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Terpy (DayZ)

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About Terpy (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Terpy (DayZ)

    *Workarounds to some common bugs*

    Keep in mind, if you're using any kind of scope, you are NOT looking down the barrel, you're looking slightly above it, so while there may not be anything blocking your line of sight through the scope, that doesn't mean your barrel isn't pointed directly at something. This happens a lot when people look over a ledge on a roof and see a player in the scope, but end up shooting the ledge.
  2. Terpy (DayZ)

    Players, communicte more please.

    I agree, if shooting someone is going to ruin their loot, the hit detection system, as it pertains to the damage system, needs to be greatly improved. I don't shoot unless I'm being shot at, but if I have to shoot someone, it would be nice to get some beans out of the deal.
  3. Terpy (DayZ)

    Players, communicte more please.

    Unless they fix the damage system, headshots have been known to ruin loot in backpacks.
  4. Terpy (DayZ)

    Players, communicte more please.

    Let me start by saying, I have no problem at all with how you play the game. In fact, I think the fear of "dying", either by zombie or another player, makes this game more intense than any other game out there. My question is, killing someone for loot works for now, but what are you going to do when the condition of loot actually does have an affect on it's usage? Currently, damaged or ruined condition only affects scopes and magazines. What happens when you kill someone and everything they have is ruined and you can't do anything with any of it? You'll either have to learn to hold people up, whether they're armed or not, or you'll have to go back to looting buildings instead of dead bodies.
  5. Terpy (DayZ)

    Players, communicte more please.

    I gotta say, this is the first time I've ever heard anyone complain because people just walk away without talking. Look on the bright side, at least you're not being attacked / shot by everyone you meet.
  6. Terpy (DayZ)

    Is there a Green Mountain Bug/Glitch?

    Logging out on top of anything just seems like a bad idea during the alpha, especially the Green Mountain tower. I'm surprised you were still standing when you logged in and not face down in the dirt.
  7. Preface: I use 3PP when I play, but I couldn't care less if they removed it. I'm fine with playing strictly in 1PP also. Having said that, everyone does realize that 3PP will never go away correct? Server admins will be allowed to turn if off if they choose, but the devs will NOT take it out of the game all together. In case you're not a follower of Brian Hicks on Twitter, when it was suggested to him to completely remove 3PP, his response was "That'll never happen. Its not up to us to force a definition of the DayZ experience on players to that level."
  8. Terpy (DayZ)

    Spotting your enemy.

    If you're wearing headphones, the sound of the gun fire should be pretty obvious as to which direction it came from. Then it's a matter of zooming in, watching for either the muzzle flash, the smoke from the barrel or movement that's not natural. If you're not wearing headphones, it can be hard to tell which direction noises are coming from.
  9. Terpy (DayZ)

    I randomly died.. feature, exploit or bug?

    Staying in an ATC tower for 10 minutes is bad for your health.
  10. Terpy (DayZ)

    How to use ammo boxes??

    Agreed, while you can drop it and access all 10 slots, it best to just keep it in your hands, even if you can only see 6 of the 10 slots. You never know what's going to happen to something you drop on the ground. Better safe than sorry.
  11. Terpy (DayZ)

    .357 ammo available

    I found 3 of the .357 magnums tonight, all within about 20 minutes. Two were in that mini military compound at Zelenogorsk and one was in the jail building on Green Mountain. I also found ammo for it in that same jail building on Green Mountain.
  12. Terpy (DayZ)

    Lighting the Lamp?

    I was thinking the same thing, but up in the top of the ATC, make a light house out of it.
  13. Zombies do need to breath. The muscles used in their movement and the little bit of the brain they have left (the part that controls motor skills) still need oxygen. Also, no breathing, no air in their lungs, no air in their lungs, no noises coming out of their mouths, and if there's anything we've learned about zombies from DayZ, they make a hell of a lot of noise.
  14. Terpy (DayZ)

    Everyone is suffocating! Gas masks issue.

    If they were to add breating issues for the sake of realism, I think they should also limit the field of view with it on. I've worn one for a while when I was in "the desert" and the loss of your peripheral vision in a combat situation is unsettling. Speaking of realistic vision changes, I wish the sun glasses in the game would actually block some sun light too.