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Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

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Rocket, when will more zombie and more loot be added?


Please dont add one without the other.



If by more loot you mean more frequently spawning loot, then I hope that doesn't happen. However frequently the loot is spawning now, is probably way more than it would be years after an apocalypse. 

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If by more loot you mean more frequently spawning loot, then I hope that doesn't happen. However frequently the loot is spawning now, is probably way more than it would be years after an apocalypse. 

I think it needs to be increased a LITTTLE. Especially when the zombie numbers are increased. Sometimes you search several houses with nothing whatsoever in them. I don't think it should be too high, but a tad increased wouldn't hurt too much.

I'd like to see a **** load of zombies in the future though, especially in Cherno/Elektro type areas. Maybe a bit more loot (such as food and medical) in cities but at the risk of A LOT more zombies. Might deter more players North. Definitely if the zombies stop glitch hitting and walking through walls and such.

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I have to disagree with this one. I'm new to the game and have probably played 5-6 hours. I've had two separate lives where I spent the entire time rummaging through towns looking for food/water, and died before finding enough sustinance. Obviously we don't want it to be plentiful but if I can spend an entire hour looking and find absolutely no food, then die, then I think things are a little too scarce.


Also, does anyone have any indication as to when we're going to see more zombies added? They're far too scarce at this point.

So you want them to dumb down the game and make it more unrealistic because you're bad at finding loot? You're new to the game, get better at finding loot. Imagine a real zombie apocalypse (what this is based off of), there would be much LESS loot than there is in the game, so if anything the game should have less loot.

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Tried to report a bug, but couldn't log in:


Had a broken leg and was proning around (obviously since you are forced into prone cause it's broken) and while prone I was able to crawl off the top of a 3 story building on the airstrip and took 0 damage. I don't know if the modifiers are there because damage has already been taken or what but I was immune to all fall damage while in that condition.

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I know this isnt in the right place, but I cant log on to list errors. Every time I log into a server everything is blurry UNTIL I go to options and click on the graphics setting button. I dont have to change anything but as soon as I click the button everything becomes clear

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I am really greatfull that you guys update the game so quickly! BUT I definitely have a big problem with the game. 

Your Character is too thirsty. I mean it may be thought off realistic but at the current stage you cant find more then 1-2 Drinks in a town.

But you need to drink like 5 liters an hour.... srsly is this guy a camel or what?!


you need to be drinking from the wells in many of the towns... keep drinking till it says you're satisfied.

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So you want them to dumb down the game and make it more unrealistic because you're bad at finding loot? You're new to the game, get better at finding loot. Imagine a real zombie apocalypse (what this is based off of), there would be much LESS loot than there is in the game, so if anything the game should have less loot.

Pretty sure you don't fall unconscious or die from not eating or drink for an hour or two like it can here... yes that includes constant running and exertion. The loot is fine to be difficult to get but the food/drink system is overboard at the moment. Also how would making loot essentials like that being easier to locate be 'dumbing down' exactly? Not everyone wants to run around like locusts mopping up town after town when they play. 

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I just lost all my equipment again because of joining a server i apparently shouldn't have. I love how your patches addressed that.


Do you think it's as easy as pushing a button? They have to find the source of the problem, find out how to fix it and then fix it without causing further bugs. Heck, the game is in alpha and it hasn't been out for a week but you complain because they're not fixing every bug in an update.

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Hey guys, Public Service Announcement!


You have to create a separate account to use the bug tracker, the forum and bug tracker are different sites apparently.


Also, I'd like to weigh in on loot spawn rates- I think that they should be the same as in DayZ Mod. There should be a set respawn time/distance and loot cycling should be viable as well. While I see where people are coming from, I think if you follow the logic of the "in a real zombie apocalypse....." argument too far then the game wouldnt be fun at all.


It's a balance between realism and entertainment, make the game too unforgiving and it becomes a boring tedious task simulator. I'm sure the devs understand this and it's important to keep in mind that they're doing their best to balance it, and they know way more about what they're doing than most of us do.

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No fix for losing our gear when disconnecting from a seerver and connecting to a new one? i am dissapoint.



To everyone complaining about the server disconnect and on reconnect character reset. It is to stop server hopping, if you join and leave servers repeatedly you lose everything i tested it and it holds true to 4 reconnects everytime. And LOVING the constant updating Rocket + Dev's THANK YOU

Edited by CyRawr
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Are you trying to say that I'm losing my character because I'm logging out while unconscious? Because these are two separate issues we're talking about.

I dont know why it hasn't happened to you, I hope it doesnt, but it's a well documented bug that a lot of people are not happy about.

I know it's alpha, but we're still supposed to be able to enjoy it right?

no, you're supposed to play the game to find and report bugs, not rant on and on about how they (the bugs) suck for you. If you do indeed find any enjoyment in playing the ALPHER, that is simply and only beans to go with the tuna. Thats what alpher testing is all about.

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Good work!  You guys are blazing out patches.


That being said, when will zombies lose their super senses and spectral pathing?

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To everyone complaining about the server disconnect and on reconnect character reset. It is to stop server hopping, if you join and leave servers repeatedly you lose everything i tested it and it holds true to 4 reconnects everytime. And LOVING the constant updating Rocket + Dev's THANK YOU


Glad you get 4 reconnects before it wipes your stuff, some of us don't. I'm not trying to make a bigger deal out of it than it is, but after losing a full load-out several times without having the opportunity to do anything with it besides scavenge, it gets to the point where I don't want to play anymore.



3. If this was explained, somewhere, anywhere, as a game mechanic with a time limit- "no switching servers within 5 minutes", or for any other reason, then it might be understandable. But as of now it's simply a glitch.




no, you're supposed to play the game to find and report bugs, not rant on and on about how they (the bugs) suck for you. If you do indeed find any enjoyment in playing the ALPHER, that is simply and only beans to go with the tuna. Thats what alpher testing is all about.


All I was trying to say is.....

2. To say "well this is Alpha, you gotta expect stuff like this" doesn't make sense when we're getting fixes like faster running while empty handed (not a realistic mechanic btw) and new crafting recipes e.g. splints for broken legs.


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protip: if you want realism, go the fuck outside.

Don't complain and ruin a VIDEO GAME for other people just because you want a normal boring life in a zombie apocalypse simulator

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I am having a blast with this right now. 


Keep up the good work, proving well worth the wait for me.

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I would definitely like to see the following happen...

1. Add a second character slot.

2. Allow to edit mouse acceleration.

3. Start working on Zombie clipping.  Zombies should stop at a door and either open it or bash it until it opens etc. 

Game is fantastic so far :)

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Mouse behaves totally strange. Not only the acceleration but also inconsistent in the whole. I am not able two make a normal horizontal movement without sudden changes in movement speed or hickups in the vertical line... :|

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