprinting. You don't even have to stop moving. It's not particularly hard to get used to.

This. I wonder if these guys are not using space bar to see it. I do it and it is much faster than trying to do it in real life.

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Lol I'm bout to blow all of your worlds apparently.

All you have to do is keep the compass high in your inventory, like in your shirt. Always keep it open by right clicking it and pressing open.. OMG what's that other option?!

That's right, inspect. Try it out and check out your new high def compass. The best part is you can keep sprinting while doing this.

Try it, you won't be disappointed. When I came into this thread I was like wtf is the problem? Honestly I didn't even know you could look at it in your hands.

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I don't mind standing still to use it properly but cupping it after putting something else up and taking it out then having to focus on the compass and strain to read it is just too much of a hassle for it to be worth it for me. 

If they made it just more convenient to take out and easier to read then that'd be nice. Maybe I'm doing it wrong, I've only used it twice before deciding it wasn't worth it. 

It is a little slow to pull out put away and well id like a left hand option so i dont need to put away my gun but other than those small points it works in a most realistic way ... If you find it hard to read try zooming in on it while looking at it the textures for this item are very high res( beautiful work to the man who made model and skin) and it should be easy to read (although i use a 65inch 3d led tv for my screen so i guess maybe on a small screen it is hard to read as well i havent played it on a standard sized monitor .


Edit or use what mattgl said lol i didnt know that was a working option i have examined many items for a cool close look didnt realise the compass worked as intended while in examine lol learn something everyday beans for you ..

Edited by SoulFirez

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Elegant, simple to use and immersive. I don't know what else to say. :rolleyes:


You would put your gun away after you figured out it would screw up the compass reading and you were off course by 10 kilometers headed the wrong way.

Edited by SAXX0N

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Try it, you won't be disappointed. When I came into this thread I was like wtf is the problem? Honestly I didn't even know you could look at it in your hands.


Thanks for this, I coincidentally was messing around and figured this out while I was just in game.


However, really this is just a giant, screen-obscuring version of the old functionality. It's still awfully clunky. Especially for a designer who claims to want a mimialistic UI.

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Elegant, simple to use and immersive. I don't know what else to say. :rolleyes:


Something that explains what your definition of "elegant" is, and how this qualifies by any stretch of the imagination? 

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It is a little bit ridiculous. What was wrong with the old compass functionality?


If I was jogging through the woods and needed a compass often to keep my bearings, I would hang it from my vest or keep it easily accessible in my vest pocket so I could pull up, glance at it in a second and continue on my way.


The current implementation is insane. Imagining the real-world equivalent of the current in-game compass is almost laughable. I've basically got to cradle the thing like some kind of wounded animal and tilt my head at all sorts of odd angles just to get some idea of my bearings.


I get it - rocket hates HUDs (for some reason), but just like the over-design of the hunger and thirst messages which are markedly less informative and effective than the original icons while also being basically just as distracting, this system is needlessly complex.


I would really like to see the old compass functionality - or something very similar return - and a similar treatment with items to come in the future which would be used "at a glance" like a watch or certain GPS devices.

Then find yourself a vest and keep the compass in your vest readily...  lol...  If you are saying this is too inconvenient then just put the compass on your hot bar and press a button to see the compass if you are too lazy to do that then i suggest playing call of duty or bf4...  I respect your argument,  but I am left confused after reading it because you seem to favor realistic gameplay,  on the other hand it seems like you would rather have a hud...  I think rocket has done great things by making you respect the fact that your character only has two hands and two eyeballs...  Being able to simplify the hud down to the sole character and inventory is something many games have attempted but i think dayz alpha has done it best thus far... 

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It could be worst. In reality you would have to put down your pack/weapon in order to get the most accurate reading.


When I use it, I bring it up/get my bearings, pick a land mark on the horizon, put my aiming reticule on it, then run toward that landmark. Works like a charm. I also only use it when I'm going "off road"

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Elegant, simple to use and immersive. I don't know what else to say. :rolleyes:


You would put your gun away after you figured out it would screw up the compass reading and you were off course by 10 kilometers headed the wrong way.

no i would hold the compass left handed slight extension out on 45% from my body with my gun approriately held as to not have interference with compass they are sensitive to metal yes not that sensitive if they are then even having a gun on you would put it out and well i dont know but i have never been with aussie solider that has gotten lost using his compass this way ???

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Something that explains what your definition of "elegant" is, and how this qualifies by any stretch of the imagination? 

elegant (ˈɛlɪɡənt)

1. tasteful in dress, style, or design
2. dignified and graceful in appearance, behaviour, etc
3. cleverly simple; ingenious: an elegant solution to a problem.
[C16: from Latin ēlegāns tasteful, related to ēligere to select; see elect]

ˈelegantly adv

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I really like the current compass system.

I hate HUDs in games where the character isn't wearing some sort of flight helmet, costing millions.


Is it harder to call out quick sightings of other players with cardinal directions to fellow team members, hell yes.

Does this spoil the game for me, No infact this for me improves the immersion factor and rewards people who have good situational awareness.

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The current way of holding the compass seems to be painfully awkward to me. Everyone talking about how it's more realistic in terms of getting a bearing, well I don't know how they take bearings on a compass, but I usually don't peer down at it from an angle of 45 degrees while holding it stupidly close to my body away from my easy line of sight. The previous system in the mod was fine, I really don't see why there was a burning need to change it.

Also it's basically blocked by the raincoat collar.

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 I respect your argument,  but I am left confused after reading it because you seem to favor realistic gameplay,  on the other hand it seems like you would rather have a hud...


There are times when a HUD is the most "realistic" option available. Hunger/Thirst on the HUD made far more sense from a realism standpoint than my character randomly mumbling well nigh unintelligible bullshit about how hungry, thirsty or nauseous he is.


These things are emotions. They are ever-present and ever-accessible. You don't need to think about how hungry you are to know how hungry you are. You just know. Until games can figure out a way to pipe emotions directly into your cerebellum, an on-screen image which indicates a relative hunger or thirst level is absolutely the most "realistic" representation of this.


As for the compass, what's realistic about the current implementation? I have the option of a compass that's too small to see, or one that for some reason obscures my entire field of view (but I can do it while sprinting). I have to choose to "Inspect" it - an action for which there is no real world equivalent. I would be "Inspecting" the thing just by looking at it. It's not like I would have to take it out and then tell my eyeballs "Okay guys, time to go to work!"


The HUD pop-up was a stand-in for a quick glance. Something for which there is currently no in-game equivalent action. You have to go through this silly process of "putting" things in your hand (again, an oddly complex concept for something that in real life basically just involves bending your elbow and grasping) and then, again, "Inspecting" the thing which would already be happening in reality.


Ideally, items which can be "glanced" at like a watch, a compass, a directional GPS arrow, a batter indicator, etc. should be available at a single keystroke to accurately recreate our brains' ability to gather information quickly with a glance without distracting ourselves from all the other things going on around us.

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