Vigil Vindex 8 Posted June 21, 2012 The disconnect problem is getting out of hand, people are developing a disconnect reflex to anything that they find challenging in the game. Get into a gunfight, disconnect. Aggro a zed, disconnect. It's ruining the game. The 5 second wait time is not working and is not a viable solution.The only solution is to make it so that if you disconnect when you have the white symbol your player dies. Simple and effective. No timers, no bullshit, if you DC when engaged in an encounter with a player or zed your character should automatically die. This is the only thing that will stop people from abusing this exploit as they are now.Until this is implemented PVP is never going to be fun when everyone, and I do mean everyone, is exploiting the disconnect function. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Louis (DayZ) 0 Posted June 21, 2012 I like the idea of this, but right now, the penalty for disconnecting when you are in "combat" is that you pass out for 5min when you log in, and I have personally never disconnected while I was in combat, and I have tried this 5min pass out a couble of times. Which means if they made this system, I would have been dead a couble of times for no reason AT ALL. They should instead increase the 5 seconds disconnect wait time, to something more reasonable, like 30 seconds? maybe even a minute!The thought behind instant death for disconnecting out of trouble is a good idea, if it worked perfectly, would be awesome, but innocent people would get killed sometimes by this. And ofcause if they increased the timer to 1 minute or atleast just 30 seconds, if they die while they are still disconnecting, their bodies should be there for the 15 minutes so you could loot them, incase they tried to avoid death to another player. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
exetick 11 Posted June 21, 2012 I pit to harsh tbh. I would like to see a 20-30 sec timer instead of 5. that means zombie and players have enough time to kill you. I agree with you that disconnecting to avoid death is getting more common in this game and its getting more of a reflex to those people who are doing it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vigil Vindex 8 Posted June 21, 2012 I like the idea of this' date=' but right now, the penalty for disconnecting when you are in "combat" is that you pass out for 5min when you log in, and I have personally never disconnected while I was in combat, and I have tried this 5min pass out a couble of times. Which means if they made this system, I would have been dead a couble of times for no reason AT ALL. They should instead increase the 5 seconds disconnect wait time, to something more reasonable, like 30 seconds? maybe even a minute!The thought behind instant death for disconnecting out of trouble is a good idea, if it worked perfectly, would be awesome, but innocent people would get killed sometimes by this. And ofcause if they increased the timer to 1 minute or atleast just 30 seconds, if they die while they are still disconnecting, their bodies should be there for the 15 minutes so you could loot them, incase they tried to avoid death to another player.[/quote']If the white icon comes up then you are into some sort of engagement, so if you disconnect you die, seems reasonable to me. I can't imagine someone disconnecting just when that icon appears being innocent of using the exploit. The current timer solution doesn't work, people hop servers wait out the timer, flank then hop back. Death is the only solution to deter people from having a disconnect reflex. Any other solution will just add more complexity for what is a simple issue. That white icon is there for a reason, so use it to the full extent. If timer is the only solution then it should be longer, 2 or 3 mins before you get to log out, and 2 or 3 when you log in.I pit to harsh tbh.It's a harsh game, so it should fit in nicely. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Louis (DayZ) 0 Posted June 22, 2012 I like the idea of this' date=' but right now, the penalty for disconnecting when you are in "combat" is that you pass out for 5min when you log in, and I have personally never disconnected while I was in combat, and I have tried this 5min pass out a couble of times. Which means if they made this system, I would have been dead a couble of times for no reason AT ALL. They should instead increase the 5 seconds disconnect wait time, to something more reasonable, like 30 seconds? maybe even a minute!The thought behind instant death for disconnecting out of trouble is a good idea, if it worked perfectly, would be awesome, but innocent people would get killed sometimes by this. And ofcause if they increased the timer to 1 minute or atleast just 30 seconds, if they die while they are still disconnecting, their bodies should be there for the 15 minutes so you could loot them, incase they tried to avoid death to another player.