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Defibrillator, does it work?

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So, I found a difibulator, but does it work? Can you revive your friends? Anyone know how the thing works? I'm guessing it's not as easy as it is in battlefield LOL.

Edited by Kevsta545

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I think it works if they're unconscious, not dead.

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I have one in my pack its Badly Damaged but i haven't brought up the courage to potentially murder my clan mates via a faulty electrical box XD....yet

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I have one in my pack its Badly Damaged but i haven't brought up the courage to potentially murder my clan mates via a faulty electrical box XD....yet


You can shock me. That'd be funny.

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It should work on unconscious however it doesnt...For some reason, me and my mates were trying to wake up another clannie..No success, even though it did say that he was sucessfully revived.

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I think it works if they're unconscious, not dead.

Dang, I wish like if your friend dies you have like 30 secs to revive him, but it's still pretty cool, also mine is in pristine condition :D

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When you used the item did you clan mate log out and back in and see if it worked? Or did it kill him due to the new patched in Unconscious = dead when logging out feature that was implemented?

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its working if your mate is unconscious. had to use few times to woke up.

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I reckon my pristine one is fucked after taking a hail of bullets form two dudes who ambushed me good. The amount of bullets i took..i don't even think my can opener survived.

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So, I found a difibulator, but does it work? Can you revive your friends? Anyone know how the thing works? I'm guessing it's not as easy as it is in battlefield LOL.

Didn't work on me, I was unconscious and my friend came over and did it about 3 times and nothing happened. 

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Never tried a Defibrillator but at least I know you can wake up an unconscious friend with a IV saline bag.

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When you used the item did you clan mate log out and back in and see if it worked? Or did it kill him due to the new patched in Unconscious = dead when logging out feature that was implemented?

It killed him..

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Well i guess the items effect needs to be changed to the epi-pen effect at least that brings the unconscious player back and then they have to logout and back in to actually move around again....

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To use the defibrillator you need to attache a 9v battery to it, so it has power. They when in your hand turn it on, and use it on your unconscious buddy  :)

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I think it works if they're unconscious, not dead.

Nope, It kills them.

Used on a mate who was unconscious and instead of feeling like a superhero Dr, I ending up feeling like murderous scumbag :'(

On the dayZ wiki (harhar) It says it revives unconscious people, but sadly it just murders them.

Looks like Epi-Pens are the only way to bring someone out of unconsciousness.

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Back in April or something 2 guys held me up in Balota in the control tower (ground floor), cuffed me, then attempted to use the defibrillator on me. The silly guy in the booney hat defibbed himself instead on accident, and went unconscious. As we all laughed about it a flurry of shots came through the door and we all died. Needless to say my first run in with the defibrillator was hilarious and deadly.

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The defib is not for reviving dead players. It only resets the shock value of an unconscious player to zero so a he has a chance of waking up once they regain some blood. If you use it and then use an IV saline on someone who is unconscious they might wake up.


I have never been able to use it succesfully and neither has my friend when I have been knocked out.

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There are different reasons for being unconscious in DayZ - it's not just an arbitrary condition.


I may not have this exactly right, but as far as I understand it a defibrillator is for stabilizing an irregular heartbeat. You check their pulse and if it's irregular, you can use the defib on them; then feed them up, give them a blood transfusion, saline or epipen to try and speed up their recovery so they wake up. I think if you use an epipen on someone with an irregular heartbeat, you kill them. Similarly, if you defib someone with a normal heartbeat, it can fuck them up.


Something like that.

Edited by Pillock

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I work as a paramedic irl which I know doesn't equate to much in dayz but I may have something to test out here for anyone willing to try.

If it were anything like real life the correct sequence to revive from 'you are dead' should be chest compressions (wasn't this added recently?) then epinephrine, then defib. Of course you would try to defib first and foremost if you witnessed the arrest and you wouldn't use an epipen instead of the iv dose but this isn't exactly real life. Might be worth testing if anyone felt like it.

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One time some guys shot me up as a new spawn. I dropped unconscious and a few minutes later I woke up and there were two guys there, one of them with a defib. So just based on that one experience I assume they at least can work.

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