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Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

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* [NEW] Exponent driven probability introduced into visibility calculation

Big win with the new infected targeting methods!

Now I am tweaking values. They will now have the CHANCE to detect you from much further away visually' date=' but this rises and falls based exponentially on how close you are versus how visible you are. So if you are visible at 120m, and at 110m, you have a very low (but still possible) chance that you will be spotted. The longer you stay there the greater the chance of being spotted.


Would it be an option for them to shamble in your direction rather than run at full pelt in such a situation i.e. they've spotted something and want a closer look. Would lead to that, 'uh oh better get out of here feeling' when they all turn an look in your direction! :)

I like this idea ;)


This is a great idea... It seems that zombies go from oblivious to furious in one step. The idea of a brief warning period, at longer ranges, would be cool. Of course turning a corner and coming face to face with a walker should still be an instant aggro.

Nice idea!!

On the flip siide, is there a way to have the animals in game react to player proximity in an opposite manner. Players moving through a forest might flush out boars or rabbits, players moving near fields might cause goats and cows to move away. That would add a new dimension to tracking in the game. If you see a boar bolt out of a forest, you've got a pretty good idea that there's someone coming through and you can either take evasive action or prep and ambush (or both)... It would also make hunting more chalenging. No more axing boars...

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+1 about animals. And let the boars attack you sometimes. They are too weak, IRL a shot from a rifle isn't a one-shot kill mostly, and here a Makarov headshot kills them... A boar skull is really tough. So, THIS will really make hunting challenging. Goats should have the same option. But no cows. Cows are not aggressive, they are kind :)

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Introduce 1 more animal: wolves. At least we can get chased "the gray" style through woods at times too. Boars should just be defensive in nature and attack when attacked, while wolves (or some other preditorial animal) hunts like zeds.

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Wolves and deer/elk. That's all the wildlife additions we need methinks.

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I understand the whole 28 days later virus that gives them basic instincts and a rage for human flesh' date=' but lets consider the condition of Chernerus. It's been evacuated, supplies are running out so to speak, all that is left are zombies and hardly any fresh food for them. Unless this virus keeps their dead flesh from decaying, they shouldn't be sprinting faster than you.

Seeing as the evacuation took place and smoke has settled from wrecks, the zombies have been their a while. Fresh zombies would run at the mega super speed they do currently but the decaying zombies (currently none) should be slower in pace, seeing as their muscles are deteriorated.

All for fast zombies, but accurately depicted.


Did you watch 28 Days Later? They are not dead, not decaying, they are alive but infected with some sort of rage-virus deal.

I assume it's the same in DayZ since Rocket calls them 'infected'.

If they dont eat they decay. Hence the part about a long passed evacuation. Virus or not, the body needs to eat.

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+1 about animals. And let the boars attack you sometimes. They are too weak' date=' IRL a shot from a rifle isn't a one-shot kill mostly, and here a Makarov headshot kills them... A boar skull is really tough. So, THIS will really make hunting challenging. Goats should have the same option. But no cows. Cows are not aggressive, they are kind :)



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That sounds really solid! Very sort of natural' date=' intuitive. My real concern here is CPU load. My gut says if it's probabilistic, this is going to be a lot more CPU-intensive, especially if there are a large number of infected. Is this going to create a noticeable load on game resources?


This system is about 50% as performance intensive as the previous one because it selectively checks, i.e. it only checks what it needs too.

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Can tent inventory be displayed like player's inventory? At least have the tent to have count of empty slots like bags... It is so hard to know how many slots are left for tents... I know there are 50 slots, but each time I put in items, i have to count and see if items will fit :S

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Just out of interest, how do we suppose that a zombie can actually tell the difference between a human and one of its own kind at 120m? Assuming one is standing still or walking of course.

I found the 1.7.2(?) long-range aggro to be immersion breaking for more or less this reason, that it's uncharacteristic behavior for zombies as we commonly see them depicted. So I still have some of the same concerns now.

I know the zombies are pretty soft as things stand, but couldn't we try something more in-keeping with the pop culture traditions? Have zombies aggro on another zombie's rage cry for instance. That way we'd hopefully preserve those 'Shaun of the Dead' moments where you're in a town, surrounded by shambling zombies, but when it all goes tits-up you'd get hoard-like behaviour even when using suppressed weapons.

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This system is about 50% as performance intensive as the previous one because it selectively checks' date=' i.e. it only checks what it needs too.


Rocket, just here for your daily reminder that you are amazing, can't wait to see this update.