[/quote']If the white icon comes up then you are into some sort of engagement, so if you disconnect you die, seems reasonable to me. I can't imagine someone disconnecting just when that icon appears being innocent of using the exploit. The current timer solution doesn't work, people hop servers wait out the timer, flank then hop back. Death is the only solution to deter people from having a disconnect reflex. Any other solution will just add more complexity for what is a simple issue. That white icon is there for a reason, so use it to the full extent. If timer is the only solution then it should be longer, 2 or 3 mins before you get to log out, and 2 or 3 when you log in.I pit to harsh tbh.It's a harsh game' date=' so it should fit in nicely.[/quote']Alright, didn't really see that part, (my bad), if that icon was there, yes it would be fair enough. But what I think happend to me those times where I was in "combat" and logged out, even though i wasn't in any kind of combat, and that made me pass out for 5minutes next time I logged in. Was that the game thought I was still in combat with someone or something. So my question here is, what would you do if that icon was flashing on your screen while you wasn't in any kind of combat? and you couldn't get out of "combat", if you disconnect you die? if a bug like that happended to me, damn I would be mad.And I wouldn't personally mind 2-3 minutes disconnect time, since I (and everyone else should) only disconnect when you are totally sure you are safe, like when you are at your base, or in the forrest. Ofcause you shouldn't get hungry or thirsty while at this disconnect face. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 1 Posted June 22, 2012 10 seconds would be more than enough. A zombie if not kill, would inflict lots of damage. As for players I think we should leave the option to just disapear from the face of someone trying to murder you. Because right now there are just too many griefers that hunt you down. Either make a penalty for killing other players or allow them to disconnect. Today playing with a friend on TS he said that there were two guys chasing him screaming over the Voip that they are friendly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Louis (DayZ) 0 Posted June 22, 2012 10 seconds would be more than enough. A zombie if not kill' date=' would inflict lots of damage. As for players I think we should leave the option to just disapear from the face of someone trying to murder you. Because right now there are just too many griefers that hunt you down. Either make a penalty for killing other players or allow them to disconnect. Today playing with a friend on TS he said that there were two guys chasing him screaming over the Voip that they are friendly.[/quote']Would you please just get off this forum, if you don't like player killing, go play something else, it's a part of the game, so deal with it. The game wouldn't be nearly as funny if they removed player killing or gave it some kind of penalty, and the people you call "griefers" isn't griefers at all, just because someone kill you in a PvP situation, doesn't mean they are griefers ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miss_Nuts 9 Posted June 22, 2012 Anything more than 10-15 seconds is putting you at risk of being stumbled upon by another player who you may genuinely not have been aware of. Imagine finding what you believe is a safe zone, logging out then a minute later someone finding your inert self and taking a golden opportunity to kill or steal. Or even worse, someone spawn logging into the same location! I think 15 seconds is a suitable amount of time to make sure you're safe. If you get killed within 15 seconds you were either incredibly unlucky and had someone logging into your same spot (unlikely) or you just didn't scope out the area well enough (likely)Edit: as mentioned above, anyone purposefully disconnecting in a conflict will be dead in 15 seconds Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
_Profile_Shame 37 Posted June 22, 2012 i used to want constant bodies that 'slept' when you logged off, but boosting the 5 second wait after log off would achieve the same outcome.. i recently had someone disconnect on me for the first time, its definitely a cheap immersion killer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bo0G 7 Posted June 22, 2012 30 second timer with server message that "PlayerX has begun disconnecting". You can interrupt the disconnect during that 30 seconds if you want/need to but only 1 interrupt allowed per hour or something. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ascendantwyvern 0 Posted June 22, 2012 I'd say that a 10 second (or so) connection vulnerability will be exactly what we want. My first self defense kill ended with the bastard disconnecting before the kill got registerred and a way for them to remain connected for around ten seconds would prevent dicks who do that without leaving those out of conflict to get killed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dallas 5195 Posted June 22, 2012 Disconnect durring danger = forfeit life. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vigil Vindex 8 Posted June 22, 2012 If I die from a bug then so be it, it is an alpha and I can handle that. What I can't handle is a PVP game where every gunfight ends with someone vanishing in front of me when they disconnect. It needs to stop. Death is the only thing that will nip it in the bud and send a clear message to players, this is a PVP game, disconnecting is an exploit and ruins the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
