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At least so says Reddit, and no one's called BS yet:



But I just get a "your request is being processed" when I try to check if it's true or not. Too much traffic I suppose. :lol:

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So much f5 mashing.

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Dammit you ninja'd my post

Anyways I can't get through to the store yet, too many survivors tryna get in.

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I am in :D


I am happy 100000000000000000% :lol:


see you in new cherno :thumbsup: :ph34r:

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im so excited.

steam release, is in like 7/5 minutes? :D

Just curious how do you know it will be on steam

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I am in :D


I am happy 100000000000000000% :lol:


see you in new cherno :thumbsup:  :ph34r:



Did you get the supporters version or regular?

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Will iget the full release when it comes out, or this price is just for alpha?

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I keep instinctively refreshing every few seconds but nothing's happening


In a way this is more painful than the long wait

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Maybe if nobody would constantly F5 the store wouldn't be crashed.. but F*** IT!

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Will iget the full release when it comes out, or this price is just for alpha?


You get both. You'll get Alpha access now, and that will turn into Beta and then full game access once the game enters those stages.

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