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Need Medical Assistance in DayZ SA ? Find Your medic here!

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Nickname: TussCornberad

Medical attention: Low health, fractured leg.

Location: NWAF Tents, in a watch tower to the left side of it.

Character: Tan male, with Gorka military jacket, Green ballistic helmet, green mountain backpack, with a Mosin.

If you are there add me on steam: Captain_hawkiins to join my server


/patient healed

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ingame name: Dominykas

Medical attention: fractured leg

Location: (idk specifc location) Deep North West in a little town next to what i think is a radio tower on a hill (the town has a liitle pond in it and it does not appear to have road signs)

Character: white male, camo top, camo bottom, blue drybag, green blaze 95 double rifle

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Hey Dominykas,


Quickest way to get help is to join our Teamspeak.


The IP is:


There are a few medics online at the moment who could help you.

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Hey guys I broke my leg on the road between Elektro and Kamyshovo. I've got no sticks or morphine and I'm really low on supplies. Any chance someone can help me out?

White character with a red dry bag, a sledge hammer and a rifle.

Edited by JGallant29

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Where can I sign up to be a medic? I have a lot of medical supplies on me and would be happy to help some people out.

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Where the F do I find sticks??? I have found trucks, I have found the M4 and Aug on Heli wrecks but still cannot find for the life of me sticks!!!

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Nickname: Liam

Medical attention: Unconscious loss of blood through dehydration 

Location: On the road between Pavlovo and Zelenogorsk

Character: Male with military helm and clothing and an ak74

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Hi Liam,


Get yourself onto our teamspeak server, there will be a medic there to assist you!


TMW Teamspeak IP: ts.tmwdayz.com




Turns out I couldn't be saved as I logged out while unconscious >.<


But thanks anyways, the guy in TS was really friendly and helpful :) 

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Nickname: LHurlz

Medical attention: Broken leg with no axe to cut sticks.

Location: At the shore where you swim across to the prison.

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Hi Smokatoke,


Use an axe to harvest sticks from a bush.


You can also search the ground when prompted, especially in wooded areas, to find sticks lying about. You can also split logs into sticks (not that it would likely help someone in your situation, but it's still useful info).

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Nickname: Ryan

Medical attention: Fracture, some blood loss (damn ladder)

Location: North part of NWAF, where all the tents are http://www.izurvive.com/#c=57;-87;7

Character: Male with black motorcycle helmet and all camouflage gear 


EDIT: Made contact on TS. Problem solved. You guys rock!

Edited by ColdAtrophy

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A. RazorShark

B. Need blood type test and blood bag

C. Near Northwest Airfeild

D. Full gorka gear (besides helmet) and a flektarian boonie hat. 

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Broken arm, blood loss (blurry vision black and white screen)

Located just east of prigorodki in the lone house near power lines. Has a gate and fence. Along the dirt road leading east out of town.

Wearing black motorcycle helmet, black raincoat, camo pants with knapsack.

Can be on TS and game between 12-1230 est today.

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I managed to fixed my broken leg...weird sometimes the action is just stuck in the limbo and never completed

Edited by thewire

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Can ignore my request for help i got super F*cking lucky found a kitchen knife and was able to find my own after making some kindling

Edited by BlueWombat17

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just a splint or a stick so i can make my own

theres a big building with a BIG pointy roof and garages behind it with a shack next to those where i try to hide

Black tactical vest Ttsko jacket blue cargo jeans blue motor bike helmet black drybag and rifle in hands 


ETC: Will drop all equipment and such if requested really just want to be able to make splint so i can walk this 2nd one was an accident

Edited by BlueWombat17

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1. cpettit

2. infected wound (need alcohol)

3. cherno police station

4. ttsko pants and jacket, olive vest, gas mask


i have no idea how to use team speak or what that even is, im fairly new to computers. Thanks for the assistance.

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