seannybgoode 10 Posted June 22, 2012 10 seconds would be more than enough. A zombie if not kill' date=' would inflict lots of damage. As for players I think we should leave the option to just disapear from the face of someone trying to murder you. Because right now there are just too many griefers that hunt you down. Either make a penalty for killing other players or allow them to disconnect. Today playing with a friend on TS he said that there were two guys chasing him screaming over the Voip that they are friendly.[/quote']You just advocated using an exploit. Go play coop or WoW if you don't want PVP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vigil Vindex 8 Posted June 22, 2012 As for players I think we should leave the option to just disapear from the face of someone trying to murder you. Because right now there are just too many griefers that hunt you down. Either make a penalty for killing other players or allow them to disconnect.Sounds like you should be playing Left 4 Dead. Seriously. What good PVP game lets you just disappear in the middle of play? The real griefers are the ones disconnecting whenever they feel challenged, it's cheap, and cowardly, and not what makes DayZ great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BloodFreak 0 Posted June 22, 2012 As it is the zombie pathfinding is sooooo horible that's the reason why people DC. I mean we shouldn't try to fix the DC problem first, but the zombie glitchy nature. I mean if people DC it's not because it's too hard. It's because it's unfair.DCing during a pvp fight is very very lame tho. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vigil Vindex 8 Posted June 22, 2012 As it is the zombie pathfinding is sooooo horible that's the reason why people DC. I mean we shouldn't try to fix the DC problem first' date=' but the zombie glitchy nature. I mean if people DC it's not because it's too hard. It's because it's unfair.DCing during a pvp fight is very very lame tho.[/quote']There is nothing wrong with zed path finding. It's been fixed. Only problem with zeds is that they seem to respawn pretty quick when you are in a building. Apart from that I am finding it easy enough to deal with zeds as they are, I wouldn't say it's unfair. Using DC is unfair, for zeds and pvp. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xair 1 Posted June 22, 2012 As it is the zombie pathfinding is sooooo horible that's the reason why people DC. I mean we shouldn't try to fix the DC problem first' date=' but the zombie glitchy nature. I mean if people DC it's not because it's too hard. It's because it's unfair.DCing during a pvp fight is very very lame tho.[/quote']Zombies sometimes glitch... but that's expected, And apparently im not playing the same game as most people because the zombies are terribly easy. All you have to do to get away from them is go in Door A and leave out Door B and all zombies are gone. (just my opinion) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leitbild 8 Posted June 22, 2012 Srsly guys, i Like the idea but you´re missing one major thing. How about server crash or kick while in a firefight or something? Had this myself once or twice, killing zeds and suddenly "waiting for server response".And I was randomly kicked while looting a town, too.So what about that? How about you are looting a town and killing some zeds and suddenly a server forced disconnect, next time you log in you´re dead because of that. I totaly understand the need for a system against that exploit but it needs to be better then this. Saw often enough DC while fighting, but simply killing them is not the right way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
