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Like I said, will not be commenting on the hypotheticals that you insist upon injecting into the argument.


Interesting discussion, moving along.

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...I disagree.


"I'm not a proponent of censorship, although I'm a big believer in self-censorship" ~ Will McAvoy, The Newsroom


Might have to put that one in the old sig, my distaste for the use of TL;DR and the subsequent intended hilarious antagonism isn't funny to me any longer haha.


EDIT - There, look what you made me do.

Edited by Katana67
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Actually, use the word boundary rather than wall and it opens a few natural options such as a canyon with a destroyed bridge or a cliff face with destroyed tunnel.

Really though you guys have already mentioned the most useful boundary, the sea.

You can't hide loot there, it's very realistic in that it is just a boring expanse just like in the real world, oh and it uses a minimum of resources to render.

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Actually, use the word boundary rather than wall and it opens a few natural options such as a canyon with a destroyed bridge or a cliff face with destroyed tunnel.

Really though you guys have already mentioned the most useful boundary, the sea.

You can't hide loot there, it's very realistic in that it is just a boring expanse just like in the real world, oh and it uses a minimum of resources to render.


I had thought of this, but I do not like the idea of islands. To me, it's just a meta-excuse to limit the size of your map. It's a convenient game development trope to just have an "island" rather than a "world". I like the idea of Chernarus being attached to a landmass. That and making Chernarus an "island" would restrict further map development. I really want them to make every effort to either expand Chernarus well past the current borders or to scrap Chernarus entirely and go with a (perhaps moderate) level of procedural generation way down the road. I don't want them getting comfortable with the "island" paradigm that's become prevalent in game design.


Eventually I'd love to see the entirety of Chernarus represented in DayZ. But that seems a long way off.



Edited by Katana67
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I like your line of thinking.


Personally I would be happy to see similar size maps for other "fictional countries that resemble real countries".


That would give DayZ a global setting.

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Personally I would be happy to see similar size maps for other "fictional countries that resemble real countries".


That would give DayZ a global setting.


It might sound a bit cliche, but I'd like to see a DayZ map in an American Northeast analog. I can't really recall any decent zombie movies/games which are set in the American Northeast. But that's just my personal prejudices being from New England.

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Novigrad could be a wee bit more Western than the rest of the country, and it'd provide great urban combat. Miroslavl would also finally provide a river everyone's been bitching about.


I would be very unhappy if they didn't expand Chernarus. They have so much material for the background, land and shit. It'd be a waste.

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I think Rocket hinted at the desire to do other cultures/western culture type maps in the future.


If we could get 225 square km of each continent or major culture I would be all for it.

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We'll get ragdoll soon! Ragdoll (almost) confirmed! WOOT!


[–]VvanderfellI DON'T NEGOTIATE WITH BANDITS -1 Punkte

4 hours ago

I really don't see why the ragdoll physics are important. In every game I've played with ragdoll physics, including Arma 3, it just looks and feels like the bodies are just falling 3D models. It's hard to describe, but the clothes don't move or ripple. They just fall lightly and it's a huge turn-off for me. Sure the movement in a game isn't as detailed as it could be, but at least it looks like a conscious decision made by the character I'm controlling. The animation is based off of real human movement. Not a really solid body falling to the ground like everything was plastered together and then given perfectly frictionless GI Joe action figure joints.

Regardless of my opinion on how it LOOKS, I say that this should be one of the last things that should be implemented. The actual functionality of the game is much more important IMO.

[–]rocket2gunsRocket [score hidden]

43 minutes ago

The main reason for ragdoll in DayZ is not bullets (objects don't look that great when shot, the bullet doesn't move the body much) - but melee based death and hits.

With our melee hit detection, we can move the body and its skeleton in very cool ways. So the ragdoll looks beautiful in this scenario.


I am super frustrated with rocket and his radio silence on the actual progress of the game. Ragdoll physics! YAY! So that means game comes out early 2017?

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I am super frustrated with rocket and his radio silence on the actual progress of the game. Ragdoll physics! YAY! So that means game comes out early 2017?

