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DayZ's Biggest problem at this moment (27/12/2013) (Excluding Bugs)

DayZ's Biggest problem at this moment (27/12/2013)   

136 members have voted

  1. 1. DayZ's Biggest problem (Excluding Bugs)

    • Killing on sight (Shoot first, ask questions later)
    • Lack of loot (Got sick, but no meds?)
    • Lack of abilities (Why can't I tape flashlight to the damn gun?)
    • OP infected (1 hit, and I am down? really?)
    • Hunger/Thirst (To start with i am thirsty to point of death, but after that I dont need water for days!)
    • Too many Millitery Spawns (Can get M4 after 5 mins of gameplay)
    • Map is not Blanced (West has 75% of all Millitery spawns, East got didly squat!)
    • Hackers (Oh wow, I didnt know that they added T-90 tank to this game!)
    • Server Hoppers (damn, that guy logged out, oh no wait, he logged back in behind me)

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Just wanted to know what people though, I understand that this is Alpha and all that... but I think a lot of problems are carried forth from MOD... like KoS for example

Edited by FBI

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I thing the biggest problem with DayZ currently is that there are too many military spawns on the spawn coast, so players camp the coast and just deathmatch at Balota/Cherno and never move north...


I go to servers with 40 players and run around the north without seeing anyone, in the mod, this is unheard of!

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Right now loot spawn is all i care about as KoS (to me) is easily avoidable and once the loot / zombie spawns are fixed i'll barely notice the server hoppers which are the biggest scum of dayz!

Edit: Changed vote from loot to server hoppers now that it has been added ;)

Edited by twingunz
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Interesting no one mentioned the one thing that can break Dayz.



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Struggling with options 1, 5, 6 i picked 5

Edited by Gdaddy22

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Loot is fine. I'm stocked on food 5 mins after spawning, 'cause I head north. M4 Spawn is way too OP. Infected should be beefed up if you ask me. Maybe not 1 hit and bleed but faster, and tougher.

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Lack of abilities..
Yes, theres so much stuff that makes a logical sence and you think that you might be able to do..But no.
KOS? Erm don't see it as a problem theres pretty much nothing else to do atm.

Edited by OntyCZE

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Loot is fine. I'm stocked on food 5 mins after spawning, 'cause I head north. M4 Spawn is way too OP. Infected should be beefed up if you ask me. Maybe not 1 hit and bleed but faster, and tougher.

I agree to a point but if you join populated servers everythings stripped already i always head north and only play in the north but after 2+ hours busy servers with not just people hopping into military bases have very little if anything. I'm on the back roads at the moment and all the houses are already stripped in a 30 player max server :(

Plus after 10 minutes server hoppers have stripped every military base on any server i've played on, which means i either have to move on and take another 15 minutes hoping i beat people server hopping or server hop myself (which i would never do) at least if loot spawns server hopping won't be as severe as waiting 4 hours for loot to spawn!

Edited by twingunz
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None of the above for me:/


KOS is part of the game, after all many are affected by the rage virus ;) and honestly it would be a walking sim without it at the moment.


Too much loot rather than lack of, best fun I ever had on the mod was when a bug stopped cans of food and drink spawning, people would help each other out (sometimes) and all the wildlife was getting hunted to extinction.


More abilities would be nice, but we can already do more than before so I'm not complaining.


Infected aren't OP (except for the long sight and running through walls :)  ), I've never been downed in one hit but a fireaxe will put them down in one.


We know hunger/thirst is a work in progress, and it would be nice if they slowed it down a little, but only if they reduced the spawn of sodas and cans, wouldn't food be the first thing people grabbed when the crap hit the fan?



What I'd really like to see (eventually) would be a huge increase in the number of zeds, their behaviour tinkered with and loads more survival elements so that chenaurus would be a truly hostile place (lack of food, bad weather, toxic areas etc,) THEN I think KoS may lessen a bit (it'll never go way) and people might communicate more.

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No problem with being KOS. Do have a problem with it being too difficult to find opportunities to KOS back role playing a peaceful survivor.

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Combat loggin and server hopping

I think thats the main problem atm....

EDIT: i have no issues with the other options

Edited by XjoseX
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Can we vote all of them? It's in Alpha, and there are a lot of problems besides those mentioned. Although KoS may never be fixed, it's the CoD mentality. 

