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What's some famous last words in Dayz?

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"Anyone friendly?"

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  On 12/21/2013 at 11:29 PM, voddler said:

"What? He force-fed me alcohol tincture?"


woot, you can do that? muahahah, coool!

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I didnt have last words last time I died, had 3 guys shooting at me with m4s missing like crazy as I entered a barn. I shot one twice+ some friendly fire killing him his words were "wtf how is this fucker not dead"


My last "words" were standing in the barndoor flipping the bird to the other guys as they continued to shoot at me, mostly missing until one guy finally walked up and point blank gunned me down

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"Go on without me! I'll be fine. Take my stuff."

Anyone ever have this? Tis epic

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I might go down in the ground, but i wont go alone !

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  On 12/21/2013 at 11:34 PM, Zarniwoop said:

"Go on without me! I'll be fine. Take my stuff."

Anyone ever have this? Tis epic

yes, I've had to say it to a friend I met in elektro when I broke my legs in the middle of the woods, and had nothing to fix it, :(

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On Skype/Teamspeak


"Shut the fuck up!!!!!!!! I heard something... *bang* *bang* *bang*. Dead. Exit. No gear for you motherfucker :))))"

Edited by raynor009

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Hopper: "Are you friendly?"


Me: "Uh... Yeah, for the most part"


Hopper came into NEAF right as we were hiking in (5 strong). We were probably going to cuff him and let him go later or try and recruit him, but he shot me in the face after he said he had put his gun down. Walks downstairs to collect and there are 4 guns waiting for him :/ It's interesting... There's no "good" outcome when attacking a group. If you risk the fight, you may kill the one guy you see and he may kill you, but there's no way to loot him without going through another 4 people. If you're outnumbered the best option is to continue communication and talk your way out of it, to hole up and tell them to go away politely, or to disconnect and run away. If you're outnumbering someone it's best to let the other party know that you aren't alone and aren't going to be an easy target.


Also, check your buildings before you come in...

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