Yeah, its getting annoying now that we are so close to the alpha. i would rather like to hear something about the progress of the internal testing and the removement of the bugs. Are the servers already set up? what bugs need to be fixed beside the cloning? etc. etc.


another stream would be fine too.



Anybody knows rust? they have an ideal way to communicate their current tasks. i love it.

check this out. its getting updated every day: https://trello.com/b/lG8jtz6v/rust

Noone is complaining there about lack of communication.

Edited by Sloddor

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I am super frustrated with rocket and his radio silence on the actual progress of the game. Ragdoll physics! YAY! So that means game comes out early 2017?


Are you stupid, blind, or both?

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Every. F*cking. Time.

Edited by Quanaril
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I am super frustrated with rocket and his radio silence on the actual progress of the game. Ragdoll physics! YAY! So that means game comes out early 2017?


I will assassinate you..


I'm happy to wait for the SA now, surprisingly.

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Anybody knows rust? they have an ideal way to communicate their current tasks. i love it.

check this out. its getting updated every day: https://trello.com/b/lG8jtz6v/rust

Noone is complaining there about lack of communication.

I'm impressed. I agree, this is the IDEAL way to do it. Making the project tasks more transparent like this indeed doesn't leave many questions, does it.

Love how you can view the content of each task. But something like this is the exception rather than the rule...sadly.

To BI's defense, although looking pale in contrast to this, there is to say that they are doing alot better than most developers.

And, I don't know about the Rust developers, but I'd prefer a mix between communicative style through forums, reddit, twitter and such a task schedule.

However, THEN they'd invest too much time with blablabla instead of writing code and getting sh*t done. :D

Conclusion: WHEN Rocket communicates like in the past weeks, all is fine!

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Yup, Rust seems to have more completed in half the time by half the devs and they actually allow people to play the alpha even though it's super unfinished.

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Yup, Rust seems to have more completed in half the time by half the devs and they actually allow people to play the alpha even though it's super unfinished.

Apples and oranges. Quote from the Rust website:


"It became very clear that one thing DayZ had that we didn’t was a huge populated world. We could not justify spending the time to create towns and cities full of enter-able buildings full of furniture and lootable goodies. We decided that the world should be empty – and the user should build those buildings. Joining a different server would be like entering a different world – because it will have evolved completely differently.

After adding this feature we released an early alpha version. This ended up being a million times more popular than we expected and left us satisfied that we had chosen the right direction.

Around this time we came to the conclusion that we were sick of zombies, and after taking a look at the game decided that we didn’t even need them. There are already enough ways to die. So we removed them."


Totally different scale.

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I never thought of 50 people as a lot for Chernarus. I would love to see what happens when we throw in 250 players. Sure, it might drastically change the game we've gotten used to, but it could change it for the better.


I know, I know, it'll become a big ole death match. People will spread out and cover the whole map, running around and killing each other like it's COD free for all. But, what happens when I group up with some people who aren't interested in a big deathmatch and are also sick of being killed constantly by random lone wolves? We form a militia and take control of an area of the map, accumulating members as we find them. They join because nobody wants to say no to a large group.


I don't know, maybe it will descend into chaos, but maybe not. I don't think we should draw a line in the sand before we've even given it a shot.

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I don't agree with it being immersion breaking. Having to cross servers, logging in and out, is much more immersion breaking to me. I mean, you actually break up your gameplay.


The game is what you make it. If you put more time into it, you're going to get more out of it. The game shouldn't be structured around accommodating people who have little time to play it. That said, those people can still play it, you've just got to be aware of that and play accordingly. And, again, it's more a fault of the server structure that you'd have to reset your position more than anything else. If you want to continue your character at Stary Sobor that you left, then log into the same server, it's a fairly simple solution. Nothing's preventing you from doing that in this instance. I am sort of starting to subscribe to Rocket's logic of "make the player count bigger so that we no longer need server persistent characters".


