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I'm literally already bored of the ALPHA. I expected more, Even for an ALPHA Release... Words from a 1,500+ ARMA:II Dayz Community Owner.

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  On 12/18/2013 at 10:19 AM, Target Practice said:



You are literally the only person that remembers that. Unless you can prove it, no-one is going to believe you. I'm not sure if you're deliberately trolling, sticking with the lie hoping if you say it often enough people will believe you, or if you are actually genuinely delusional.


Please be more mature, Lets drop the pre-order arma III get dayz free subject. And get back on topic.

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jeez go back to your private hive and never come back plz!

I see plenty of stuff that is wrong with this mod! but you're nuts! He told us what was in it for months! did you not even bother to see his vlogs?


and adding content is way easier then rebuilding an engine... we will have new content soon enough


edit: I cannot stress this enough: "GO AWAY AND NEVER COME BACK" ~ Smaegol

And I so wish he would no longer make private hives available :D

Edited by BelgarionNL
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  On 12/18/2013 at 10:20 AM, BRKermit said:

Please be more mature, Lets drop the pre-order arma III get dayz free subject. And get back on topic.


I'm being perfectly mature. And no, I will not drop it. You are making a claim which I am asserting is entirely untrue, I am asking you to prove it, and you conveniently want to drop it and change the subject.


How about you either prove it or admit that you saw no such thing and that you simply got overexcited in your little rant and said something you knew wasn't true?

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Think of the people who made Epoch, or Tavianna? or other mods that exist... Its the same thing as Arma: II just a more enhanced better engine.

There lying if they claim they are building the engine from ground up... LOL.... LOL. LOL OLOLOLOLOL. They converted Arma: II dayz mod, to Arma: 3 And CHANGED AI PATHING? do you know what pathing is at all? And I know they didn't re-build the loot system.. cause that shiz is still the same.

The weapons, half the loot, half the clothe's, gear is from ARMA III, you guys know that don't you?

Actually almost 95% of it is. But your all right, they made that from the ground up.

Edited by Inception.

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I'm so truly sorry that you are dissapointed, really. You should never have to be dissapointed.


If there were only a way for us to fix this, together!


Next time, before any planned purchase, why don't you hit us up and we'll talk you out of it? Since it's completely volontary whether you should buy that next coke or pair of jeans, you can actually choose to weigh the pros and cons before you actually, volontarily, hand over the money. That way, you could learn to make more informed choises in life. :)

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dude wtf are you talking about, MOD this topic is becoming inflammatory!


I have played arma 3 for hundreds of hours and if you can show me what weapon or piece of clothing is from arma 3, I will give you a 1000 dollars! now shut up because you can't...


honestly I wouldn't even want to play on your server much less play with you at all if this is honestly your way of thinking...

Edited by BelgarionNL

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  On 12/18/2013 at 10:23 AM, BRKermit said:

Think of the people who made Epoch, or Tavianna? or other mods that exist... Its the same thing as Arma: II just a more enhanced better engine.

There lying if they claim they are building the engine from ground up... LOL.... LOL. LOL OLOLOLOLOL. They converted Arma: II dayz mod, to Arma: 3 And CHANGED AI PATHING? do you know what pathing is at all? And I know they didn't re-build the loot system.. cause that shiz is still the same.

The weapons, half the loot, half the clothe's, gear is from ARMA III, you guys know that don't you?

Actually almost 95% of it is. But your all right, they made that from the ground up.


Please use the "edit" function instead of making multiple separate posts in a row.

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<_<  I don't care about the 30$'s, its the fact, they made it seem like they did alot more than they actually have. Open your eye's people...


But your all right, even if steam did or didn't have the pre-order benefit it really isnt there fault.

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  On 12/18/2013 at 10:29 AM, BelgarionNL said:

dude wtf are you talking about, MOD this topic is becoming inflammatory!


I have played arma 3 for hundreds of hours and if you can show me what weapon or piece of clothing is from arma I will give you a 1000 dollars! now shut up because you can't...



Please play on a LIFE Server, OR any kind of role-play server. 

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  On 12/18/2013 at 10:29 AM, Zeppa said:

Please, stop feeding the troll..


HOW THE "FCK" am I  A TROLL? Cause im speaking my mind, and trufull facts? Leave my thread. 


  On 12/18/2013 at 10:29 AM, BelgarionNL said:

dude wtf are you talking about, MOD this topic is becoming inflammatory!


I have played arma 3 for hundreds of hours and if you can show me what weapon or piece of clothing is from arma 3, I will give you a 1000 dollars! now shut up because you can't...


honestly I wouldn't even want to play on your server much less play with you at all if this is honestly your way of thinking...



Play  a role-play server, a LIFE server or A RACING server.






Sorry dude will do.

Edited by BRKermit

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  On 12/18/2013 at 10:10 AM, Chronos Blackburn said:

You make a few good points, but I think you are being too harsh.


The game shows true potential, it has the ability to become something great, and after day 1 their was already a patch.


Yes, the zombies need to be fixed, and I know they are working on it.


Yes, we need vehicles, and there will be vehicles, be patient.


It does not seem like you are mad at the state of the game, but at the slowness of its progress.


I personally think you should apply to help build the stand alone.

This is the only reply, I have personally thanked and liked. Thank you man.



If I had a private hive right now, Do you know how much gear/weapons I would add?

Sure there would be bugs, and errors, but there not as hard to fix as everyone honestly believes...


