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What happens if you go off the edge of the map?

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I got lost and headed west and reached the hills on the border, I kept going through the hills, eventually I died out of thirst since I didnt have enough supplies


But lets say I had lots of food and drink and I kept going west, will I just be crossing infinitely through the same landscape, or would I hit a barrier at some point?

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You would end up in the land of debug where there's just rolling plain hills, its where your character spawns just before being thrown onto the coast..

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You become the energizer bunny...







You keep going and going and going and....

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Demon....you know I'm going to have to wander the wastelands just to find that....


I thank you in advance for me pushing my guy to starvation in the wilderness.

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It's like the hallway in Poltergeist.  The hills just keep going and going and going......



I did that accidentally when I had no other source of direction but the Sun.  And the Sun for some reason isn't ever East or West....it's to the South....   Really screwed me up until I found a compass and discovered this little bit of info.

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  On 12/30/2013 at 10:44 PM, Bakercompany86 said:

It's like the hallway in Poltergeist.  The hills just keep going and going and going......



I did that accidentally when I had no other source of direction but the Sun.  And the Sun for some reason isn't ever East or West....it's to the South....   Really screwed me up until I found a compass and discovered this little bit of info.



  On 12/30/2013 at 10:46 PM, -DMG-Jonesy said:

There be monsters.


Y'know, some poor fool will one day make the trek straight-West into the emptiness....he will carry only food and drink, eating only in extreme need,


Two real weeks pass. He's been surviving all this time, but his food and water have run out. As he nears death, he looks up. There, in an untextured ditch, stands the lone figure of Rocket. He reaches out to the omnipotent being, before falling into unconsciousness. When he awakes on the shoreline, he wonders...was it a dream?

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The Ghost of Green Mountain gives you hallucinations of hills and hills and neverending, barren land until you die of starvation.

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They say if you reach the end WarZ actually turns into a good game.  No one's ever been able to reach the end however, not even hackers.

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