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Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

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I'm really sorry if this has been stated already, but there's a bug with converting ammo types that it refills the ammo in that clip, and you can just convert it back to have a full clip.

Don't know if this has been looked over or not.

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you guys are such whiners... i like supertrucks idea' date=' but i want to try bear traps too..


yeah,we are whiners for having a different opinion on things and writing about them.great view on things you got there,pal

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All the people bitching that bear traps are going to ruin the game are the same people that bitched because starting without a weapon was going to ruin the game.. Go with the flow for once and ride it out till we know for sure the sky is falling!

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All the people bitching that bear traps are going to ruin the game are the same people that bitched because starting without a weapon was going to ruin the game.. Go with the flow for once and ride it out till we know for sure the sky is falling!

There is time for going with the flow and time for saying "dude,focus on issues and not shiny new toys".But there never is the right time for generalisation...

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MAKE IT SO INFECTED CANNOT BREAK BONES. Ive spawned and had to respawn sooo many times simply because infected break a bone and I have no morphine and no hope of getting it. It is discouraging me from playing the game altogether.

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Is morphine coming back or something? I can't find any. Haven't seen a camo outfit in ages as well.

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I'm really sorry if this has been stated already' date=' but there's a bug with converting ammo types that it refills the ammo in that clip, and you can just convert it back to have a full clip.

Don't know if this has been looked over or not.


This has been raised in the bug report http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=17708

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Why not spawn you away fom towns by a certain amount.Say you enter a military barrack and leave to server hop.When you enter next map your 500m away in the woods.

That actually would serve to help the hoppers in the event the barracks don't have loot spawned' date=' they wouldn't have to exit the area and then come back, they could just head straight to them.


hence why my original idea was server swapping spawns you on the beach

edit: bonus is it would fix the debug forest spawn bug

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Weird thing just happened. Was at a market away from my camp, someone saw my coyote backpack and decided to shoot me in the back of the head (never heard them even walking in the store, yet my foot steps sound like I'm stomping, WTF?) so yeah whatever I died, respawn get back to my dead body, my pack was pretty empty, guy left all my gear and alice pack with meat, blood packs, pain killers and soda in it, so nice of him! so I get all my stuff back including my m1911 and all the rounds for it and even the spare one I had in my pack (he put it in the alice pack lol) but when I return to camp and check my tent for my spare coyote backpack with my M107 in it, it's gone as well as my range finder and NVG's and next to my tent is a jerry can...ok wtf? So I check my other tent, my M14A1 CCO has now turned into an AKM and there are 2 m1911 mags next to the tent. So dying now turns items into different items in your tent? Hopefully when the server restarts all is well again but kinda sucks having your items turn into other things that you don't really need lol.

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Bear Traps..... Don't Care either way

However 3 Major Exploits are destroying the game-play at the moment.

1: Alt-F4. I know its been tried' date=' but we need a revisit of 10-20 second delay on logging out/altf4 . Too many players brazenly ignore zombies/kill players knowing that they are instantly safe by de-spawning zombies and no player retaliation.

2: Server hopping. Its too easy to get good gear by going to a good spot such as military tents /airfield / barracks etc and then logging in and out of multiple servers until you find what you want without actually having to travel anywhere. (Possible Fix) Changing servers resets your location to the beach like a re-spawn. Encourages people to play on a regular server and build a reputation and also play through the day/night cycle instead of just swapping to a day server.

3: Off map camps. Ive been playing on the same server for a month and never seen a repairable vehicle or one in use. It IS a server with them enabled but they have all been taken and stashed in off-map camps. This is effectively removing content from the game for the majority of the player base. (Possible Fix) All tents and vehicles are destroyed after 1 hour of inactivity when outside the map of Chernarus. (Alternate fix) Increase the number of vehicles in the game but decrease the spawn-rate of vehicle parts. More difficult, less impossible.

And lastly, and not related to anything, increase the day/night cycle rapidly. I play for 4 hours at the same time every night. So without deliberatly server swapping, i only see the SAME 4 hours everytime, and never experience the dynamic and changing lighting and different playstyles.


The day/night cycle is perfectly fine as it is, realistic. If you have a personal problem, like you can't play at other times because of work then I'm afraid you have to consider swapping to a different server every now and again. Why change something that is working perfectly fine because some people don't feel like changing the server if they want to experience different times of day? Agree about the other stuff though, the map needs to be restricted to inside the borders. These huge clans playing on practically every server seem to be ruining so many aspects of the game for everyone else.

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Weird thing just happened. Was at a market away from my camp' date=' someone saw my coyote backpack and decided to shoot me in the back of the head (never heard them even walking in the store, yet my foot steps sound like I'm stomping, WTF?) so yeah whatever I died, respawn get back to my dead body, my pack was pretty empty, guy left all my gear and alice pack with meat, blood packs, pain killers and soda in it, so nice of him! so I get all my stuff back including my m1911 and all the rounds for it and even the spare one I had in my pack (he put it in the alice pack lol) but when I return to camp and check my tent for my spare coyote backpack with my M107 in it, it's gone as well as my range finder and NVG's and next to my tent is a jerry can...ok wtf? So I check my other tent, my M14A1 CCO has now turned into an AKM and there are 2 m1911 mags next to the tent. So dying now turns items into different items in your tent? Hopefully when the server restarts all is well again but kinda sucks having your items turn into other things that you don't really need lol.