Check this out, 

Through due time (not turtle speed)




This could be added to a private hives loot table, Or if the dev team wants to be pricks like on arma: II Dayz mod,


You'd have to completely start off were there at in dvevelopment (or what they want people to believe there at), with that exact public version and start your own.


Mod, lets say DayZ Standalone (RAGE) we'd name it that... So helmets won't do the trick...


Lets add more weapons!

Like lets say a compound bow!






Etc etc... Pretty basic, people probably wont understand, but those who do know what I'm talking about do know I'm right.

Edited by BRKermit

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This is not the arma3 engine dude, its more the TKOH engine... like an updated arma2 engine. I love arma 3, and there is a big difference between SA and arma 3. But i can see your point in regards to chernarus. Im still lovin the sa mind, and know every rock and tree in the original map.

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  On 12/18/2013 at 10:31 AM, BRKermit said:

HOW THE "FCK" am I  A TROLL? Cause im speaking my mind, and trufull facts? Leave my thread. 


You would have to have some facts or at least evidence for us to weigh what you say as truthful and factual. By the way, Truthful facts is redundant.

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Is this kid serious?


Make your own mod mr leet scripting wizard.


21st highest ranked site for a MOD of a video game isn't impressive. I can't even name 21 DayZ community sites.


This entire thread looks like a drunken rant I would hear at a bar on a Friday night.



The game doesn't have the content you want because they spent all that time rebuilding the Arma II engine. They did a lot and even a little scripter like you should be able to see that and respect that. The content isn't the hard part. The have the base of everything. All they have to do now is copy/paste, rename objects, model them and balance based on feedback. 


Don't be mad though, you will be able to write your cute little erotic roleplaying mods once they release some tools for you. 


You sound like a 15 year old who bought a server on Mom's credit card then promoted it through a Blogspot because you were too stupid to install a WordPress plugin.

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  On 12/18/2013 at 10:38 AM, KingOchaos said:

This is not the arma3 engine dude, its more the TKOH engine... like an updated arma2 engine. I love arma 3, and there is a big difference between SA and arma 3. But i can see your point in regards to chernarus. Im still lovin the sa mind, and know every rock and tree in the original map.


Conversion would be pretty basic, its the exact same as ARMA 3's engine with alittle tweeks here and there. Just like the Arma 2: Day mod was to Arma 2. 

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well, brkermit, i agree with you about the game. i've played dayzmod to the point of knowing where most player bases, best loot spawns, and have walked all over the map. Now, I may not have that much time on Arma as you have, but I can say that I've had enough experience. Since day 0 of standalone, I got my guy geared up already... and now I have nothing better to do. LOL. killing nubs is no fun either (maybe hunting them down is) but whats next...? It's like I beat dayz already, again. I just hope that when it fully releases and gets past all the testings, my opinion will change based on what other content's being put in standalone.

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  On 12/18/2013 at 10:40 AM, Scoobeus said:

Is this kid serious?


Make your own mod mr leet scripting wizard.


21st highest ranked site for a MOD of a video game isn't impressive. I can't even name 21 DayZ community sites.


This entire thread looks like a drunken rant I would hear at a bar on a Friday night.



The game doesn't have the content you want because they spent all that time rebuilding the Arma II engine. They did a lot and even a little scripter like you should be able to see that and respect that. The content isn't the hard part. The have the base of everything. All they have to do now is copy/paste, rename objects, model them and balance based on feedback. 


Don't be mad though, you will be able to write your cute little erotic roleplaying mods once they release some tools for you. 


You sound like a 15 year old who bought a server on Mom's credit card then promoted it through a Blogspot because you were too stupid to install a WordPress plugin.


21st-25th, ranked server and community in the Arma 2: Dayz server listings... LOL.


Kid I made like 6,000$+ off my private hive server. Please act more tough.

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  On 12/18/2013 at 10:40 AM, Scoobeus said:

Is this kid serious?


Make your own mod mr leet scripting wizard.


21st highest ranked site for a MOD of a video game isn't impressive. I can't even name 21 DayZ community sites.


This entire thread looks like a drunken rant I would hear at a bar on a Friday night.



The game doesn't have the content you want because they spent all that time rebuilding the Arma II engine. They did a lot and even a little scripter like you should be able to see that and respect that. The content isn't the hard part. The have the base of everything. All they have to do now is copy/paste, rename objects, model them and balance based on feedback. 


Don't be mad though, you will be able to write your cute little erotic roleplaying mods once they release some tools for you. 


You sound like a 15 year old who bought a server on Mom's credit card then promoted it through a Blogspot because you were too stupid to install a WordPress plugin.


Actually I lied. Or trolled whatever you kids called it. This is straight from...





Stats Revenue Units Sold Today - 0 Yesterday - 0 This Month $279.50 22 Last month $765.00 31 All $7700.82   425


:rolleyes:                                          :rolleyes:                                                       :rolleyes:                                              :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:




My friend from dystopia dayz made like 22,000$ +... Like damn. But I'm a nobody in the community neither is he. like s***, I'm a nobody don't listen to my forum posts, let this thread die.



Oh you bet I got drunk at the bar and talked about it. Plenty of times. Plenty of times.



*cough cough* I got, I got realness in my throat.. *cough*

Edited by BRKermit

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  On 12/18/2013 at 9:58 AM, BRKermit said:




I literally cannot wait for the full release of your masterpiece of a game

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You had a DayZ community since 2011 and read on Steam that DayZ was included when preordering Arma 3? Where is this fairytale land you live in?

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And the purpose of this thread was, what exactly?... To get your epeen stroked, or to troll the hell out of us?

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