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Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

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Dean Hall bit off more than he could chew and he knows it.... his vision was not realised because no1 working for him respected him and his foolish notions of design and developement.... He had a good run.. he got paid a lot, he is not a leader.. gratz to him for dragging it out for a year... I know i paid $30... so hatz off to the kiwi. Now please disappear.


I hope however that I am entirely wrong and you dig this god awful alpha out of the deep hole it is in.... the Execs must of insisted you release this bag of crap.   #warz

Disgusting, your lack of knowledge in game development seriously tells me that you should have not have purchased "ALPHA".  

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really? fanboys saying even fanboyier stuff.... 


Yes i did play this '1.5 years ago' and by no means did the alpha make me once again visit the first time i played dayz.... Not knowing how the zombie ai worked (which was a lot better) having my heart thump with fear when i saw another player or hear a gun shot.. NO NO NO.... . all i felt was disappointment.  this alpha has been tested for what.. 6 months?? they felt it was ready for deployment 2-3 months ago? it wasnt because of the network bubble.... honestly if they thought this trash was ready for the public 2 months ago... WHO ARE THESE TESTERS? are they insane? have you fought a zombie yet? omg its so broken and feels like WARZ...


anyway.. this is what i believe



Dean hall wont complete this failure.. he will resign or quit... either is fine with me.  Ill be telling my mates who havent dl'd it yet.. not to bother.

When i am epically wrong and this game exceeds all my low expectations... then flame this post.. flame it hard... wont happen tho


Such a shame..


I was truely so excited for this game.

I am gonna make the assumption that you are either;

A) A 13-18 year old thinking he is "trolling people hard in the butt" .

B) An impatient dickwad who needs to learn how to read and spell.

C) A pessimistic asshole who should still learn how to read and spell.


D) An idiot who needs to learn how to read and spell.


The game is early alpha, if triple A companies released early alpha versions of their games it would be just as bad. The real appeal to DayZ has been the fact it is a true survival horror zombie game.

You make a game with the exact same amount of funding they had and release it at early alpha stage so we can judge it.


If you are trolling then you are terrible at it really.

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Either a troll or someone who doesn't even understand the point of the alpha state and what they did to the game lol Really not surprised to see these kind of people though.  There's nothing saying it has to be on par with what the mod did, since it isn't the mod.  They obviously rebuilt and redesigned most of the things in the game.  It's a new groundwork.  They aren't just taking what the mod did and cleaning it up.  This isn't hard to understand, especially if people had been around seeing the games progress.  To say they "failed" with the alpha is about the most ridiculous thing someone could say about this lol Of course this will just be counted as fanboy nonsense, even though I haven't really played the game since the beginning of the year, but what do I know, I've only been keeping track of the development since it started...



Its his and the development teams own fault for charging the full value of this game on what amounts to helping create it.  I feel far more of a different emotion than pity.


This isn't what the game will cost at release.

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Anyone who complains about bugs during an alpha is a troll.

Am I doing it right?

No, they are either blind or stupid (Sorry to be blunt).

There is a bug tracker designed to report bugs. Everyone received like 5+ warnings both pre and post purchase warning you that the game is early alpha and very buggy. To complain about bugs in a whiny "its not fair I paid for this game and its broke" way is stupid.

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Yeah guys, seriously, stop mentioning and posting about things you don't like. Negative feedback during a development stage is blind and stupid. Just shut up for at least another year or until sales slow down.

The devs are aware that the game is missing a ton of features, there's no need to constantly remind people who might buy the game.

Edited by lazy2guns

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Yeah guys, seriously, stop mentioning and posting about bugs/issues. No negative feedback during a development stage. Just shut up for at least another year and only post that the game is perfect and needs no more patches.

Please learn to read. 



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Please learn to read. 



Agreed. Don't talk about anything negative on the forums. People need to read the fine print before buying and ignore the trailers, hype & giant BUY NOW logo on the front page of the website.