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I think the biggest problem is the respawn/corpse despawn bug because PvP  is the only thing in dayz right now

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Probably "lack of loot", well not really... The loot is fine, or maybe even too much when servers restart, but after a 30-45 min the server is picked clean, and if you don't start killing people you will never see any more supplies, so you move to the next server instead... and so on. Also flashlights seem to work a bit wonky at the moment, which makes it unplayable in nighttime.


Anyway, it's in alpha and most, if not all, of the things listed will be dealt with, to see to which extent we have to play the waiting game.

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Personally hacking should absolutely be considered as #1 problem. I have not encountered one yet, but considering the ease of hacking it will not take long before its been picked up on. I was watching a livestream where a streamer consistently got followed around on various servers, actively searching for that person just to kill him. The streamer didn't have much issue with it but thinking more long term this could put off people from playing the game and also advise against getting the game completely. Yes, i can hear the 'But its an alpha, they will patch it'. Sure, but I'd prefer it sooner rather than later.

Christ, people can hack with a simple memory editor. At least make the server verify some stuff such as whatever a players type of transportation is and calculate the maximum possible distance they can reach within a certain time frame. At least make it verify that a weapon can't shoot more bullets than a magazine can hold. Don't make it so easy for people to hack that even a 12 year old can start hacking.

I'm sorry, but I expected at least some checks to prevent simple memory edit hacking, regardless the release state of the game. DayZ SA currently has not much to go for and to be killed by a hacker can get demotivating to continue playing, and therefor testing. And dont get me wrong I purchased the SA to help give my input and enjoy seeing the game develope in a positive way, but for the sake of the community that purchased the alpha because they do give a damn about the game i'd say this has a high priority.

TLDR People will get frustrated over hackers whether directly or indirectly and might advice against getting the game regardless of its release state.

Edited by Shad0wZ

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You'll never curb the KoS mentality in a game like DayZ. It is all based on risk/reward.


While server hoppers and hackers are issues, things will come in due time.


My biggest problem with the game in its current state is no incentive for people to leave the coast. As it stands, there are 3 guns. All 3 can be found on the coast and it is close to spawn, so no running required. That's why in the mod most of the action took base up north. Only places you could find much better than an enfield or AKM was in the barracks or crash sites. It gave people a reason to move off the coast and explore the map. Until that happens, most everyone is going to just hang around Balota. There is one good thing about this however, and that is the fire fights are much better. When you do find someone up north, it is usually a squad of guys that know the game and really makes the game fun. Less firefights, but so far much better quality.

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" Map is not Blanced (West has 75% of all Millitery spawns, East got didly squat!)"

So the PvP kiddies are complaining that they can't have military spawns to aid their KOS and PvP on the East section of the map?

That fine that the map is actually different in places, give you a chance to get away from things.

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is killing on sight even a problem design wise? I always thought that was one of the things that made DayZ what it was. can't expect everyone to cooperate

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How anyone can choose ANYTHING over server hoppers as the biggest issue I don't know.

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Didn't answer the poll. Everything on there has been addressed by Rockett either as a problem they are working on fixing (alpha) or as an intended mechanic (KoS). So even if an something may be an issue now, I doubt it will stay that way. We have a long way to go before beta guys. So, test for bugs, enjoy the game, and don't sweat stuff right now.

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My favorite part of this poll is how each option has a subjective little tagline straight from the author, implying that if you vote for that particular issue, you agree with that particular subjective assessment of the problem.


You might as well make a poll that goes:


"How do you feel about the standalone?"

- I hate it!


- I really hate it!


- I hate it so much it makes me want to kill babies!


- I wish Dean Hall would contract AIDS!

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The problem is limited features and no reason to let someone rob you since your gear is all your character really is. When we get more things, like cars and radios and a reason not to let your character die even if you lose all your gear then there may be a reason to actually submit to robbers and people might actually try it instead of just killing you. Also because everyone is full geared when they leave the coast all there  is left to do in the game is go around killing people. Its not even like they are going to get the gear because of the disappearing bodies on disconnects its just a case of looking for something to do, other than actually searching for bugs, in an early alpha with incredibly limited features.

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