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Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

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Why should he even give a shit?

You're all here at his invitation' date=' which can be removed at any point :)

Rocket IS the boss.

It's like your boss coming in late one day, he's not going to organise a presentation showing his weakness in character and a fully fledged well authored apology.

He'll say: Fuck you, you're fired. If you demand one.

Rocket can release the update whenever he wants, however he wants, to whomever he chooses. He owes us NOTHING, and I expect nothing in return.


well said. kind of what i was trying to say, only you said it way better.

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(Yesterday 10:38 PM)unrated Wrote: "Another monday passed and there's still no update. Should be released last monday. Its fuckin bold to get no informations/updates why and how much longer it will take.

You acted like you were the boss. Gave you some of your own recipe. Deal with it punk."

yup. im the one with the problem. im the boss. im the punk. im the troll. im the one telling rocket what to do. all the problems are because of me. and the solution is of course to keep demanding the dev team to release the update. and all this is on me. i better grow up quick.

you are awesome!

sounds like you never worked in your life. if you run late you tell ppl you'll come later? if you work on a project and cant finish it till the defined time you tell them a new date of eta [and you'll apologize]. thats what ppl do who are legitimate.

whats it to you if i never worked? maybe i was smart about it and made enough money i dont have to work anymore.

my side projects are mine. when im doing something that i want to do' date=' not that i have to do, if im running "late", everyone else will just have eat shit and wait. i dont have to do anything i dont want to do, and what i do get done is on my own schedule, not some little shit's who wants his toy back NOW.

besides, rocket made his own deadline. maybe he has apologized to himself for not meeting it. why should he answer to you?


#trolls end

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Why should he even give a shit?

You're all here at his invitation' date=' which can be removed at any point :)

Rocket IS the boss.

It's like your boss coming in late one day, he's not going to organise a presentation showing his weakness in character and a fully fledged well authored apology.

He'll say: Fuck you, you're fired. If you demand one.

Rocket can release the update whenever he wants, however he wants, to whomever he chooses. He owes us NOTHING, and I expect nothing in return.


well said. kind of what i was trying to say, only you said it way better.

I'm renowned for my lyrical word-smithing.

Like a modern Dr Dre, minus the references to booty, poontang and dope.

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whats it to you if i never worked? maybe i was smart about it and made enough money i dont have to work anymore.

my side projects are mine. when im doing something that i want to do' date=' not that i have to do, if im running "late", everyone else will just have eat shit and wait. i dont have to do anything i dont want to do, and what i do get done is on my own schedule, not some little shit's who wants his toy back NOW.

besides, rocket made his own deadline. maybe he has apologized to himself for not meeting it. why should he answer to you?


Wow, you must be a pleasure to work with. What an inconsiderate, selfish bell end you are. Why not just go to the cheat site and download it and fulfil your destiny to become DayZ's biggest pipe.

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(Yesterday 10:38 PM)unrated Wrote: "Another monday passed and there's still no update. Should be released last monday. Its fuckin bold to get no informations/updates why and how much longer it will take.

You acted like you were the boss. Gave you some of your own recipe. Deal with it punk."

yup. im the one with the problem. im the boss. im the punk. im the troll. im the one telling rocket what to do. all the problems are because of me. and the solution is of course to keep demanding the dev team to release the update. and all this is on me. i better grow up quick.

you are awesome!

sounds like you never worked in your life. if you run late you tell ppl you'll come later? if you work on a project and cant finish it till the defined time you tell them a new date of eta [and you'll apologize]. thats what ppl do who are legitimate.

whats it to you if i never worked? maybe i was smart about it and made enough money i dont have to work anymore.

my side projects are mine. when im doing something that i want to do' date=' not that i have to do, if im running "late", everyone else will just have eat shit and wait. i dont have to do anything i dont want to do, and what i do get done is on my own schedule, not some little shit's who wants his toy back NOW.

besides, rocket made his own deadline. maybe he has apologized to himself for not meeting it. why should he answer to you?


#trolls end

Nipples are getting hot in here.

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whats it to you if i never worked? maybe i was smart about it and made enough money i dont have to work anymore.

my side projects are mine. when im doing something that i want to do' date=' not that i have to do, if im running "late", everyone else will just have eat shit and wait. i dont have to do anything i dont want to do, and what i do get done is on my own schedule, not some little shit's who wants his toy back NOW.

besides, rocket made his own deadline. maybe he has apologized to himself for not meeting it. why should he answer to you?