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You could just play something else if it bothers you that much. 



Bloody hell, I amaze myself sometimes. 

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Agreed. Don't talk about anything negative on the forums. People need to read the fine print before buying and ignore the trailers, hype & giant BUY NOW logo on the front page of the website.

It isn't fine print when you receive 5+ warnings, some in all caps, telling you about the risk.

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You know it is a good thing that morons like this will never truly be in charge as they are too stupid.  Imagine the space race with the idiots at the helm.  Kennedy sets the goal of getting a man on the moon, they test the first rocket and these morons are like WTF no man on the moon.  JFK is such a moron he said we would get a man on the moon an this first POS rocket can just lift off without exploding what a total failure.


To people like the OP please for all of us do not breed there are too many pressing issues in the world: Global Warming, Over Populations, water shortages, disease and we just cannot afford your moron genes from damming the entire human race to failure.  Please go make a Youtube video of yourself getting kicked in the nuts to save us all from your shoddy genetics

Edited by Waelhreow
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Now I can agree with some people that the current state of the game is quite shit because a lot of features you'd expect to work arent working correctly. But yeah this is an Alpha. Tough personally I think shit like loot and zombies not spawning right should really not be broken at the release of an alpha, I mean come on. its just some code you have to change for them to work better. That shouldn't be a big deal for professional developers who know this engine like the back of their hand. But then again I know this community has been bitching for an public alpha release for ages so then again I think we shouldnt whine about bugs in the first place because i remember him mentioning a thousand times that he didnt want to release an alpha because it just felt to broken. Besides you can obviously see that this guy Dean Hall isnt trying to ripoff his customers.


In the end I think we should just all calm our asses and wait for the beta. Now if that is still broken and horrible in late beta state then you can go apeshit all you want. PS. Arma 2 engine isnt the most efficient engine to work with, keep that in mind aswell.

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really? fanboys saying even fanboyier stuff.... 


Yes i did play this '1.5 years ago' and by no means did the alpha make me once again visit the first time i played dayz.... Not knowing how the zombie ai worked (which was a lot better) having my heart thump with fear when i saw another player or hear a gun shot.. NO NO NO.... . all i felt was disappointment.  this alpha has been tested for what.. 6 months?? they felt it was ready for deployment 2-3 months ago? it wasnt because of the network bubble.... honestly if they thought this trash was ready for the public 2 months ago... WHO ARE THESE TESTERS? are they insane? have you fought a zombie yet? omg its so broken and feels like WARZ...


anyway.. this is what i believe



Dean hall wont complete this failure.. he will resign or quit... either is fine with me.  Ill be telling my mates who havent dl'd it yet.. not to bother.

When i am epically wrong and this game exceeds all my low expectations... then flame this post.. flame it hard... wont happen tho


Such a shame..


I was truely so excited for this game.


So why exactly are you still here?  Do you want to fight and scream and yell about how angry you are?  Are you going to really try to put something this this on the internet and expect anything other than you get slammed into oblivion for it?  I know, I know.  You don't give a shit about people calling you dumb--we've seen your type before on the internet.  So what is your goal by sticking around?  You're not going to take anyone to your opinion that doesn't already share it so why not just leave and save yourself and everyone else the time?

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Agreed. Don't talk about anything negative on the forums. People need to read the fine print before buying and ignore the trailers, hype & giant BUY NOW logo on the front page of the website.


Having BUY NOW on the from page of the site for the game is hardly swindling people.  I'm sorry, but you are wrong.

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I blame advances in computer technology. Setting up an internet account and logging on to the world wide web is now too easy, enabling the most backward mouth breathers to post on internet forums.

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Agreed. Don't talk about anything negative on the forums.

On the contrary, we collectively and rocket would prefer if you did talk about the negative things that need to be fixed and changed.

