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AK47 (DayZ)

How long Day Z to be released on PS4?

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They're was an annoucement they where coming to PS4 i was wondering if i could get a month range eg 1-3months or a date O.o

Edited by AK47

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Well, the game has to be finished before it can go on consoles I think.


Couple of years maybe?




Edited by Max Planck
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I hope never, it will be casual gamers and kids playing like it was COD. The reason o play this is cause this game is full of arma players who are a élite and hardcore community. Also ps4 if a inferior machine compare to a high rig.

Edited by (NDA) AJ
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Ps4 would be totally capable of playing DayZ. My PC is ancient in computer terms (overclocked dual core intel, ati radeon 3870 etc) and runs the standalone - more or less - fine. By the time its finished may even run smoother once they've finished optimizing (although added features may well counter this). 


@OP The game is in Alpha on PC and isn't likely to leave Alpha testing for a year or so, then maybe another year in Beta and then another year prior to any likely console release.... So I'd say as a guess 3 years minimum before we see a PS4 version. If it happens at all. 

Edited by spangley_special
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Well us PC gamers will have such an advantage considering the inventory system and how many keys you need to have available to function 100% in this game, it would be a headache trying to do everything with a controller IMO.  

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Im pretty sure they never confirmed a port because it would just be unfeasible since you cannot support the key bindings on a ps4 controller, not to mention the ps4 processor is extremely lacking in terms of processing power needed to run the game 

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They're was an annoucement they where coming to PS4 i was wondering if i could get a month range eg 1-3months or a date O.o

no it shouldn't just come out for ps 4 mand it should come out for Xbox360,Xbox1,PS3, and PS4

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no it shouldn't just come out for ps 4 mand it should come out for Xbox360,Xbox1,PS3, and PS4

Xbox 360 and ps3 would not run this. It would be stupid to even try. Possibily xbox one or ps4 but to be honest by what iv seen of them im not impressed so i doubt it.

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I remember playing Operation Flashpoint on a Xbox. Never again.

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I hope it NEVER comes out on console. When DICE created the Battlefield series they actually CARED about making a good online game and chose the PC platform to do it on. As soon as they partnered up with EA, the game went to shit and has not gotten any better since. If the creators of DayZ do the same, the exact same thing will happen. I would rather play a game that is this unforgiving and difficult AND realistic than play some profit mongering game that COD kiddies will want.

I feel that in this day and age there exists a new generation of mature 40+ players who want to get away from the bull shit that the COD and BF brands have created and will gravitate to a game like this. This game is strictly PC and I really think it needs to stay that way.

Console has it's target market, so does PC. Let's keep it that way and set the greed aside for once.

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dayz on console... its like going to a noble restaurant and ordering a medium argentinian steak and the waighter serves me a happy meal from mc donalds...

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Xbox 360 and ps3 would not run this. It would be stupid to even try. Possibily xbox one or ps4 but to be honest by what iv seen of them im not impressed so i doubt it.

fuck you  stop fucking talking shit about ps 3 and xbox 360 xbox 1 and ps4 suck dick

Edited by kichilron
Don't do that.

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I hope it NEVER comes out on console. When DICE created the Battlefield series they actually CARED about making a good online game and chose the PC platform to do it on. As soon as they partnered up with EA, the game went to shit and has not gotten any better since. If the creators of DayZ do the same, the exact same thing will happen. I would rather play a game that is this unforgiving and difficult AND realistic than play some profit mongering game that COD kiddies will want.

I feel that in this day and age there exists a new generation of mature 40+ players who want to get away from the bull shit that the COD and BF brands have created and will gravitate to a game like this. This game is strictly PC and I really think it needs to stay that way.

Console has it's target market, so does PC. Let's keep it that way and set the greed aside for once.

who cares it should come out for consoles it will get more popular and they will get more money they just have to make the controls based of off skyrim

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Xbox 360 and ps3 would not run this. It would be stupid to even try. Possibily xbox one or ps4 but to be honest by what iv seen of them im not impressed so i doubt it.

and if somebody that dosent have a ps 4 and a xbox 1 an dayz come out for them and they cant afford 1 so thtas why it should come out for all  from xbox 360 to ps 4

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and if somebody that dosent have a ps 4 and a xbox 1 an dayz come out for them and they cant afford 1 so thtas why it should come out for all  from xbox 360 to ps 4

I get where your coming from but the xbox 360 and ps3 just would not run it. Im sorry to say but they are severely outdated platforms.

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fuck you  stop fucking talking shit about ps 3 and xbox 360 xbox 1 and ps4 suck dick



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fuck you  stop fucking talking shit about ps 3 and xbox 360 xbox 1 and ps4 suck dick

Cant tell if this is a pc gamer trying to jokingly imitate a console fanboy or you are actualy serious. If its the latter then i feel deeply sorry for you.

Please do some research before you attempt to insult others, that way you dont look stupid and you actualy get your point across. Which brings me to my next point, what exactly was your point?

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I think his point was just to look like an idiot. He's probably the type to kill on sight no matter how naked you are. This guy proves my point even more. It's these immature players that infest games like COD and BF.

Please devs, for the sake of keeping people like this out, leave it on PC and NEVER get in bed with Activision or EA.

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I dont want it to, but it may be a good thing. Codkiddies would probably return to thwir "mother platform" and leave us be, like the mods early days. BUT if this happens, IT SHOULD BE ON A SEPERATE NETWORK FROM PC. Meaning that theirs a PS4, Xbox and PC version. That way, codkiddies wont be able to ruin the oldtimeronpcin60fps guys fun.Theyll just have one massive balota fps console game.

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I think his point was just to look like an idiot. He's probably the type to kill on sight no matter how naked you are. This guy proves my point even more. It's these immature players that infest games like COD and BF.

Please devs, for the sake of keeping people like this out, leave it on PC and NEVER get in bed with Activision or EA.

if I did have it for pc that's why I came here to just make it out for all console and if I did have I will kill you on sight and activision would be better then  they will get more money

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