If there was a jerry can standing next to the tent, I'm pretty sure you got robbed.

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I love how nobody mentions the rampant duping as one of the things ruining the game lmao.

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People are going to setup bear traps in front of barracks and other high value buildings. Lame idea

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People are going to setup bear traps in front of barracks and other high value buildings. Lame idea

Yeah i imagine all those people running with 20 infected behind them into a Building thinking they are safe. Im laughing already.

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Stop crying you babie about these bear traps.... you have to be careful in this game so this is only another dangerous things...

There will be tweaking zombie behaviour in this patch so building will not slow them anymore... this is hardcore game... for persitent players who are not bitching about everything.... if you don't like changes they made go play something else...

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Bear traps can be fun - the second I read that, my eyes widened with excitement. It sounds like a lot of fun. To be honest, the most of I have in this game is the intense "survival mode" moments. Example - it's pitch black at night, the ambient music in the background slowing making its climax, I am unarmed and approaching a large city. There's a known sniper on a tower somewhere, and zeds are high in numbers. A flares pops up in the distance, I can't make out if it's an aggressor or a friendly. I make my way towards it, low crawling, anticipating, calculating. A shot is fired and bouncing near my head, I scramble for cover, but can hardly see. I don't want to expose myself with a flare or a chemlight, so I start rolling, hoping they don't have a nifty set of NVG's.

Having to keep acute awarenesss of bear traps will now be on my mind. I scurry into a nearby building, I lose focus, and *SNAP!*, I hit a trap. Now I can no longer move, I jump in fear at the sound of and recognition of the bear trap ruining my evening. I crawl into the building and post up, hoping I'm not found.

THAT, is what this game is about. Those moments, legit fear and worry, really getting absorbed in the game.

The barbed wire and sand bags is fucking stupid, it ruins the momentum and only benefits exploiters. But bear traps don't benefit exploters as much, as you can still crawl in and get loot. I can see a lot more legitimate reasons for bear-trapping than barbed wiring and sand bags.

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I agree with few other ppl, bear trap = fail for me. I would much rather see some more bugs fixed, rather than adding traps.

And to the ppl whinning about ppl whinning about traps,

everyone is entitled to an opinion,

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Hopefully they will work on zeds aswell as people.

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1: Alt-F4. I know its been tried' date=' but we need a revisit of 10-20 second delay on logging out/altf4 . Too many players brazenly ignore zombies/kill players knowing that they are instantly safe by de-spawning zombies and no player retaliation.

2: Server hopping. Its too easy to get good gear by going to a good spot such as military tents /airfield / barracks etc and then logging in and out of multiple servers until you find what you want without actually having to travel anywhere. (Possible Fix) Changing servers resets your location to the beach like a re-spawn. Encourages people to play on a regular server and build a reputation and also play through the day/night cycle instead of just swapping to a day server.


No. Absolutely not. I'm STILL having this screwed up bug where the game will minimize on me or my graphic driver will crash. Completely random, and I'm unable to do anything to prevent it. There are others having this problem too. It will get in the way of people being able to test the other features of this game.

And also: Bear traps. Uh, No thanks. Griefing is at an all time high. Let's focus on fixing bugs and adding in gameplay elements for people who want to survive.

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Bear Traps..... Don't Care either way

However 3 Major Exploits are destroying the game-play at the moment.

1: Alt-F4. I know its been tried' date=' but we need a revisit of 10-20 second delay on logging out/altf4 . Too many players brazenly ignore zombies/kill players knowing that they are instantly safe by de-spawning zombies and no player retaliation.

2: Server hopping. Its too easy to get good gear by going to a good spot such as military tents /airfield / barracks etc and then logging in and out of multiple servers until you find what you want without actually having to travel anywhere. (Possible Fix) Changing servers resets your location to the beach like a re-spawn. Encourages people to play on a regular server and build a reputation and also play through the day/night cycle instead of just swapping to a day server.

3: Off map camps. Ive been playing on the same server for a month and never seen a repairable vehicle or one in use. It IS a server with them enabled but they have all been taken and stashed in off-map camps. This is effectively removing content from the game for the majority of the player base. (Possible Fix) All tents and vehicles are destroyed after 1 hour of inactivity when outside the map of Chernarus. (Alternate fix) Increase the number of vehicles in the game but decrease the spawn-rate of vehicle parts. More difficult, less impossible.

And lastly, and not related to anything, increase the day/night cycle rapidly. I play for 4 hours at the same time every night. So without deliberatly server swapping, i only see the SAME 4 hours everytime, and never experience the dynamic and changing lighting and different playstyles.


Completely agree with this. There is no way to save stuff and reach an "end" game with this server hopping.

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