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ROCKET' date='


That is all. ;)


You can try to be a little more friendly to the guy who made this all possible. :) I bet he is working his butt off.

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Why do our characters scream in pain when we're shooting zeds? I don't even get hit and my character yells, "fuck that hurt." lol

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Why do our characters scream in pain when we're shooting zeds? I don't even get hit and my character yells' date=' "fuck that hurt." lol

[/quote']It's zed's screams, not your character's. Guess they just use default sound for injury.

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I've noticed that the peripheral dots show up through buildings and terrain quite often. I also noticed a long long time ago just playing around in the SP Armory that the giant hangars at the airfields don't block LOS as far as AI is concerned. They also don't stop bullets. Hopefully the dots being visible through objects is fixed in a beta update, because IIRC it's tied to the AI's vision. If you see their dot through the wall, they can see you too.

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Why do our characters scream in pain when we're shooting zeds? I don't even get hit and my character yells' date=' "fuck that hurt." lol

[/quote']It's zed's screams, not your character's. Guess they just use default sound for injury.

Do zeds yell out loud in a russian accent, "Fuck that hurt!" When they're being shot? Because, that's what I distinctly heard when shooting one.

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* [NEW] Player Syncing system replaced (increased performance and ammo quantity tracking)

This will (obviously) add scarcity to ammo. In terms of rebalancing, it might be worth implementing ammo conversions between other compatible types of rounds (in addition to .45 ACP).

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* [NEW] Exponent driven probability introduced into visibility calculation

Big win with the new infected targeting methods!

Now I am tweaking values. They will now have the CHANCE to detect you from much further away visually' date=' but this rises and falls based exponentially on how close you are versus how visible you are. So if you are visible at 120m, and at 110m, you have a very low (but still possible) chance that you will be spotted. The longer you stay there the greater the chance of being spotted.


Oh, boy. Queue the crybabies who were crouch running 5m in front of a zed saying "omg dey c thru wall, nurf zeds!"

I'm excited about the random element of it, personally.

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Rocket, you (or someone into the DayZ group, I believe) mentioned something about an inventory overhaul for DayZ. Is this true? What's the ETA?

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* [FIXED] Animal bodies despawn way too fast (now despawn automatically after 2 minutes)

* [FIXED] States where animal might stop walking around (now should walk around more)

* [FIXED] Animal AI routines consuming large amounts of FPS (now in line with Infected AI routines' date=' reduced FPS usage)

* [NEW'] Player Syncing system replaced (increased performance and ammo quantity tracking)


we have saved cars disapearing after 2-3 hours, we r losing our saved tents, we r losing our ammo while taking some items, our guns are disapearing when we trying to change or to put them in backpack, we can die coz of disconnecting in a vehicle, we can die while even loading, some fir-trees can broke our legs when we trying to hide

and now.. hurray! animal should walk around more! cool

relogin will not fill up our ammo, but we still will lose it coz of bugs. cool.

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* [NEW] Exponent driven probability introduced into visibility calculation

Big win with the new infected targeting methods!

Now I am tweaking values. They will now have the CHANCE to detect you from much further away visually' date=' but this rises and falls based exponentially on how close you are versus how visible you are. So if you are visible at 120m, and at 110m, you have a very low (but still possible) chance that you will be spotted. The longer you stay there the greater the chance of being spotted.


Oh, boy. Queue the crybabies who were crouch running 5m in front of a zed saying "omg dey c thru wall, nurf zeds!"

I'm excited about the random element of it, personally.

Not to ask where I have no right, but if they could be of variable speed once they are after you, that would be amazing.

I am looking forward to this change as well!!

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* [FIXED] Animal bodies despawn way too fast (now despawn automatically after 2 minutes)

* [FIXED] States where animal might stop walking around (now should walk around more)

* [FIXED] Animal AI routines consuming large amounts of FPS (now in line with Infected AI routines' date=' reduced FPS usage)

* [NEW'] Player Syncing system replaced (increased performance and ammo quantity tracking)


we have disapearing saved cars after 2-3 hours, we r losing our saved tents, we r losing our ammo while taking some items, our guns are disapearing when we trying to change or to put them in backpack, we can die coz of disconnecting in a vehicle, we can die while even loading, some fir-trees can broke our legs when we trying to hide

and now.. hurray! animal should walk around more! cool

relogging will not fill up our ammo, but we still will lose it coz of bugs. cool.

play something else then until the game comes out of alpha....


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