SalamanderAnder (DayZ) 1747 Posted December 25, 2013 (edited) Okay look. I don't want to make it seem like your ideas aren't welcome here. However, since you're new, there are a few things you need to understand before a hundred thousand or more of you newcomers start popping off about some totally-genius-nobody-ever-thought-of-this-before-I-can-has-beanz?- topic, which we have already read. This is the forum search. USE IT. It's also placed for your convenience right over here>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>^ Of course, maybe that's just too hard to figure out, so here is a short list of dead horses that really don't need any more beating. 1: KoS. ENOUGH with the threads about Kill on Sight. Literally about every 30 seconds it seems like we've got some grand idea to "solve" Kill on Sight, or how "Kill on sight is ruining the game," blah blah blah. Rocket is not reading your thread, and people are going to give you the same response they gave everyone else. There are even threads specifically stickied for this topic. USE THEM. 2: "There's too much military loot." Well, it's alpha. There are literally two rifles in the game. What do you expect? How can we test items if they are impossible to find? Have you considered that making m4's rarer would only concentrate them in the hands of more elite players, resulting in a less balanced playing field? Again, stop posting new threads, post in the existing ones. 3: "Eating and drinking is too hard!" Again, use the search function. If you were eating and drinking correctly, then your player wouldn't be thirsty every five seconds. It's pretty logical, and it's not that hard. 4: "Mommy, I can't find any lootz, I want a refund!" Here you go. Find some greener grass and stop badgering everyone else about your problems. 5: Safe zones. What can I say? Absolutely not. The only safe zone is one that players enforce themselves. End of discussion. 6: "Punish murderers by making them go insane and hallucinate." If you honestly think this is a "solution" to PvP or KoS, well you're just wrong. Every player will end up seeing things that don't exist. 7: "Combat logging/Server hopping is the end of the world omg the game is RUINED!" It's alpha, it will be addressed. USE THE EXISTING TOPICS. 8: Third person vs First person. I really don't care that much about it and I think a majority of players would actually agree with that statement. The only reason it has "controversy" is because the people who have an opinion are the ones who care to be vocal. 9: "My character got deleted! Rocket is a dick!" Again, this is an unstable build, you were warned, ect. Making a thread about your stupid digital avatar's disappearance won't get you your gear back. 10: *Insert WarZ related suggestion here.* You should know why this is a bad idea, even if you're new. Expect mass face palms. 11: Hacking. Yes. We are aware that some people use cheats. You don't need to remind us every five seconds with a new thread. In closing, not only will using the search function save you time and hassle, it also saves the time of other members and moderators. So use it! Edited December 25, 2013 by SalamanderAnder 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
louist 163 Posted December 25, 2013 I say keep third person. Make it mandatory even! No more easy mode first person aiming!!!!1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SalamanderAnder (DayZ) 1747 Posted December 25, 2013 I say keep third person. Make it mandatory even! No more easy mode first person aiming!!!!1 I think you are missing the point of this thread. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jake71887 1 Posted December 25, 2013 So now when someone searches for something, they'll find this thread pointing them where to search for other things... Brilliant! -_- 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Craux 81 Posted December 25, 2013 (edited) Idk what is more annoying, regurgitated topics or people crying about said regurgitated topics. Funny thing is, you are regurgitating a topic.Making this thread isn't going to appease the patch gods anytime soon. Edited December 25, 2013 by Craux 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aussie Bogan 350 Posted December 25, 2013 Okay look. I don't want to make it seem like your ideas aren't welcome here. However, since you're new, there are a few things you need to understand before a hundred thousand or more of you newcomers start popping off about some totally-genius-nobody-ever-thought-of-this-before-I-can-has-beanz?- topic, which we have already read. This is the forum search. USE IT. It's also placed for your convenience right over here>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>^ Of course, maybe that's just too hard to figure out, so here is a short list of dead horses that really don't need any more beating. 1: KoS. ENOUGH with the threads about Kill on Sight. Literally about every 30 seconds it seems like we've got some grand idea to "solve" Kill on Sight, or how "Kill on sight is ruining the game," blah blah blah. Rocket is not reading your thread, and people are going to give you the same response they gave everyone else. There are even threads specifically stickied for this topic. USE THEM. 2: "There's too much military loot." Well, it's alpha. There are literally two rifles in the game. What do you expect? How can we test items if they are impossible to find? Have you considered that making m4's rarer would only concentrate them in the hands of more elite players, resulting in a less balanced playing field? Again, stop posting new threads, post in the existing ones. 3: "Eating and drinking is too hard!" Again, use the search function. If you were eating and drinking correctly, then your player wouldn't be thirsty every five seconds. It's pretty logical, and it's not that hard. 4: "Mommy, I can't find any lootz, I want a refund!" Here you go. Find some greener grass and stop badgering everyone else about your problems. 