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Feels like a backyard mod made with insufficient tools.

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I AM NOT COMPLAINING, just stating. I know, it's Alpha. I like Rocket and the work he does. But since it is Alpha, one must be allowed to utter what could be improved to make the Gold status as complete as possible right from the beginning.


Somehow for me it feels like playing a mod that is made with insufficient tools and not something that is meant to become a proper full prize title (no, I can NOT do it better). Don't know how to express it. Looking at Arma 2 and 3, everything feels and looks smoother and of higher quality (I'm not talking about frames per second and not the graphics engine itself): interface, controls, player animations, functionality. Maybe it should have done even with the A3 engine.


To repeat it once more: I am not disappointed and I am not complaining. I'm just interested in a final game (some time) that comes along smooth, good looking and playable.

Edited by RogueTrooper

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Sounds and animations are placeholder.

Edited by NoCheats
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Arma 2/3 look and feel smoother? Don't get me wrong I have spent 100's of hours playing arma 2 and love it but smooth just is not a word I would ever associate with it. The control system for a new comer in any arma game is a challenge to get into. I can understand where your coming from but rember what you get with B.I. It's a realativly small team working on a huge landscape with complexity oozing out of it. If it was a huge dev team like say EA or ubisoft there would be compromises made in authenticity/realisim for the sake of popularising the game and also micro transactions and dlc all over the place.

Basically you are getting the game that the dev's and the community want but sacrifice the polish of a AAA title which is fine by me.

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  On 12/23/2013 at 12:56 PM, NoCheats said:

The word "alpha" has no exactly definition. (wiki)

Technically "alpha" is not a word, but a greek letter.

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They are both alpha guys (NoCheats and SonicRainbrony) ^ :P α (read: alpha) is the first letter of the greek alphabet. Therefore at the beggining. Dont get stuck on trivial matters.

Edited by Zarniwoop
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i know how you feel i was frustrated for a bit but realised its better than waiting another day for alpher to come lol

can only get better.

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C'mon bro, the inventory feels worse than ArmA? Really are we even playing the same game? 1 week since a stable alpha build and you want it polished like a game that has been out of alpha for 5 years? WTF are you even smoking.

Go play the mod and check back next year.

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  On 12/23/2013 at 5:10 PM, Hero of Suburbia said:

Not even going to read your post: alpha.

But taking time to spam your useless comment.

What is a forum good for when you are not allowed to share opinions?

Edited by RogueTrooper

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Recent indie games such as minecraft have made it so people have forgotten the intention of the term 'Alpha'.

It means this shit's broken. It's going to be broken. It is playable in the sense that you can use some/most of the features currently implemented.

It will get better eventually. Hopefully.

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  On 12/24/2013 at 9:07 AM, RogueTrooper said:

But taking time to spam your useless comment.

What is a forum good for when you are not allowed to share opinions?

Try come back after a year. If it is not helps - wait for another year. I bet it will be whole different story.

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It's funny to see people saying "I know it's Alpha, but everything in this game sucks!"


You probably came across the "DONT BUY THIS GAME YET IF YOURE NOT WILLING TO CONTRIBUTE TO ITS DEVELOPMENT" phrase a couple times before you purchased it. You certainly come across the message every time you log in.


Of course it looks like a poorly made game. So far, they are testing the core elements only. They took everything they could out to have less problems during this stage. even combat logging.


Like the dude above said, wait a couple of months and check back afterwards.

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