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The Law (DayZ)

Before you Kill On Sight, Try This!...

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Your aiming down the sights of your M9 Silenced, your cross heirs right on the back of the survivors head. The target only has a Coyote backpack and is shakily carrying a Makarov, and its evident he has only handled a gun a couple other times. So, a near empty inventoried survivor, with a nearly harmless civilian pistol, and an evident lacking of advanced gameplay. Without even taking into consideration that this survivor might have just found his first gun, and was just thinking of quitting DayZ because his first days have been a train wreck, now this little pistol, tossed into the loot grinding pile by most, was the one thing that kept him from signing off. No consideration. Instead, and a few muffled shots and a global death message later, you are venturing deeper into the city, not even reflecting on the kill you just added to your sunk humanity.




~If you are TRULY daunted by the fact that the little guy might kill you later on, pump a low caliber round or two into his legs, commanding him to not move, let him pass out from blood loss. Then bandage up his BLEEDING wound, not the legs. Take his Makarov, and then give him directions to the nearest supermarket or loot spot where he can get his gear back/get better gear. Drop some morphine 5 meters away and you'll have made enough time to range some distance while he gains conscience, repairs his legs, gets back on his feet, and heads for the loot spot. I recommend that you give him a loot spot direction, and then yourself, to distance yourself, go the completely opposite way.


~(Way 1 Simplified) Knock the him out, take his gun, and leave a couple bandages and morphine or rough directions to a hospital. More savage but it is still better than pumping him with lead and decorating the walls with his brains.


~Have him go prone and drop the gun. Have him count to thirty before getting up, by then your spaced.



Hoped this might help???

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How often do you guys run into fresh spawns outside of elektro or cherno or balota?

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We all knew this.


Some people just KoS because they think it's fun.

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Why? What do you get out of it?

the satisfaction that you are not an ass mostly, then you can say Wow I just made this game interesting for that guy, i hope he won't quit!

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I can confirm, doing things out of the kindness of your heart is more satisfying than killing someone.

Yesterday I was building a base, just chopping some wood, when I heard some zombies aggroing at my barn. As soon as I stepped into the barn about to swing at whoever was in there, I see this guy in the getting knocked over animation. It looks like he had fallen off the platform and knocked himself out (barn problems, nomsayin?).

I could very well have just found a quick fix to my problem by shoving my axe into his head while he was down, and taking his decent gear. I thought I would try something different.


I took out the nearby Zeds, patched his wounds and he was concious again soon after. I was taking a risk because he could have very well shot me when he got up, but he thanked me and didn't shoot.

I didn't have any morphine so I offered to drive up to Stary where he could get some. We jumped on my ATV and headed out, and on the way there a bunch of KoSers with DMRs who started shooting at us. Good thing they were crap shots and didn't land a single hit... with a DMR, while I was going like 60 on an ATV. I got him the morphine, and I got him a cheap vehicle so he could drive up to his friends body (who was shot before this guy got to my barn, probs by those snipers). He thanked me again, we parted ways.

So while I didn't exactly get something out of it (in fact I lost gold), it was a fun dayz experience and it made the game more interesting. 

And this is coming from the guy with -135,000 humanity that backstabbed a guy for gear. I can be nice too, you know?

Edited by LiftCore

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the satisfaction that you are not an ass mostly, then you can say Wow I just made this game interesting for that guy, i hope he won't quit!


Expect our dear friend Ozelot to take sad and pathetic satisfaction from angering another person. He's just one of those people that are part of this community. The part that consists of mountain dew and virtual courage. Strangely the call of duty community shares the same thing... Odd.

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Expect our dear friend Ozelot to take sad and pathetic satisfaction from angering another person. He's just one of those people that are part of this community. The part that consists of mountain dew and virtual courage. Strangely the call of duty community shares the same thing... Odd.

Mountain dew is nasty ass shit.


I drink sake for entertainment purposes. Does not killing on sight get me more sake? If it doesn't then why would I bother?

Edited by Ozelot

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player with gun in my area is problem, player no gun in my area where there is gun is problem :huh:


I remove all problem use maximum efficient method ;)


if he have gun ignore my warn I try kill


if he don't have gun and ignore my warn I follow when he pick up gun I try kill


is nothing more simple or quick like single bullet to player head quick loot and go :thumbsup: :ph34r:

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If the player isn't seeing me and has their back turned to me, I'll tell them to drop their gun and not turn around.

Everyone has turned around so far, so I shot them.

It's basically KoS, but you don't feel like a dick because you know they were actually hostile.

However, if the person actually would drop their weapon, I would ask them about their health, shoot them if they have enough health to put them unconcious, bandage them and get the hell out of there.

Edited by Firewarrior64
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If the player isn't seeing me and has their back turned to me, I'll tell them to drop their gun and not turn around.

Everyone has turned around so far, so I shot them.

It's basically KoS, but you don't feel like a dick because you know they were actually hostile.

However, if the person actually would drop their weapon, I would ask them about their health, shoot them if they have enough health to put them unconcious, bandage them and get the hell out of there.




good system except  waste of one bandage :thumbsup:  ;)  :emptycan:

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Sounds like too much effort to be honest I'd just make myself scarce knowing I'm no longer alone around here.


I feel a little more secure If I separate ammunition from any weapon I find if I'm in a city but who knows if that has saved me.

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I saw a guy fighting off some zombies in a shed today-after trying to get his attention a couple of times I figured I might as well shoot him because we are in the same area and he isn't communicating. I hit him a couple of times before he says not kill him he is friendly-I figure why not try to just help him out. So he comes out and i get him to come up to the floor I was on and I bloodbag him-he was pretty happy, and it turned out he was pretty decent and kind of funny. A bloodsucker showed up so I gave him my AK so we could kill it quickly-I did wonder if he would shoot me once I gave it to him, but he didn't. We teamed up for an hour or so, getting parts to fix a truck, and I watched out as he fixed it up. A player turned up and started shooting, so while my new buddy drove off I followed the player and was going to shoot him when I get hit from the rooftop and die. Sadly I lost track of the dude, but that was the best game of Dayz I've played(i'm only a month in though). All because I gave a player a chance.

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If he has anything of interest, I will shoot him and take his stuff. If you're worried about being murdered by other players then go and play on some friendly server where they shoot zombies and kill pigs all day. Sounds boring, but hey, whatever floats your boat.

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Nice idea, but I am no hero...I only help people who know how to help themselves.  Not a bandit either, but I do not Judge those who have the mask.  Been saved too many times by players who did!  Only time I see another player and do not just melt away into the wild is if I know they are hostile.  I do love sniping bandits when they are waiting to ambush people.

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I typically follow these basic guide lines.



Is he in the same building/very close? If so is he armed? Is he communicating? - If He's armed, not communicating, and heading towards me or in the same room, i usaully shoot him.


What gear does he have? - Typically i presume someone with a low-level gun like a shotgun or Ak-74 is hostile. Mostly noobs pick up these horrible guns, and most noobs KoS. I find i'm less likely to get shot from someone with a Sa58. However, ifcsomeone has a sniper rifle, they are almost always bandits (Unless its a CZ550) 


Does he have a vehicle? - Most vehicles i see get a few holes in the wheels


Are there more than one? - I usually avoid groups unless given no other choice. Me and ny friends have scored some good victorys over a rival group on a server, but i usaully play alone, and if i engage other players, i usaully target lone-wolfs.


-what has he been saying in side chat - KoS noobs seem to be anti-social. Bandits and groups always spam.

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