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It's in alpha for a reason for him and other developers to make changes too the game and get player feedback if Rocket released alpha without bugs then what would be the point of the releasing it as he said if he did everything people wanted too and fixed every bug the alpha would not been released until back end of next year. What you have to take into account is that the whole developer team has had to completely re-gut the engine they are using and make changes so that the things they want to make possible can be.Remember this alpha build is one which can only just be played the content promised by the content developers and lead developer sounds promising and they have some great ideas and i have faith in rocket as a developer to put them into action. 

Edited by Krayyz

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I am in the pool of 'Y' gens (unfortunately).  The issue with todays 'y' gens is they do not understand the work involved in anything. They take everything for granted and want instant gratitude.  I believe that the OP would be the person who would get the shits because he wasnt earning 80k + on his first job out of school.  Have some appreciation for the hard work that has come into play.  If someone told you that they could make World of Warcraft in a year what would you think?? Not possible.  Now someone will say WOW is different.  Well it is the same in some aspects as they have to deal with 1000's of objects being run around, different tasks to do, a massive environment and a lot of things that can go wrong.  Tell me how many hackers you have seen so far?  Granted, someone will work some cheat out.  But it will stop a lot of script kiddies from wrecking the game.


There is a thing called constructive criticism.  You should google it.  Actually your probably to...


Here you go



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Hey look on the bright side. We paid 30 dolllars to wear some sunglasses, a motorcycle helmet, and swing a fire extinguisher at a zombie that would not move...lol



£20 to catch up with ALL my old friends again who I'd not spoken to since I stopped playing the mod. £20 for that heart racing moment when you KNOW there is a player near you with an M4, one of you will die, will it be you? 


£20 to navigate through CHernarus again, reading Russian signs, £20 for amazing communication during a firefight. 


£20 for a game that gives you an experience like no other game can achieve. £20 is an absolute bargain.

Edited by Victus Mortuus
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Oh the pity I feel for some people in not having the intellect to understand certain things in life. For example if you buy an out of date piece of bread and eat it, it will likely have mould on it and the bacteria will give you a bad stomach. If you eat raw steak, you'll probably spew it up because we are not used to raw meats or you'll get salmonella or something.


I know this seem's un-related but bear with me ;)


so if we take what is essentially the Alpha version of DayZ standalone and say it is a raw piece of steak, bloody, soggy and in need of a chef to prepare it for proper consumption via an oven, which unfortunately we don't have yet as the DayZ standalone is far from completed, then we'll have to assume we eat it raw.


Now there will be two types of people, those who can deal with the salmonella contracted from the bloody steak which is unprepared, and will ultimately evolve so they can handle the raw meats and have advantage over the other pitiful scum, and those who spew on these forums with complaints about how "i haz b33n ult4 scamm3d y0 r0ck3t y u du dis??" or "diz iz n0t DayZ mod m00ch b3tt3r dan dis". 


I fail to understand, as an educated consumer, why people can not a) read and b) read some more


This standalone is alpha stage, it is merely the foundation of the house you live in, it does not have walls a carpet or a nice fireplace for christmas it is just wooden frames. 

If you do not like the sound of playing with the framework and helping in the development of the house that is DayZ then do not buy the game, and if you have already then you deserve to be let down because you are retarded beyond measure for not seeing the COUNTLESS WARNINGS given to you by the community and Rocket himself as to what actually released yesterday.


I for one will be ever here to nurture the child born yesterday and to educate it appropriately to some extent with other dedicated fan's help, I for one however will not see the child criticised and slated for pure idiocy and incompetence of people who cannot read on an internet forum.


for those people who have complained or are confused as to why the standalone has not delivered appropriately do us all a favour and go into exile and come back next year, we'll be stronger and better well-suited for your lower IQ's




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We'll apparently all the notices about the state of the game are not enough. Reading comprehension is at an all time low, I'm sad :( game is great though, a solid foundation to build on. :) +100.

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Man, I read that title and thought you were gonna rant about the alpha being a "piece of crap". Nice to see you didn't :D I agree with your post.

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