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About yotimmyg@gmail.com

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  1. yotimmyg@gmail.com

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    ok... alot of this post made me mad.... few things i wanna say I played the mod and bought the SA because i fkn loved it...I put so many hours into it in the name of fun.... why would I not not buy the SA if i loved the shit out of the mod? These negative things that u say about the original mod.... they happened? why would people continue to love and play the mod? 'OMG IM GETTING RAPED MY ZOMBIES!... I CANT WAIT TO RESPAWN AND LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN!!' .... The large amount of zombies were great... made it difficult... GRANTED... after 2 days you figured out how to evade them... which happens with most games.... but still.... they were always a threat.. especially when u decided to go full bandit and head to sniper hill with a cz550. OMG ZOMBIE AGRO. and i played arma 2 so the inventory system didnt bother me... well it did when i first played arma 2. point is... its an inventory system,,, figure it out. The connection problems? now they did suck... but being australian... that doesnt phase me so much.. seeing that all our internet troubles are plagued with the same issue. I cared deeply for the direction of this game... and i played the alpha with my friends... we've discussed its merits at length... but i dont think im gonna be on the positive fence... at least not for 6 months or so.... I am definately not a fanboy... cause fanboys like the game dont they?
  2. yotimmyg@gmail.com

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    I'm OP and i feel like i wrote this in a drunken haze... but im pretty sure i didn't
  3. yotimmyg@gmail.com

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    I'm the OP.. i did admit that... but the crappy thing is.... i dont think there will be a game to replace.... I hope that someone has handed dean... or deans replacement a momentus shovel to dig their way out... dayz should be great once again... altering a game so far from its core.... just doesnt make sense.
  4. yotimmyg@gmail.com

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    ok... You seem like they kind of person that won't re-visit a forum.... but none the less. i will say this.... many of the things u said seem quite true and i believe them... but. I called this man lazy and incompetent, etc? lazy? definately not... incompetent? 50/50 this man was given the world.. his world just to make nothing... NOTHING into something.... he was given 2 and a half times longer then projected and came out with this misguided release.... which takes me back to his design and development critique. HE was put in charge on this tiny team to make a hugely anticipated release... I remember.... it felt like TWO years ago when he was at the MOCAP studio... mocapping zombies.... and when i see a zombie once every hour... I can picture dean 'rocket' hall covered in blue balls doing that exact same move.. and im LIKE OMG ROCKET MADE THAT HAPPEN.... do we really care? I remember watching that vid back in the day thinking... 'wow this release is going to be so indepth... they must have a solid team working on this' point is... he focused on all the wrong things.... though hugely important in the end to make a great game 'great' but his priorities were so out of whack and misguided that only the pure fanboys could speak out against this.order of priorities... end rant please for love love of god dont put the ITS ALPHA DONT U KNOW??? spin on this.... this release is so under par it's amazing we are debating it.
  5. yotimmyg@gmail.com

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    This guy gets it... OMG he gets it... I LVOE THIS POST you get my beans.... not via this website... but u do get them.
  6. yotimmyg@gmail.com

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    Nice list... and i agree totally. He has drawn to light things that are worse they were originally.... also, opposed to things that could be better,, which immedately filters out the OMG ITS JUST ALPHA nay sayers... WHAT ABOUT ALL THE NEW ADDITIONS!!.. They are clunky and laggy and dont work properly... which he kinda covered.
  7. yotimmyg@gmail.com

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    This post came immediately after the one i just praised... THIS THIS POST THIS
  8. yotimmyg@gmail.com

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    still on page 7... BUT THIS!!! THIS FOR SURE
  9. yotimmyg@gmail.com

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    Hello... I'm the OP... I have been afk for 2 days.. and I regret that becuase there has been some great back and forth on this forum. Ive only read up to... I think page 6 or 7 but I would like to thank everyones amazing opinions but especially 'wolffe', he took what i said.. LITERALLY.. and i cant stress that word enough... I want to thank wolffe for being on my side and saying what I had not the words nor skill to say.. I'll admit.. i was drunk .. i was angry but my words stand (apart from that hate towards dean himself.. im sure he is a nice guy) . Dean did bite off more than he could chew though.. his dream was great.. his delivery came out so wrong. ive had 5 days of playing this game and i could write a long thesis on what i think it is and what it is not. and I may... regardless I plan on reading the rest of this forum... damn we up to page 14... there are so many pages... which i look forward to reading... I also want to thank all the people who liked my post... was harsh but fueled by passion of this game.
  10. yotimmyg@gmail.com

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    Some very good pro's and cons in this thread of mine... Some extremely personal hate fueled ones also. I've managed to be profiled as a 13-18 year old who shouldnt breed. I wish that were true. Forums are fun. You know the only thing that really hurts my feelings is when people scorn my spelling and grammar... that just cuts to the core... You gotta know your a sadistic bastard when you stoop to the 'spelling and grammar' calls.
  11. yotimmyg@gmail.com

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    We are on a forum about a computer game.. talking about it.. yes... my entire post is a complete waste of time... saying im not an adult... is a complete waste of time.
  12. yotimmyg@gmail.com

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    way off topic but my avatar said this I have a funny taste in your mouth... hahah thats $5 worth of my 30
  13. yotimmyg@gmail.com

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    I like it ur post, but at the same time it makes me sad... cause he said it would cost $10 initally and be incremented with each major patch like minecraft. :( I mean.. cmon.. $30 for this? but I don't blame the rocket for this one... this is the corporate big wigs fault on this one.
  14. yotimmyg@gmail.com

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    I am well aware that he said this... serious issues is an extremely broad topic. and i am not phased by interuptions. But i must insist you read all previous posts and announcements by mr hall prior to this statement you are refering to. The general gist of it is that he does not want to release the game until it is ready.. You seem to get the impression that he had it all under control and that bohemia were allowing him the time he needed to get dayz to where it needed to be. then bang! (YOUR QUOTE) why the change of heart Dean? pressure, inexperience, time.... his desire to make an in depth survival game was/has been thwarted by the engine, the design priorties, the executives and some of the fanbase.. but i digress.. as i said it is still alpha and anything is possible... and i hope i am monumentally wrong. this is my opinion and i am most strong about it. thanks everyone for your topical posts. Not so much the judgmental and peronal ones
  15. yotimmyg@gmail.com

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    I did all those things... wait... i did the first 2 things... Then you tell me not to reproduce. saying personal stuff is well and good... if you know me.