I think that your tent idea is incomplete. What if one has friends? Those friends could offload the loot from a tent into their own. Killed person gets a new tent, cycle repeats. Tents need to disappear when you die. But again, this is one of those cases where the system itself needs to be changed. Otherwise, you're short-changing the server persistent items (like tents, storage containers, and any form of construction they plan on implementing). That and there's no reason that one couldn't access his or her tent after dying, so why would you? What would it say "Sorry, you died. You can no longer use your hands to open this tent that is clearly here". That is a far more immersion breaking solution in my mind.


I don't care much for the "no respawn inside buildings" deal. That really doesn't bother me that people can spawn inside buildings. That and 1km ain't that far to run, so it's nothing like the hassle (and danger) of having to spawn on the coast on every swap. That and absolutely NOTHING should be done to accommodate "streamers", nothing. If you willingly broadcast your location to the masses, you are liable to get shot. One cannot endorse a "meta-game" (i.e. TS, forum trading, radio, cross-server characters) and discard the "meta-game" that is stream sniping because it's annoying. I find all but one of the previously mentioned "meta-games" annoying and would be willing to have it be server-specific as well (i.e. radio stations).



The whole DayZ mod went downhill when everybody and their mother could host servers and add a quadrouplezillion vehicles, weapons and what not in it. That time, DayZ became a simple FPS which included finding a weapon. Having more than 1 character further ridiculed the initial idea to stay alive as long as possible, because, you weren't writing "YOUR STORY" anymore. You didn't feel attached to your character anymore AT ALL.


What I was suggesting is not accomodating to players with less playtime. In fact, it's the fairest situation a game can provide. People with more time for the game will get more experience and most likely find more and better stuff. That's simply how it is. No game can really change that and in DayZ, that shouldn't change either.


My suggestion with tents not being accessible for the person who set it up once dead is of course leaving a backdoor open for those in clans. But in which game is a clan not in advantage towards a single player? In the mod, a lot of players, including me, often played at times with low player counts. Set up tents everywhere, stash them with weapons, food and other items. Get killed, go to one of your tents and be ready to KOS within 30 minutes. THAT's what my suggestion should help minimizing.


I don't care about streamers and I am not suggesting what I said for streamers. However, I have been a victim of "teleporting" of players (through logging into other servers and relogging into the server where I played) more than once. It's just god damn awful.


Suggesting more than 1 character per player is minimizing the value you have with your character. It heavily supports KOS mentality and do stuff that you wouldn't do if you had only one character. The whole DayZ mod went downhill from the moment you had multiple characters and thousand tons of loot easily available to everyone.

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Apples and oranges. Quote from the Rust website:


"It became very clear that one thing DayZ had that we didn’t was a huge populated world. We could not justify spending the time to create towns and cities full of enter-able buildings full of furniture and lootable goodies. We decided that the world should be empty – and the user should build those buildings. Joining a different server would be like entering a different world – because it will have evolved completely differently.

After adding this feature we released an early alpha version. This ended up being a million times more popular than we expected and left us satisfied that we had chosen the right direction.

Around this time we came to the conclusion that we were sick of zombies, and after taking a look at the game decided that we didn’t even need them. There are already enough ways to die. So we removed them."


Totally different scale.

I don't think it matters, they still let us play the game when it was in the very earliest of stages even with hacking problems.

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Suggesting more than 1 character per player is minimizing the value you have with your character. It heavily supports KOS mentality and do stuff that you wouldn't do if you had only one character. The whole DayZ mod went downhill from the moment you had multiple characters and thousand tons of loot easily available to everyone.


It's interesting that you consider it to be "more than 1 character" rather than "a server-specific character". I think it's an interesting discussion between where the line is drawn, at the character or at the world which the character inhabits. To me, the world is that line. The character already exists within that world, so I think to that extent you might be overstating the significance in the character in relation to how much it can hinder an invested experience.


I don't see it as more than one character, because I've only played one character at a time. When that character is killed, I respawn and start anew. I'd submit that it enhances the attachment to your character, in that one cannot freely just upload/download their character into a different world at will. Likewise, even if one does maintain multiple characters, these characters still have different attributes.


