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Need Medical Assistance in DayZ SA ? Find Your medic here!

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Any time you need help, Brat, just jump on our Teamspeak (ts.tmwdayz.com) and there are usually a few medics around to offer assistance.


I will now I know about you guys, :))

And thx

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Yes, I realise that.


For us to help you, you need to help yourself a little by downloading teamspeak.


It is a free VOIP software which the majority of gaming communities use.


You will vastly enhance your experience of gaming by having access to teamspeak.

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A. Gamebox

B. Broken leg 

C. Outskirts of Elektro

D. BlackedOut-wool coat, WP pack, fire ax, Mosin and some cool shades

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I would like to join you'r team as a medic!

How do i join ? And how does it work?


Please let me know!


I play DayZ for 5 months now, i know all about it.

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A. Jetpack Kennedy

B. Alcohol Tincture to clean wounds / get rid of 'Infected Wounds' 'Sick' status (Wound Cleaning)

C. Cherno, by the Police Station

D. Black Tracksuit Jacket, Black Vest, Black Beret, Black Aviators, Black Mosin, Black Drybag, Male.

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Hi Paulie,


I am available to come help you for the next few hours.


Hop on our teamspeak server (ts.tmwdayz.com) and we can dispatch a medic.

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pegasusbuff - if you feel like you have something to offer, feel free to PM any active member of TMW here on the Forum, such as .


But please do not advertise your server if not asked to so.

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help im dieing from sickenss and lack of food in zeiengorsk


Hello hamzzzzzy,



Thank-you for contacting us and requesting help.


I'm sorry no one has got back to you, if you still need aid we can assist!


If you head over to our TeamSpeak at (ts.tmwdayz.com) we would be more than happy to help!


Any questions feel free to ask me in a PM!

Edited by (TMW)ProDispatch

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Thanks so much to TMW Barney for helping me with my broken arm!


After spawning near Cherno I spent a couple of hours looting. I always like to carry a splint but was unable to locate an axe to procure sticks. A zombie broke my arm on the outskirts of town. While looking in the woods for sticks (does that even work?) a fresh spawn tried to rob me. I was in dire straights and decided to give TMW a try.


I highly recommend the TMW service. I joined their Teamspeak server and Barney offered to help right away. He even gave me an axe!

Edited by MajorMojo
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B. Dehydration and malnutrition

C. Military base South of Pavlovo, the most North West barracks

D. Asian male with green ballistic helmet and blue PRESS vest


I'll most likely be on at around 6-8pm EST tomorrow! ty in advance~

Edited by juansolo

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Hi juansolo,


If you get onto our teamspeak at ts.tmwdayz.com, there should be a medic to help you out.


Otherwise I suggest you make your way to the swamp between Komarovo and Balota in order to hydrate yourself. But only if you'll not starve on the way. Try not to sprint as this depletes your food and water values more quickly.

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Hey Barney, I did stop by the swamp before I headed up but got hit by bandits on the way up and lost a lot of blood and was not able to find anything to drink. I was able to create a splint and repair my broken leg but my thirst and hunger are both dark orange/brown. Trust me I have looked everywhere for water/food but with the servers having persistent loot and the amount of duping going on in some servers I haven't been able to find any type of food/water for the past 2 days. I'll hop onto your TS when I get on. Ty for the timely response.

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nickname: mrniceguy

medical attention: fractured leleg

location: trapped in the shipwreck

character: male with black riders jacket and a crossbow on back.

 yeah i am trapped as the only way out is 2 flights of stairs up which i cant get up i wont be on now til tomorrow. but if i could get help that would be great

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Nickname: TussCornberad

Medical attention: Low health, fractured leg.

Location: NWAF Tents, in a watch tower to the left side of it.

Character: Tan male, with Gorka military jacket, Green ballistic helmet, green mountain backpack, with a Mosin.

If you are there add me on steam: Captain_hawkiins to join my server

Edited by TussCornbread

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