<82ndAB>MAJ.RedHawk 16 Posted June 22, 2012 I had posted this already but here is my solution:Make it so that there is a combat mode activated in game. If you are in combat, then you cannot disconnect from the server for at least a minute or so after you leave combat (similar to what MMOs do). So if you currently have Zombie agro or have been shot at / shooting at someone else, then you are put into combat mode. You must wait a period of time to leave combat mode and then you may disconnect.I do not know if this is even possible but I figured I would throw it out there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CombatMuffin (DayZ) 0 Posted June 22, 2012 There is a difference between a "harsh" game, and a "frustrating" game.A disconnect can happen for a TON of reasons, not just exploits. Unless the game has a way of differentiating between a player voluntarily disconnecting, and a player abruptly disconnecting due to other causes (lag spike, internet down, server dies, etc).The player should NOT remain in game for even a second after he disconnects. Why? 5 seconds was okay, but if you allowed say, a minute, all the players disconnecting would leave assets in the game world for up to a minute, hitting performance.Do it like Diablo does it: If you hit disconnect, you get IMMOBILIZED in game, a 10 second counter begins, and once those 10 seconds are up, player is disconnected. If you aggroed zombies, you'll get hurt badly, possibly killed. A human player though, won't be as inaccurate against a close range target... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vigil Vindex 8 Posted June 22, 2012 All I see is excuses to this issue, disconnects due to lag spikes? Yeah right. The disconnect exploit is rampant. People have actually developed a 'disconnect reflex' ffs! They are doing this because they know they can get away with it. The 5-10 wait timer doesn't work, plain and simple. Something needs to be done to start deterring people from doing this every fucking time they are challenged in the game. Just to be clear I am talking about disconnecting while in combat. Out of combat I don't really care about disconnecting as it's not an issue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billw 1 Posted June 22, 2012 Anything more than 10-15 seconds is putting you at risk of being stumbled upon by another player who you may genuinely not have been aware of. Imagine finding what you believe is a safe zone' date=' logging out then a minute later someone finding your inert self and taking a golden opportunity to kill or steal. Or even worse, someone spawn logging into the same location! [/quote']Easily fixed: once you click disconnect you are frozen in place, but can still look around and, if need be, cancel the disconnect, after one minute you actually disconnect. If you "force disconnect" your body still remains for the duration.All I see is excuses to this issue' date=' disconnects due to lag spikes? Yeah right. ... The 5-10 wait timer doesn't work, plain and simple. ...[/quote']Are you saying people don't have connection problems? Maybe you don't, lucky you. The 5 second timer is actually disabled at the moment, as far as I know, so who knows if it works or not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vigil Vindex 8 Posted June 22, 2012 Are you saying people don't have connection problems? Maybe you don't' date=' lucky you.[/quote']Sure everyone get's connection problems now and then, but what's the chances of you having a genuine connection problem just when you are in combat? Pretty slim, unless there is something wrong with your connection, in which case you shouldn't be playing online and should on the phone to your ISP to get the problem solved.All I am saying is that people using the disconnect exploit is rampant, and it is destroying the atmosphere of the game. People seem to be claiming its down to "server lag" and "connection issues" etc, which I don't believe for a second.The issue is disconnecting while in combat. Even if you do die during combat due to a crap internet connection then so be it, at least the game's PVP won't be getting exploited all the bloody time.Today alone I have had two encounters where people have used the DC exploit. A guy shot at me, I returned fire and started to chase him, as he was running through an open field I literally saw him disappear in my sights. Then again later on, I was watching a town from a hill, saw a guy aggro some zeds, he ran around a building twice, still had zeds on him, so he disconnected and disappeared.This has been going on for some time, and before I just let it slide. But now it seems that 90% of my encounters in PVP end up with people disconnecting. A definitive solution needs to be implemented soon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bo0G 7 Posted June 22, 2012 You can't auto-kill anyone who disconnects while engaged in an online game. That is ridiculous. The only solution is to increase the timer.Also, add messages when a player starts the disconnect timer, and also a message when/if the player cancels disconnect (maybe only 1 cancel allowed per hour to prevent abuse). That would give the other person in the firefight a clue that they may want to risk rushing their opponent. It would also solve people spamming respawn til they get somewhere they want.I hate adding to server spam and wish there was a way to change the size of chat, but games like this need to relay information sometimes. No game can be all immersion and no functionality. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites