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About Bo0G

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    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Bo0G

    Show who killed you

    -1 I don't want this. But, it would be a nice compromise if they fixed the inspect function so maybe you could find your body, inspect it, discover what kind of weapon killed you and that would be a clue as to who it was (if you're willing to have a vendetta against everyone with a revolver or whatever). At least that would be more realistic than some disembodied voice telling you who it was.
  2. This thread just emphasizes how much work DayZ still needs.
  3. +1 for more natural, predictable zombo movement. I don't mind the speed that they move, but what they do right now is not only hard to hit but just plain silly-looking.
  4. Bo0G


    +1 While you are digging around in the gear code, could you also turn off auto swapping ammo when moving weapons and fix items that can't fit being cast into oblivion?
  5. Bo0G


    This idea has a lot of promise for encouraging team play. Nice one! +1
  6. So it is a server setting? That is strange because I've seen it on servers that are "Expert" according to the browser. But then I've also been in Expert servers with 3rd person and xhairs enabled. It seems like you can set your difficulty at whatever you want, but then change all the parameters to be easymode anyway. Some defined protocol for normal, vet, expert servers would be helpful.
  7. Those dots on the side of your screen that are supposed to 'simulate' peripheral vision are a broken mechanic. If you scan your screen across a horizon watching one of the dots on the side of your screen, as soon as the dot disappears, you know that some spawn-able object (vehicle, animal, player, zombie) is in that spot. If it is 400M away and hidden in a tree, your magical peripheral vision can spot it even when you yourself cannot. This is a game breaker. It is just as bad, if not worse, than name scanning and it has to go. Edit: It seems that this is a server setting so thread title has been edited to incorporate my suggestion to enforce specific parameters on servers that claim to be Normal, Veteran, and Expert.
  8. Yes! But only if all servers are BIS hosted and regulated. No more clans/communities with their own DayZ servers. If a character is locked to one server, players need to know that their character is safe with the server they choose; that the admin isn't going to abuse their power (since the player would have no option to change servers anymore without losing their character). Most MMOs require the player to choose one dedicated, company-hosted server for their character to live on. DayZ should be no exception.
  9. It doesn't. Feel free to alt-f4 if you are in a safe area and you trust that your avatar will survive for the next 2 minutes. It's a small price to pay to keep people from combat logging I think. Not to mention the fact that it would discourage server hopping.
  10. This seems overly complicated to me. Why not simply add a 1-2minute timer to dc for everyone that is only interrupt-able by the person who is disconnecting? At the beginning of the timer, a server messages says "John started disconnect timer". So if you are in a firefight and see that message, you can choose to rush in if you believe that your target is combat logging.