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Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

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People should honestly just "Like" the DayZ FB page, its alot more helpful then the forum atm lol.

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People should honestly just "Like" the DayZ FB page' date=' its alot more helpful then the forum atm lol.


Some people don't have Facebook... We lucky few.

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I've unlocked it, if folks can behave :)

I'm back to work on 1.7.2

The only real remaining issue is dealing with the changes to PlayerID (int to string). Then the update will receive a closed test (I hope today). Then depending on the result of that, either a limited release, or a full release.

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Can`t ***** wait Rocket..just work on this release..while we continue to enjoy this game.

Don`t forgot about the items not being saved in tents, this will make allot of people very happy!

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Uh... is the playerID issue such a big thing? Did not expect this.

It is for those who are either getting duplicates (sharing a character) or have ArmAX with latest beta!

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hmmm I´m more curious ;) Won´t be a bad update for sure.

I know what that playerID issue is. I posted a temp solution for it. ;) (ArmA X only!)

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optional new way to detect hackers!

then tell me why it happens way too often that u kill someone with uber gearlike MP5SD & L85A2 AWS

and as soon as you loot (picked up the L85A2 AWS only) server crashes "Session lost"

happened twice now

the guy we killed at the second time was called "JOHNNY"

Uh... is the playerID issue such a big thing? Did not expect this.

It is for those who are either getting duplicates (sharing a character) or have ArmAX with latest beta!

i hope this will be solved soon cause i have some magic magic troll inside my backpack which does eat stuff out..

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Hey Rocket...

Instead of bear traps that are going to litter Elektro (in my mind!) can't you make a booby trapped tent. Which can't store items of course.

It give's that added fear of "should i, shouldn't i" when finding a tent in the open. and it kinda goes hand in hand with pushing all these off map camps into the boundaries again. Give's them a touch more security too.

Could just combine a grenade with tent and presto! one ready made tent of doom. (Fits in with the basic crafting we're hearing about)

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rocket, take a look on the domination maps from xeno ( i've tested only 2.64 ) and there is a feature so u can't press the abort or respawn button for 10 seconds after pressing ESC.

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Some of the posts in this thread, geeez.

Imagine what people would be like if the team accepted donations and people felt they had the right to demand info on release dates etc.


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Don`t forgot about the items not being saved in tents' date=' this will make allot of people very happy!


this please, did horrible things to most of our tents :(

i hope 1.7.2 will make my tent happy again :D

keep it up yo :D

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Some of the posts in this thread' date=' geeez.

Imagine what people would be like if the team accepted donations and people felt they had the right to demand info on release dates etc.



Well... people already think that. Without donations.

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^_^ i understand your working hard on this update, but i really hope you can release it now, even if you keep updating again in smaller version ( ect.)

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Player ID int to string? Does that mean characters will be bound to profile name? That we may have multiple character capability per GUID?

Oh please :)

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I've unlocked it' date=' if folks can behave :)

I'm back to work on 1.7.2

The only real remaining issue is dealing with the changes to PlayerID (int to string). Then the update will receive a closed test (I hope today). Then depending on the result of that, either a limited release, or a full release.


Good luck. I hope things go well and it gets released SOON




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I've unlocked it' date=' if folks can behave :)

I'm back to work on 1.7.2

The only real remaining issue is dealing with the changes to PlayerID (int to string). Then the update will receive a closed test (I hope today). Then depending on the result of that, either a limited release, or a full release.


Take your time :rolleyes: It's done when it's done. :cool:


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