Your grievance might be more squarely aimed at private servers with ridiculous settings, and easily-obtained loot, rather than the concept of fixed-server characters.


On any other day I'd be in full agreement with you, but the problems of player persistence in a segmented server structure really does not jive well with me. I've spent countless hours deriding people who have multiple characters in certain RPGs, so I can certainly sympathize.

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Yup, Rust seems to have more completed in half the time by half the devs and they actually allow people to play the alpha even though it's super unfinished.


Hi. DayZ isn't actually in Alpha yet. Rust is. You can play rust, you can't play DayZ. How do you not get this? ALL Alphas are "super unfinished" That is the definition of alpha when it comes to video games.


Also "More completed in half the time" is horribly inaccurate. Sure they have a nifty building mechanic. But the map is considerably smaller than Chenro, with a whole lot less detail. I'd also wager that the programming put into rust is primitive and short in comparison to what has been and what will be put into dayZ.


What I can discern from that one sentence is that you seem to flock to something LIKE DayZ, just because DayZ isn't out. Much like those people that were far too impatient and went to the abomination that is WarZ. I'm sure Rust will perform better than WarZ and will have more updates and developer attention. But again. It will have nothing on DayZ.



I don't think it matters, they still let us play the game when it was in the very earliest of stages even with hacking problems.

Again. That's because Rust was in ALPHA phase. It went through a development phase where it was not up to scratch to be played, then it was playable and thus went to alpha. How do you not get this?
Edited by sabre05
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Right, I am assuming that. Just as you are assuming that

- A wall is impractical in quarantining an area

- Reality should dictate fiction explicitly

- There is still a society left to nuke Chernarus in your hypothetical scenario

- That society viewed Chernarus as a wholly lost cause and did not try and offer a cure to infection


I'd direct your attention to the preceding movie of 28 Days Later, whereby they didn't nuke the United Kingdom. They quarantined it. This quarantine was provided for by a natural sea boundary. Insert "man-made wall", and you've got that out of your way.


I'd also direct you to World War Z and Land of the Dead, whereby a wall/moat was used to cordon off a large area. It doesn't matter if it's a city or country, whatever area is deemed as a potentially infected area requires quarantine. Put walls around Chernogorsk and Elektro for all I care, that would actually enhance the so-called realism argument you're making whereby they have several contingencies of quarantine should the city-level quarantine fail.


You're applying a real world hypothetical to a fictional (and finite) map to which it is not applicable. I merely suggested the wall as a means of plausibly explaining the unfinished edges of Chernarus.


I'd love to see a Wall like in Zomblies  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwPlTYjCQWA#t=2437


Btw, a great film, especially if you loved Dog Soldiers.

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I don't see it as more than one character, because I've only played one character at a time. When that character is killed, I respawn and start anew. I'd submit that it enhances the attachment to your character, in that one cannot freely just upload/download their character into a different world at will. Likewise, even if one does maintain multiple characters, these characters still have different attributes.


At the time of having multiple characters on different servers, many players had one character that was alive for several weeks and which they cared for. They wouldn't go into Cherno, guns blazing, and risk being shot. BUT, during the times of different characters on different servers, people can easily switch on a server and set up a new character, gear up and go extreme PVP to have some fun. This is fun to them because they don't care getting killed while they think they are destroying other players long-worked-on characters, just for the giggles.


That's the mentality that I don't want in DayZ, as that's exactly the point that DayZ was standing out for. It wasn't about killing one another in the first place. It was about surviving as long as possible in the first place. It changed with DayZ's popularity and was completely destroyed when those bizarre "All you can eat" servers popped up. If I wanted to play that, I'd play Arma 3 (which I do). DayZ was designed to be different and DayZ should stay different. 1 Single character that you can "transport" to different servers to continue YOUR STORY is what made DayZ so attractive to me and I must assume most others, prior to the PVP-for all costs-times.

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DayZ Mod ends? this I heard in Steam.


Then, will begin DayZ SA?

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DayZ Mod ends? this I heard in Steam.
Then, will begin DayZ SA?




I'm.. I'm in your sig

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