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About alowery57

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. alowery57

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    MAKE IT SO INFECTED CANNOT BREAK BONES. Ive spawned and had to respawn sooo many times simply because infected break a bone and I have no morphine and no hope of getting it. It is discouraging me from playing the game altogether.
  2. This was absolutely awful. there was NO need to change zombies in any way. You can't get away from them so you can't hide from them. This is the one update that didn't fix things so much as straight up cause problems. I lost my skin and I was spawned in the middle of the wilderness. Now we can't go into cities unless we have near unlimited ammo because the zombies detect you so easily that you have to fire your way through but doing so causes the city to collapse on you. This patch was terrible.
  3. alowery57

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Many bandits who do not kill a player feel in immediate danger and attempt to save themselves by logging out. Another problem I noticed is that I was losing connection to a server just as a friend and I were being shot at. He lost connection while downed while I had lost connection prior to being shot. However, the bandit, named Moth, followed us to our next server and attempted to have us banned simply because he thought he left a server. I'm not sure if the retrying to authenticate is another issue or a way solve server hopping or keep ppl from relogging in after disconnecting to avoid death, but it is causing major problems for me and the seven other people who play along with me. I think there would be many less incidents involving people disconnecting to avoid death if there were consequences for being a bandit. For example, many people kill each other on sight. We do not ask if we are friendly in fear that the other guy is not and we lose everything. We are not bandits, but we kill in what we believe is our defense. However, when the other player disconnects, we still feel cheated since ammo is usually scarce. We then end up with events such as this where many people are complaining. If there were consequences to being a bandit, and I mean severe, noticeable consequences, then we would think twice before opening fire on fellow players and there would be many less incidents of people complaining over a lost kill or wasted ammo.
  4. alowery57

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Milk milk lemonade around the corner fudge is made. all that needs to be said has been said. Also please get rid of the retrying to authenticate because I get it when I log in after a server has restarted or when I die