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Do you think now zombies are a threat?

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This is just to know your personal opinion.


In mine, it is, compared to the mod (where zombies were same as nothing). At least before you get your first good melee weapon, zombies look pretty dangerous. One single zombie can take the hell out of you if all you can use to defend yourself are your bare hands. Two zombies and you're dead. They also have a way better AI...


Viewing the Standalone videos before the release I was thinking they were weak, but when I played it and faced a zombie with my fists, it hurt a lot...


So what do you guys think about it? Am I just a noob at punching zombies or are they definetly more dangerous than the modded ones? I personally think Rocket and his team did a great job in this aspect.



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They were never a threat in the mod or the alpha. Clipping through walls, or just generally being buggy messes.

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Zeds currently in the SA are a complete non threat, they're very easy to kill with melee or a gun. Will they be worked on? Absolutely!

When they become a threat, I will absolutely enjoy it.  ;)

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They are an issue if you don't have rags/bandages for sure. I know they will be re-vamped/fixed what ever you want to say so I won't complain about them right now. I hope they become a bigger threat, at least in the bigger cities and the military bases/air fields.

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Meh. Zeds aren't an issue right now.


They are easily killed with fists without me being hit once.

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The pathfinding works great so far, they'll just need to teach them where are walls and stuff but I'd say zeds going to take a while to tweak. We need zombies to be nasty bastards to be enjoyable :P

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yeah hopefully they're corrected. They do seem to see you from far away but there's not that many zombies around. I can go through towns without encountering one. They appear to be in the very early stages of development. They don't even roam yet. The only time I was remotely concerned was when i tested out the gas lamp at night in the middle of a town. It drew all the zombies from at least 100m radius. Even then it only pulled 3.

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Zombies individually should never be a threat, we'll see how they handle when more at once chase you.

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This is just to know your personal opinion.


In mine, it is, compared to the mod (where zombies were same as nothing). At least before you get your first good melee weapon, zombies look pretty dangerous. One single zombie can take the hell out of you if all you can use to defend yourself are your bare hands. Two zombies and you're dead. They also have a way better AI...


Viewing the Standalone videos before the release I was thinking they were weak, but when I played it and faced a zombie with my fists, it hurt a lot...


So what do you guys think about it? Am I just a noob at punching zombies or are they definetly more dangerous than the modded ones? I personally think Rocket and his team did a great job in this aspect.


Well they certainly are more dangerous than they used to be in the mod, that's a step in the right direction, I suppose. But I don't think they'll ever pose all that significant a threat until there are more of them. Like, a great deal more. I envision a Dayz where you are -shit- scared of looting the bigger cities like Cherno, if only because of the massive hordes of zombies that roam the place. A single shot from an unsilenced M4 would bring down the wrath of the rotted residents upon you, dozens at a time. You see what I'm getting at. In a game where zombies are a massive part of the main theme, they should also be a significant threat. Not just a minor inconvenience.


So, in essence. I think they need to be worked on. But for now, I like what I see.  :thumbsup:

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Zombies aren't supposed to be really dangerous one on one. The idea of zombies is sheer numbers dragging you down, so you don't have enough ammo, get cornered, and feel the pressure of just being surrounded. That's hard to do without lagging the server out, but in my opinion that's what the zombie encounters should be. Maybe there can be a few super zombies, but it should be sheer numbers whenever possible.

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Seeing as how Z's are still a work in progress, I'll go with, they're better, but far from difficult.

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Now? Not even slightly.


Unless I'm an unarmed fresh spawn they are pathetic. 1 shot from ANY firearm and they go down no matter where they get hit....

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I say they're a threat in terms of how they work now. I could be looting in a building then "raraghagh" the zed just lilliflapjacks through the wall and scares me.

While I haven't been killed by a zombie, I can see them as being a threat to unaware players.

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One isn't a threat, I like that, but if there is a lot of them it becomes a bit of an issue.

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I can see from the way they are now that they have struck a balance between Romero-style slow zombies and Boyle-style fast zombies. You can see that they are more tactical in their pathing and persistent (they'll persue you from further away and for longer). You can outrun them by sprinting and your rifle is far too powerful for now but I can already see that prioritizing your targets and being aware of your ammo reserves is a must if you're entering an area with lots of infected. They will come from multiple angles and surround you easily.


I just hope that their attacks and they way that they take damage become more positive as SA develops. It's still very hard to tell when a zed is attacking or indeed if you managed to damage one.

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Sprinting must be limited too. Zs are going to be more difficult to deal with if ur not able to run rings arround them indefinitly. Anyway, it's not natural to sprint from 1 town to another.

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They were never a threat in the mod or the alpha. Clipping through walls, or just generally being buggy messes.


Before the ability to lose the infected was added, they presented a small threat as there was only a few ways to get them to stop chasing you.

Smoke grenades/flares, other players and running down hills where the only ways to get rid of them beside shooting.

Iirc there was no melee weapons at the time.

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Sprinting must be limited too. Zs are going to be more difficult to deal with if ur not able to run rings arround them indefinitly. Anyway, it's not natural to sprint from 1 town to another.



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They are a threat if you don't have bandages or rags and they occupy a spot you want to go,and of course you dont have an axe. I also don't think they can be balanced to be a threat for starters and fully equipped people without ruining the experience of at least one of them.

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If anything Zombies are even less of an issue right now. The fact that you can kill them without any weapon at all already makes them easier than the mod ones, the fact that they're a lot slower than you is another thing, they also go down to a single shot from a .45ACP round, where in the mod zombies would need 3 rounds in the chest from the m1911/revolver.

This is not all that relevant now assuming that we will see massive amounts of them in the future. There isn't really any point in balancing them now when there are so few of them. Once we deal with dozens at a time we'll see how much of a threat they make.

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Zombies are not a threat as soon as you learn how to play.  For a new character, yes they can be a threat.



Otherwise not really.  They're just deterrents.  I fired off my Mossin in the center of a town last night, on a night server.  5 Zombies answered the call, and all were dispatched.  No problem.

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I was shocked on how many there are considering the Dev video a while back with them all over the place (before the new zombies)


I wonder how it would play with the old ones back in? more zombies old style.

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