5: Safe zones. What can I say? Absolutely not. The only safe zone is one that players enforce themselves. End of discussion. 6: "Punish murderers by making them go insane and hallucinate." If you honestly think this is a "solution" to PvP or KoS, well you're just wrong. Every player will end up seeing things that don't exist. 7: "Combat logging/Server hopping is the end of the world omg the game is RUINED!" It's alpha, it will be addressed. USE THE EXISTING TOPICS. 8: Third person vs First person. I really don't care that much about it and I think a majority of players would actually agree with that statement. The only reason it has "controversy" is because the people who have an opinion are the ones who care to be vocal. 9: "My character got deleted! Rocket is a dick!" Again, this is an unstable build, you were warned, ect. Making a thread about your stupid digital avatar's disappearance won't get you your gear back. 10: *Insert WarZ related suggestion here.* You should know why this is a bad idea, even if you're new. Expect mass face palms. 11: Hacking. Yes. We are aware that some people use cheats. You don't need to remind us every five seconds with a new thread. In closing, not only will using the search function save you time and hassle, it also saves the time of other members and moderators. So use it! Fucking LEGEND (Please read newcomer's) :D :D 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SalamanderAnder (DayZ) 1747 Posted December 25, 2013 Making this thread isn't going to appease the patch gods anytime soon. Uh, I don't even know what you mean by that, but okay... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Laitis (DayZ) 9 Posted December 25, 2013 inb4 Thousands of threads saying that the search bar is hacking and that it's too OP. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rage Infected 9 Posted December 26, 2013 This is the forum search. USE IT. It's also placed for your convenience right over here>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>^ 1: KoS. ENOUGH with the threads about Kill on Sight. Literally about every 30 seconds it seems like we've got some grand idea to "solve" Kill on Sight, or how "Kill on sight is ruining the game," blah blah blah. Rocket is not reading your thread, and people are going to give you the same response they gave everyone else. There are even threads specifically stickied for this topic. USE THEM. Thanks for creating a thread in this sub-forum reminding everyone to use this forum Search Function. I’m surprised a Moderator haven't got around to doing that yet and then stickied it. :huh:Instead of listing all the things you feel are Dead Horses, you could have given some more detailed advice on “How to use the Search Function” Tool more effectively, like clicking on the Advanced Search button beside the search box, then beside “Match” choose “Search in Titles”, and beside “Find in forum” choose “General Discussion”, so that people will stop creating duplicate threads in this sub-forum. I do have to take issue with you on the Killing on Sight topic though. As it’s an outright fallacy that it’s a dead horse and that Rocket or the devs don’t care about this issue. A quick google search will show you that the devs are spending a lot of their time and effort trying to come up with new and clever ways to discourage KoS, by implementing new gameplay mechanics to make KoS less likely. :) Some examples are: More complex & authentic Hunger, Thirst & Health mechanics.Killing other players damages their gear.Handcuffing.Physical actions like Waving, Surrendering, Sitting, Lowering Weapons.Improve Zombie AI. And here’s a few of quotes on the KoS topic: “The humanity system is on pause until we do the alpha. So the game is fundamentally changed in so many ways, going right back to basics, that we want to see how the players play it before we fool around with a lot of this stuff. Like, there’s a lot of new stuff like now you can play gestures using the function keys and in fact the F7… F8 to F12 is reserved for facial gestures, so we want to see what this entails and how player behaviour changes. So we’ll be gathering a lot of data while people are playing, in the database, and then use that and then look at it. I think humanity needs to be a lot more subtle than it is now. And hopefully also with the introduction of this new antagonist — which is the environment, effectively, and your health — I think there’s going to be a lot more reasons for people to interact. Not necessarily positively interact! But certainly neutrally.” - “Dean 'Rocket' Hall: The mechanism needs to be authentic, whatever it is. I think it is more a matter of giving more options to the players rather than punishing or rewarding particular player styles. Currently the only real challenge when you get good at the game, is to hunt other players. So we need to give more challenges, more tools, to the world.” - “One of the biggest debates about DayZ the mod (and its inevitable standalone) is the unfortunate situation of killing other players on sight. Dean “Rocket” Hall, the lead designer of DayZ has talked to great lengths about ways they plan to address KOS and how they have mechanics and features in place to “discourage” players from instantly pulling the trigger (or swinging the axe) after encountering another player. “ - “Upon tackling a more sensitive matter of players killing on sight, Dean Hall believes that the new item damage system will discourage players from doing so.” - So could people please stop going on about Killing on Sight being a Dead Horse, and instead try to discuss authentic and balanced ways to discourage Killing on Sight in a more constructive manner. :beans: And please use both this Forums and Googles search functions, m’kay. :thumbsup: 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