Wow, you must be a pleasure to work with. What an inconsiderate, selfish bell end you are. Why not just go to the cheat site and download it and fulfil your destiny to become DayZ's biggest pipe.

what is wrong with you people? im not talking about work dude. im talking about personal side projects. fuck.

i dont see what cheating has to do with anything. i never said anyone was cheating, and i dont believe anyone said i was. thats not what this is about.

lets not forget this all started with some momma's boy's total lack of respect for rocket on his own site, which i think is uncalled for and out of bounds.

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omg!! so many kids arround here arguing o.O just shut up, stop flame and enjoy the Game!!!

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so when does this update come out? Im just asking, cuz the leg breaking by zombies is annoying as hell

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I have to say this

I have been playing ARMA since its release damn like said in another post I played OFP on release.

Any way on the BIS forums we get none of this swearing,rudeness and just plain disrospect.

It just comes to show the crowd of people this mod has brought to the ARMA series and I dont like it one bit.

Please for god sake be kind wait like I said in another post BIS WIL NOT LET YOU DOWN.

just wait


if ya want to pass the time play vanilla ARMA you will be hooked because many of you got arma for this one mission just play vanilla or the campaign better still install ACE2 mod it will blow you mind ;)

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you guys appeal to all these irrelevant hypothetical situations, when people just wanna know whats going on

some of yall claim to not care when the patch comes out, but you're still religiously checking this thread

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my mate has built server machine but we cant start the server cuz of patch(devs are too busy),and you complain about your broken legs and stuff :)

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Question for Rocket personally: Why did you decide not to convert DMR magazines to FN FAL, but did convert DMR to M24? They, too, is the same caliber - 7.62x51 mm? WHY?

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omg!! so many kids arround here arguing o.O just shut up' date=' stop flame and enjoy the Game!!!


nice to hear it from a guy who registered to post shit like that :)

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Haters and unpatient people - get a fucking life. Read a book. Wank, watch a movie, talk to your friends. DAYZ is not your life, rocket does not have to answer to anybody but himself when it comes to dayZ. Just be patient and wait.

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Somewhat unrelated' date=' new patch for Arma 2 released, 94444 : http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php

Maybe the patch was delayed for this...

lated edit: the ftp server is already overloaded


that's the third beta patch this week. it's seems a lot has been going on on that end

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you guys appeal to all these irrelevant hypothetical situations' date=' when people just wanna know whats going on

some of yall claim to not care when the patch comes out, but you're still religiously checking this thread


I do care and I dont deny I would love for it to come out now BUT what I am saying is (not saying you in genearl) some people on here are very rude I cant beleive the anger,swearing in this thread for what a mod I mean come on guys really?.

BIS will release the mod (unless of course they are so fed up with the childish remarks).

Just chill play some arma vanilla or install and play the many other great missions like this one


its a fantastic zombie mission and there is many many more for arma not just dayz.

Or install and play arma with ACE2 that really will bogle ya mind its so in detph and real.

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Six Updater updated my arma 2 beta, but it still shows up as 94364... only thing that changed was arma2rft.exe. hm

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I have to say this

I have been playing ARMA since its release damn like said in another post I played OFP on release.

Any way on the BIS forums we get none of this swearing' date='rudeness and just plain disrospect.

It just comes to show the crowd of people this mod has brought to the ARMA series and I dont like it one bit.

Please for god sake be kind wait like I said in another post BIS WIL NOT LET YOU DOWN.

just wait


if ya want to pass the time play vanilla ARMA you will be hooked because many of you got arma for this one mission just play vanilla or the campaign better still install ACE2 mod it will blow you mind ;)


Started messing around with vanilla Arma with this downtime. Pretty fun, but the AI be fuckin' ninjas. Headshots from everywhere! XD

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the Arma 2 campaign crashes a lot on me. it seems to crash at the points where is auto-saves. anyone else have that problem?

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Yeah the AI are very aware but you need to take it slow and scout the area you cant go in guns blazing thats for sure.

Use the map and look for advantage points eg high ground,valleys where you could set up a tunnel so the enemy can only attack from on direction.

think like you would in real life ya would never run in guns blazing you would die and its the same for arma

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Yeah the AI are very aware but you need to take it slow and scout the area you cant go in guns blazing thats for sure.

That's why I love Arma, it runs totally contrary to the RAMBO mindset. That AI will team up on you, flank you and chew you up if you aren't careful.

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So so true LOL.

People forget its a simulator not an arcade game :P

If ya have not tryed ACE please please do its very very impressive adds so so much to an all ready great sim.

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Somewhat unrelated' date=' new patch for Arma 2 released, 94444 : http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php

Maybe the patch was delayed for this...

lated edit: the ftp server is already overloaded


that's the third beta patch this week. it's seems a lot has been going on on that end

Seems they make more beta patches but wont give us a clue what they actually fix. The change log is the same which 94206 had.

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