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About PhantomGamers

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. PhantomGamers

    Pending Update: Build

    yeah rocket should start us with an m4a1, a secondary, a grenade and some flash bangs. Would be incredibly useful. Also how about a knife button on V and why doesn't rocket charge us $60 a year for the game with slightly different weapons and skins each time?
  2. PhantomGamers

    Pending Update: Build

    I look at it like in the Walking Dead, how they can kill zombies with screwdrivers by shoving it in their eyes and destroying the brain.
  3. PhantomGamers

    Pending Update: Build

    Agreed, alternatively you can have a smaller knife, such as the hunting knife, work as a melee weapon in the secondary slot.
  4. PhantomGamers

    Direct Chat VOIP

    yes, at least it does for me. why wouldn't it? :P
  5. PhantomGamers

    Direct Chat VOIP

    use the ./> key to change channels. it should be that easy, but make sure your mic is turned on.
  6. PhantomGamers


    No, and I'm pretty sure the characters are CDKey based.
  7. PhantomGamers

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Six Updater updated my arma 2 beta, but it still shows up as 94364... only thing that changed was arma2rft.exe. hm
  8. PhantomGamers

    DayZ Mobile app for Android (v. 1.50)

    Thanks so much for this I will most definitely use it when my Galaxy SIII arrives.
  9. PhantomGamers

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I don't think a starting weapon is necessary at all, but having some sort of melee or shove feature would be nice. This is probably ENTIRELY out of the scope of the ARMA II engine though.
  10. PhantomGamers

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I'd like someone to confirm he's at least alright. It's not like the guy on the last page is a credible source, but if Rocket WAS in the hospital and we were all bitching about the update we would look like real dicks.
  11. PhantomGamers

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Anyone know if the servers went down yesterday? Maybe he tried to backup again and is going to try to update again tomorrow...
  12. PhantomGamers

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I figured he meant when the update would roll out if he missed monday, not that he would make backups of characters etc. I'm not going to say 100% that's not what he meant, but from a developers standpoint, if anything involves an update and you say "Backup" that normally means backing up files/databases before you overwrite them with the update just in case something in the update is wrong and corrupts part of the system.