louist 163 Posted December 26, 2013 I think you are missing the point of this thread.Not at all, I understood the point :) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HIHBGaming 14 Posted December 30, 2013 Let's keep this thread as close to the top as possible because people obviously haven't a clue on how to use this basic function. All these redundant threads when people could actually be posting in the proper thread. Lets learn how to properly use forums people! Just sayin... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DMZ_Sniper 73 Posted December 30, 2013 Upvoting this. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bakercompany86 347 Posted December 30, 2013 Would give you more than one can of beans if I could. :beans: :beans: :beans: Thank you for your service to the community. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SalamanderAnder (DayZ) 1747 Posted December 30, 2013 (edited) I do have to take issue with you on the Killing on Sight topic though. As it’s an outright fallacy that it’s a dead horse and that Rocket or the devs don’t care about this issue. A quick google search will show you that the devs are spending a lot of their time and effort trying to come up with new and clever ways to discourage KoS, by implementing new gameplay mechanics to make KoS less likely. :) “Dean 'Rocket' Hall: The mechanism needs to be authentic, whatever it is. I think it is more a matter of giving more options to the players rather than punishing or rewarding particular player styles. Currently the only real challenge when you get good at the game, is to hunt other players. So we need to give more challenges, more tools, to the world.” - I am perfectly aware that the devs are doing this, it is self-evident by the fact that Dean introduced gear degradation into the game. However, it's not "fallacy" that KoS is an over tread topic, it's just a fact. Anyone who knows anything about DayZ is perfectly aware that many players choose to simply kill other players without interacting, and actually, that's just their personal choice. I'm not even voicing an opinion about these topics here. KoS is excessive in this game IMO, however an artificial "sanity" solution is no solution at all. As your quote from Dean demonstrates, he doesn't want to "punish" players for their particular playstyle. The solution is simple. The game just needs more content. If people weren't so bored in the game, then player killing wouldn't be the only source of excitement. Of course it's alpha so these things will be addressed. I'm not saying that discussion is off the table, I'm just saying, we have stickied threads (or at least we had one, at the time of OP) about KoS. We don't need a new one every few minutes. Anyway. Thanks for the replies guys. I sort of gave up assuming that people were just going to ignore this thread anyway lol. Beans for everyone! Edited December 30, 2013 by SalamanderAnder Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
louist 163 Posted December 30, 2013 Let's keep this thread as close to the top as possible because people obviously haven't a clue on how to use this basic function.All these redundant threads when people could actually be posting in the proper thread.Lets learn how to properly use forums people! Just sayin...While I understand what you are saying, I seriously doubt many people posting duplicate threads are unaware of the search function or how to use it. They simply choose not to. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted December 30, 2013 Hello There We have found that even putting large neon signs in from of many users faces, showing them exactly what to do, just does not help. What does help us is using the report button and highlighting errant posts which we can then merge/edit etc as we need. Users will be users. Its just more evident due to the vast number of recent visitors. rgds LoK 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dallas 5195 Posted December 30, 2013 (edited) I'm a little forgiving when it comes to duplicate threads, because I know the that in order to fully utilize a forum search engine, it really helps being an active and a long time member of the forum. It really helps knowing the title of the topic you search for or some of the active posters. However I'm not very forgiving, when people decides to create a completely new thread about a topic, they are already engaged in, because they feel the discussion is going so fast, they feel their genius posts aren't getting the attention, it requires and demands. I usually report these on sight. Edited December 30, 2013 by Dallas 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HIHBGaming 14 Posted December 30, 2013 While I understand what you are saying, I seriously doubt many people posting duplicate threads are unaware of the search function or how to use it. They simply choose not to. Oh I definitely know this is the case and people will just post because they need the attention. I just felt that keeping this thread up may do some good, because it definitely won't hurt. I sort the forums by new content mostly and seeing 5 different threads on basically the same subject within minutes of each other is horrifying let alone frustrating, and I'm not even a Mod. I can't imagine how the Mods feel when they see shit like that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites